
487 octets ajoutés ,  21 décembre 2016 à 20:44
Ligne 26 : Ligne 26 :  
* Antiscience and ethical concerns associated with advocacy of Lyme disease. Paul G Auwaerter, MD, Johan S Bakken, MD, PhD, Prof Raymond J Dattwyler, MD, Prof J Stephen Dumler, MD, Prof John J Halperin, MD, Edward McSweegan, MD, Prof Robert B Nadelman, MD, Susan O’Connell, MD, Prof Eugene D Shapiro, MD, Prof Sunil K Sood, MD, Prof Allen C Steere, MD, Prof Arthur Weinstein, MD, and Prof Gary P Wormser, MD Published: September 2011
* Antiscience and ethical concerns associated with advocacy of Lyme disease. Paul G Auwaerter, MD, Johan S Bakken, MD, PhD, Prof Raymond J Dattwyler, MD, Prof J Stephen Dumler, MD, Prof John J Halperin, MD, Edward McSweegan, MD, Prof Robert B Nadelman, MD, Susan O’Connell, MD, Prof Eugene D Shapiro, MD, Prof Sunil K Sood, MD, Prof Allen C Steere, MD, Prof Arthur Weinstein, MD, and Prof Gary P Wormser, MD Published: September 2011
* Does Everybody Have Chronic Lyme Disease? Does Anyone? Harriet Hall on September 3, 2013
* Does Everybody Have Chronic Lyme Disease? Does Anyone? Harriet Hall on September 3, 2013
* Updating the Rogues Gallery of LLMDs. 26 Jan 2008. [...]<br>April 23, 2002. Dr. Joseph Burrascano, following hearing before the New York State OPMC on his medical treatments of Lyme patients, was placed on probation with a practice monitor.<br>2001. Dr. Richard Horowitz, who had been in hearings with the NYS OPMC since the spring of 2001, was offered a settlement consisting of three months suspension.
== Références ==
== Références ==
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