− | Since at least since March 2008, the solar-collector assembler [http://www.psiram.com/ge/index.php?title=Werner_Altnickel Werner Altnickel] was allowed to give lectures at the VHS Oldenburg on the pseudo-scientific conspiracy theory of chemtrails and the ionospheric research program [http://www.psiram.com/ge/index.php?title=HAARP HAARP] for a paying audience. After paying 12 EUR, the course participants learn how HAARP allegedly acts as "ionospheric heater", "opens" ozone holes, "directs storms" and creates tsunamis and earthquakes.<ref>Volkshochschule Oldenburg, Kursprogramm Ratgeber und Praxis, Natur (Courses 'Guidebook and praxis, nature'). Die Macht über das Wetter - Chemische und elektromagnetische Wettermanipulationen (Weather at disposal – Chemical and electromagnetic weather manipulations). According to the opinion of the speaker, since more than 55 years health- and live-damaging weather manipulations take place. In 1977, in Geneva the ENMOD-convention on outlawing artificial earthquakes and tsunamis, the selective opening of ozone holes, the directing of storms and the electrical manipulation of the ionosphere etc was worked out. In 1998 the EU met to outlaw installations like the »ionosphere heater« HAARP, without success. Werner Altnickel. One-time presentation (4 lessons), Tuesday, February 16,2010, 7pm - 10pm. Meeting place: Wilhelm- Kempin-Str. 55 , 25 participants, € 12 , Kursnummer X19500. Volkshochschule Oldenburg e.V. - Telefon: (0441) 92391-0 , Telefax: (0441) 92391-13 E-Mail: info@vhsol.de, Internet: www.vhs-ol.de , Wallstraße 17 (Am Waffenplatz) 26122 Oldenburg</ref><ref>http://reflexion.blogsport.de/tag/chemtrail</ref> Altnickel is neither meteorologist nor geophysicist and therefore utters layperson speculations. Beginning of 2010 it became known that the department head of the VHS, [http://www.psiram.com/ge/index.php?title=Claudia_Grove Claudia Grove], who is responsible for administering the courses of the VHS, personally lobbied for including the absurd conspiracy theories of Altnickel in the courses offered at the VHS Oldenburg. In an e-mail addressed to a person complaining about spreading such conspiracy theories by abusing a public institution Grove said: ''Dear Mr. XXX, in your e-mail of January, 17<sup>th</sup> you showed that you are an attentive reader of our course program. Of course we are really glad about this and are open to critical comments. Of course it belongs to the duties of a adult education center to inform about debatable themes. This includes information about chemtrails, the existence of which is indisputable. We were surprised, though, that you expressed such a keen critic without revealing yourself. Kind regards, Claudia Grove'' | + | Since at least since March 2008, the solar-collector assembler [http://www.psiram.com/ge/index.php?title=Werner_Altnickel Werner Altnickel] was allowed to give lectures at the VHS Oldenburg on the pseudo-scientific conspiracy theory of chemtrails and the ionospheric research program [http://www.psiram.com/ge/index.php?title=HAARP HAARP] for a paying audience. After paying 12 EUR, the course participants learn how HAARP allegedly acts as "ionospheric heater", "opens" ozone holes, "directs storms" and creates tsunamis and earthquakes.<ref>Volkshochschule Oldenburg, Kursprogramm Ratgeber und Praxis, Natur (Courses 'Guidebook and praxis, nature'). Die Macht über das Wetter - Chemische und elektromagnetische Wettermanipulationen (Weather at disposal – Chemical and electromagnetic weather manipulations). According to the opinion of the speaker, since more than 55 years health- and live-damaging weather manipulations take place. In 1977, in Geneva the ENMOD-convention on outlawing artificial earthquakes and tsunamis, the selective opening of ozone holes, the directing of storms and the electrical manipulation of the ionosphere etc was worked out. In 1998 the EU met to outlaw installations like the »ionosphere heater« HAARP, without success. Werner Altnickel. One-time presentation (4 lessons), Tuesday, February 16,2010, 7pm - 10pm. Meeting place: Wilhelm- Kempin-Str. 55 , 25 participants, € 12 , Kursnummer X19500. Volkshochschule Oldenburg e.V. - Telefon: (0441) 92391-0 , Telefax: (0441) 92391-13 E-Mail: info@vhsol.de, Internet: www.vhs-ol.de , Wallstraße 17 (Am Waffenplatz) 26122 Oldenburg</ref><ref>http://reflexion.blogsport.de/tag/chemtrail</ref> Altnickel is neither meteorologist nor geophysicist and therefore utters layperson speculations. Beginning of 2010 it became known that the department head of the VHS, [http://www.psiram.com/ge/index.php?title=Claudia_Grove Claudia Grove], who is responsible for administering the courses of the VHS, personally lobbied for including the absurd conspiracy theories of Altnickel in the courses offered at the VHS Oldenburg. In an e-mail addressed to a person complaining about spreading such conspiracy theories by abusing a public institution Grove said: ''Dear Mr. XXX, in your e-mail of January, 17<sup>th</sup> you showed that you are an attentive reader of our course program. Of course we are really glad about this and are open to critical comments. Of course it belongs to the duties of an adult education center to inform about debatable themes. This includes information about chemtrails, the existence of which is indisputable. We were surprised, though, that you expressed such a keen critic without revealing yourself. Kind regards, Claudia Grove'' |