Diskussion:Ebola-Mission von Homöopathen 2014
LIGA News 2015
Quelle: https://www.svha.ch/uploaded/files/LIGA_NEWSLETTER_14.pdf
THE LIGA NEWS • April 2015 • www.lmhi.org
Report of the Ebola Mission to Liberia from LMHI
17th of October to 7th of November 2014
After 2 1/2 months of preparation a team of four homeopathic doctors started their mission to relieve the consequences of the Ebola outbreak from February/March 2014 which reached a peak in August 2014; at least in the region where we finally and after careful study and outweighing of all alternatives chose to go, Ganta United Missionary Hospital in Nimba County. On arrival, the last Ebola patient had died prior to our possible help. We were forbidden to treat any EBV infected person and after some discussion anew with representatives of the Liberian Health Authorities, three of us four decided to treat all the other (in- and out-)patients including EBV survivors.The experience was positive and inspiring for all of us.
History of our endeavor:
In August 2014, the LMHI, together with the German Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVHÄ), decided to respond to the plead for international support to fight the Ebola epidemic that had already cost the lives of many people in some West African countries. In early August, the president of LMHI, Dr.Renzo Galassi, asked the members of the LMHI for collaboration to work on the issue. International Collaboration and Solidarity with our not so well off brothers and sisters all around the world had been one of his aims. By the end of August, the first team was formed consisting of Dr Richard Hiltner, Dr Medha Durge and myself.
In 2010, the President of Liberia, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson herself had asked for homeopathy to be the third line of medicine for her country and contacted Homeopathy without Borders (HOG, Germany) to establish a formal training in Monrovia at The JFKennedy Hospital. However, this project got stranded in the internal alleys of the Ministry of Health.
In August and September of 2014, the President herself had repeatedly asked for support in the fight against Ebola, especially and expressively to Germany and the USA as nations with resources to share funds and expertise in times of crisis. The months of September and October were filled with preparative telephone conferences, contacts to all possible entities that could help us with the access to the good starting point in Liberia.
In September 2014, five members of a research team in Sierra Leone tragically died in fast succession just before publishing an article in Science on the origin of the virus. The WHO published in their guidelines the need for collaboration with CAM particularly in these cases of diseases that had no successful treatment nor vaccine as yet. The WHO authorized Glaxo Smith Kline to develop a vaccine. Dr. Ortrud Lindemann Ganta United Missionary Hospital (GUMH) was chosen because of the long lasting relationship with a German based NGO (Non-Government Organization) based in Leipzig ( Freunde Liberia ́s e.V. Friends of Liberia) and the possibility to contact before hand to prepare well for our stay and endeavor. The contact was established with the Medical Director, Dr. Albert Willicore, and the Hospital Administrator, Victor Doolakeh Taryor. The disease had not cost any lives among the health workers of GUMH. Background of the disease: The virus was first observed and described in Congo in 1976 on the banks of the River Ebola, an ARN virus that belongs to the family of the Filoviridae. It is patented in the USA and classified as an agent of biosecurity level 4, category A. The recent outbreak started in Guinea Conakry in February 2014, rapidly spread to Liberia; where in Ganta in March the first patient was spotted. The disease reached a peak in August 2014 in Ganta, Nimba County. Careful and strict hygienic measures were taken. The death rate from the infected of these new viral strains were considered around 70% depending on many factors like general health, nutrition, socioeconomic factors etc. EVD was classified as an epidemic; however, statistically corresponds to an endemic. ( Dr.X. Uriarte ,17.09.2014) In the many victims, concomitant diseases were Malaria, Aids and others. Other hemorrhagic fevers are caused by Lassa fever, Enterovirus, Yellow Fever, Aids and Malaria and are sometimes difficult to be differentiated. Lab tests are required to establish the correct diagnosis.
Organization before hand:
Our volunteer group was firmly supported and coordinated by Dr. Altunay Agaoglu with her outstanding profesional, personal skills and attitude.
Dr Curt Kösters and Dr Cornelia Bajic gave all the professional and structural know how and worked day and night on the Project; opening paths to official recognition by the Liberian Authorities assisted by the Consul to Liberia Michael Kölsch. Only the American Branch of Liberian Embassies gave the visas in direct application forms. The Chinese, Japanese, French and Spanish embassies were overwhelmed. The Ambassador to Germany, Ethel Davis, helped with official visas and gave necessary advice. The President of Liberia knew of our group.
In regular international telephone conferences, we all got familiar, were updated and developed common strategies. We gained two further members who soon strongly contributed to our project: Christine Wittenburg and Dr. Edouard Broussalian. The latter joined in the last moment and participated in our first group.
Professor Dr. Ashley Ross developed and designed a protocol for documentation and basic research which was presented to the Health Ministry of Liberia and their Ethic Committee prior to our arrival. We were freely given all the required remedies by Brita Gudjons, Robert Müntz and the Hahnemannian Pharmacy.
LMHI President Renzo Galassi wrote a letter about our aid mission which to all LMHI members and to all the homeopathic community and requested help and support. Fortunately, we saw that there are too many people who were willing to help both materially and spirutually, and they made donations.
We could not materialized this mission without the help of their donations. I, again thank to all this kindness and to all the help on behalf of my team and LMHI.
Teaching for epidemic outbreaks:
The crucial point, however, was to be able to handle the patients with homeopathic remedies. Dr. André Saine from Canada held two excellent Webinars for us with the aim to not lose one patient in the course of the treatment. 110 remedies were determined in five different potencies. The teaching was comprehensive and intense. Interaction was possible to clarify some doubts and André was to be our 24/7 on-call-background for difficult or overwhelming cases. With his tremendous knowledge in clinical Hahnemannian homeopathy, we all felt enriched and gained security in our prescription skills.
Through him and the German Web page, we had all the necessary back up from publications during centuries of the management of epidemics which should later come handy when on the ground, but difficult to overcome obstacles by skeptics.
Practical aspects of our journey:
Our personal and very important altogether aim was to not cause any burden on our hosts by falling sick. The main dangers being malaria and its prophylaxis, gastrointestinal problems, heat management and hygiene in general. We decided to take Artemisia annua tea three times a day together with potent, but natural insect repellents. We were prepared for a few days if not having enough food by bringing basic food supplies that could serve for the odd days. This included a good vitamin C supply as well as garlic to care for our intestinal health. The Yellow Fever Vaccine had to be given at least 10 days prior to entering the country or if once obtained during our lifetime would proved to be enough as a requirement for the Visa. We were lucky to have colleagues in our team that were all acquainted with basic living standards and the prevention of common diseases in tropical countries. Only two of us had been before in Africa, especially, West Africa.
Team work:
Another classical challenge of an international team of homeopathic physicians is team work in extreme circumstances. We are from three continents and four different “schools” of homeopathy with different approaches to remedy choice and also potency choice and administration. All of us are experienced prescribers; all of us have worked with severe and acutely sick patients in more than basic conditions. All of us had worked in international teams before. The choice of a team leader only made it seemingly easier. There were some enriching discussions on remedies and approaches. Other difficult to make decisions had to do with the “ How to proceed” manual in the tense moments. The fact that we were two male and two female participants made it easier. The fact of respecting our different experiences in completely different fields ( hospitals, patient numbers, lowest hygienic standards, undernourished patients, consequences of poverty in all different ways,communication standards etc.) as well. We managed to mainly be complementary. The biggest draw back proved to be unnecessary heroism in each of us; the most important help, humor; the desire to help one another out in vision of the outstanding hospitality and group behavior of our incredible hosts. Eating together and sharing the same space made us soon believe we had known one another for a long time.
Cultural adaptation:
In working and living experiences in a completely different environment which includes different races, climate, religion, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, it was extremely important to go well prepared knowing about the immediate and fundamental history and reality of the people and place you encounter. Liberia is a special place in many ways. It was the openness of our hosts mainly that made it easy for us. We were fully accepted (except for political issues that had nothing to do with us personally) and more so, appreciated by the vast majority of the people, especially in Ganta Hospital. Within less than a day, the news had spread who had arrived and that implied the many beggars in and out of the hospital ( one of the not so easy parts). Accommodation and food were so well arranged by three women from neighboring villages used to care for the “White,” that is, was difficult to actually “miss that something”. However, it is well worth the while to spend as much time as you can on getting familiar with the country and its habits. I myself found videos, two important and inspiring books and the beforehand contact to Liberians, in particular, most helpful. Also, for homeopathic prescribing, it is most important to find out what is normal in which place and circumstance. As Jeremy Sherr says after years of experience in Tanzania: In Africa you just have one mind symptom: “I am hungry”.
Homeopathic achievements:
After being forbidden to treat Ebola patients in Liberia, first, by Dr. Kateh, then by Dr. Bawoo, and finally by Dr. Steven Kennedy representing the Liberian Health Authority ((and sponsored by the WHO) already on day six and thus our first day of patient contact, three of our team then proceeded to treat all the patients that were transferred to us by the Medical Director of the Ganta United Missionary Hospital: Dr. Albert Willicore; who, previously to our stay, only had a very unclear vision about homeopathy.
After starting each of us on one of the three wards and in the outpatient department seeing everyday as many patients as we could manage, we soon organized a teaching session on homeopathy which was frequented by more than thirty collaborators who even after three hours could not cease to ask questions as to the theoretical and practical background of homeopathy. From that day on, our OPD was frequented by a rising number of patients. Many nurses and hospital workers asked for treatment and we tried to manage in the limited amount of time and space. By the end of our stay, there were long queues outside the hospital to consult with us ( and not because we were foreign, they were used to being exposed to staff from all over the place for some periods of time).
Within no time homeopathy proved to be a most beneficial complement to the day and night surgical efforts of our inspiring and admirable colleagues, two from Liberia and one from Congo.
We were able to treat the most acute and severe states of disease like patients with meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, skin infections, secondary infections due to diabetes, burns, surgery like amputations, child birth etc. Apart from the many with endemic Malaria, TB, Aids... Many patients had high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, asthma, chronically festering wounds, chronic heart and kidney failure. One of us worked on the obstetrics and gynecological ward. The results were remarkably good in spite of all the odds and nearly all of our patients being on several drugs at a time. Blood pressure turned to normal ( even in a chronic patient); wounds could heal impressively and sometimes only explainable by the use of homeopathy; many a women could deliver vaginally and thus avoid the hazards of surgical interventions; some stroke patients improved unexpectedly; some babies were resuscitated and remedies like Opium, Antimonium tart, Aconitum helped them back to life.
All of us had our successes and the hospital began to voice that they wanted a proper education in homeopathy to be able to achieve themselves what homeopathy had showed them as possible. All of our cases were documented, some gave us a later e-mail or telephone follow up.
We treated more then one patient who had survived EVD, but was still suffering from the consequences. Also the many affected by the fear and panic created as a consequence ( Gels, Arg nit, Acon, Stram...)
The experience was most challenging, but rewarding on all the possible levels improving our expertise. However, I must say I have never seen as many patients die in such a short time, especially, children, babies and women in labour due to scarcity of means and staff.
Personal difficulties:
The main difficulties had to do with a lack of communication before hand and a clear outline of the aims and limits of our common endeavor. Not all of us found the living conditions easy to adapt to. Not all of us understood what it needs to work in a team in all moments. We are just so used to work by ourselves usually....
The fact that we were forbidden to treat Ebola patients was the major draw back, of course. There was no support from the WHO whatsoever ( in fact quite the opposite), The research protocol was not interpreted in our favor at all and created a hostile attitude even prior to our arrival at Ganta Hospital. The fact of trying to produce a nosode was definitely not understood by the local and national authorities.
The persecution by the press that got hold of some information that was meant to be internal was a severe draw back and problem for some of us. Even months afterwards, we were still interviewed, phoned and visited in our private homes (!!!) by representatives of the international press.
The classical skeptics called us mass murders and other not so beautiful names. Experiences already shared by colleagues who had worked on delicate subjects like children infected with Aids and other diseases with “political” interest.
Learning process:
The main thing to be learnt was humbleness and togetherness.
That holds true on an international level in view of the necessity of collaboration between the LIGA and national organizations , doctors and non doctor homeopaths, doctors and pharmacists, volunteers and background workers, doctors and our patients, doctors and our local colleagues, volunteers and our hosts and so on.
Especially in times of crisis we all need one another and as homeopaths we have a simple, beautiful and common ground : the highest purpose being to restore the sick to health! And that by the Law of Similars. That is why we went! And that is what we did.
We all are grateful for the experience and the even months afterwards still flowing flood of communication shows that it was well worth the while even if we could not touch nor treat even one EVD patient.
Ortrud Lindemann Barcelona, 20.01.2015
55 years old, born and studied medicine mainly in Germany , 36 years dedicated to homeopathy Working in Barcelona, Spain where she cofounded 16 years ago Marenostrum, a multi professional health center for family health, published books and numerous articles on homeopathy,teaching doctors and midwives since 25 years Cofounded Bhaktapur International Homeopathic Clinic and thus helped to establish homeopathy in Nepal on a teaching and treatment level for the first time fully recognized by the Nepali government Responded to the Liga call in august 2014 for the Ebola Relief Action Currently busy with the development of a Casa de Paso for the terminally sick in Spain
LIGA NEWS Electronic Newsletter of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis • No. 13 • November 2014 Topics
President’s editorial Editor’s note In memoriam: Fruzsina Gabor New members of the Executive Committee, by Renzo Galassi Dr. Ulrich D. Fischer, president of Honor of the LMHI, by Renzo Galassi • Some Interesting Anecdotes about Case Taking and Case Analysis, by Andrè Saine LMHI President’s editorial, • The Logic of Homeopathy, by Ulrich Fischer • Some Oncological cases, by Dario Spinedi • Scientific framework 2013 under revision, by Rajkumar Manchanda • Liga meets a country, Iran, by Marziyeh Shenavar • Next LMHI Congress in Brasil • Quiz Corner, By Pietro Gulia
LMHI President’s editorial, by, Renzo Galassi Dear Colleagues, we come back to our ordinary life after a summer of activities and emotions. We were able to meet in Paris for the 69th LMHI Congress and it was a good event. As every congress we had very interesting scientific papers and a lot of possibilities to exchange our ideas about our wonderful and unique Medicine. During the previous meetings, the Executive Committee meeting and the International Council, we had the possibility to face and talk about the problems of our world association. There were many topics on the table, administrative and financial ones, but also philanthropic proposals. My idea, together with the newly elected Secretary for PR, Dr. Antonio Marques Arpa, from Tenerife Isle (Spain), was accepted and now we deal with a new Working Group on Solidarity and Co-operation. This is the Liga that I like! A Liga with a big Heart, a Liga with its eyes in the direction of the poor and countries with difficulties. It is not foolish sentimentalism, but the only way to give life to a world association that risks entering the dry paths of simple political, financial and power perspectives. Over the last months, the Ebola emergency has pushed us to start with an “Ebola relief action” and I was surprised to see how much Love some colleagues were ready to put on the table. Colleagues ready to go out in the field, under the threat of their own life. I am proud to be the president of such an association! Of course we had to face difficulties with the project and while we were ready to go, the experts were ready to study the Genius of the epidemic, some Laboratories offered their remedies, the political and bureaucratic problems stopped us and our volunteers couldn’t treat Ebola patients. It’s a pity because we know that Homeopathy can offer real relief to the ill people of Africa. Let’s see what can rise from this
experience for the future, in any case we can say that we have tried to do our best. Let’s hope that from now until our next Congress in Rio de Janeiro, in August, good news will fill our daily life, a life of work and study, under the example of our Master Samuel Hahnemann. Kind regards Dr. Renzo Galassi – LMHI President
The LMHI press release team
With pleasure we announce to all the colleagues and members of the LMHI that a Press release team has been formed. The members of the Team are: Dr. Altunay Agaoglu, LMHI treasurer (Turkey), Dr. Andrè Saine (Canada), Antonio Marques Arpa, LMHI secretary for PR (Tenerife, Spain), Prof. Ashley Ross, LMHI Coordinator for Provings (South Africa), Dr. Dan Cook, Editor of the American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (USA), Dr. Irene Sebastian, President of the American Institute of Homeopathy (USA), Dr. Jelka Milic, LMHI General Secretary ( Croatia), Dr. Rajkumar Manchanda, LMHI Secretary for Research (India), Dr. Richard Hiltner, LMHI Secretary for Newsletter (USA) Dr. Todd Hoover, Former President of the AIH and LMHI NVP for USA (USA). To the colleagues, we give the best wishes of the LMHI Executive Committee for a good work on behalf of the Truth and of our wonderful Medicine.
THE LIGA NEWS • November 2014 • www.lmhi.org
2 LIGA NEWS Editor’s Note Dr. Richard Hiltner
Dear colleagues,
I am writing this Editors Note three weeks after I arrived back from Liberia. All of my team colleagues are doing very well. I feel fine and trying to catch up on my work. I wish also to thank very much Karl Robinson for his volunteering to go to Liberia in the next team.
I wish to especially thank my dear friends and colleagues of the Ebola project team: Ortrud Lindemann (Barcelona, Spain), Medha Durge (India) and Ed Broussalian (Switzerland). I learned a great deal from them and saw how deeply their warm hearts wish to ease the pain of people not only with the Ebola virus but also the patients in the Ganta hospital.
Much thanks to Renzo Galassi, President of the LMHI, for his enthusiasm, warm heart and organizational skill. I also wish to thank especially Altunay (Treasurer for the LMH I and project coordinator) for all the tremendous work she did to help us on this journey.
Ortrud gave in her excellent final report a much more detail summary of the main people that were so helpful to our team; to name just a few: Curt Kösters, Cornelia Bajic, Andre Saine, all of the Executive Committee, the pharmacies donation of medicines, and many others.
She also listed the various members of the Ganta hospital, such as Victor Doolakeh Taryor (Chief Administrator and ever present guide and instructor), Dr Willicore, (Chief Hospital Physician), Head Nurse Nora and so many others for their compassion, advice and cooperation.
The people in Liberia were very friendly and caring and there was much beauty in its green rolling hills.
I’m very happy that I participated in this project. Even though we did not obtain all that we wished due to bureaucracy in treating Ebola patients, the Ganta hospital was able to see the value of homeopathy. My Colleagues and I treated approximately 30 patients, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, inpatients and outpatients with generally good results. Hopefully, with the follow-up of other teams, Liberia will be able to help much of its illnesses with homeopathy.
Leaving you on a happy note, Ortrud and Medha took a picture of the rear of a large truck on a bumpy road with a sign saying: WHY WORRY
Onwards and upwards. Richard
THE LIGA NEWS • November 2014 • www.lmhi.org
dokumentierter Artikel Planete Homeopathie: Actualités 12/10/2014 Protégé : Mission Ebola
Planete Homeopathie
Actualités 12/10/2014
Protégé : Mission Ebola
Les évènements se sont un peu précipités, mais la nouvelle a fini par arriver: je dois rejoindre une équipe de médecins homéopathes Allemands pour le Liberia où nous avons une invitation officielle du gouvernement.
Bild: Emak-Ebola-310714e
L’expédition est coordonnée par mon ami André Saine qui a rassemblé de nombreux documents relatifs au traitement de la fièvre jaune, notamment aux USA, par nos prédécesseurs. Entre leurs mains la mortalité tombait à pratiquement 0%. Basiquement Ebola est une sorte de fièvre jaune, et tout comme elle, présente de très nombreuses manifestations diverses, mais son évolution est très rapide, il n’y a pas de seconde semaine, en général.
La maladie peut être divisée arbitrairement en 4 stades:
1) Frissons, fièvre et violentes céphalées: la maladie commence en général par la fièvre et des maux de tête intenses le premier jour. Puis le second jour fatigue intense, douleur généralisée, et perte d’appétit.
2) Nausée, vomissements, diarrhée, conjonctivite, agitation, prostration, ulcères des lèvres, soif très importante sont les signes majeurs du 3ème jour. La dysphagie, la dyspnée et la conjonctivite sont typiquement plus marqués le 4ème jour.
3) Hémorragies. Des hémorragies mineures peuvent démarrer au 3è-4é jour mais les formes majeures (méléna, hématémèse) démarrent vers J5 ou J7, ce qui peut se terminer en coma et mort.
Les signes les plus communs d’hémorragies mineures sont les suintements par la moindre plaie, les gencives (32% ce qui est pronostic de gravité), les signes majeurs comme les hématémèses (56%) ou la diarrhée sanglante (55%)
Globalement la survenue d’hémorragies visibles sont des signes de mauvais pronostic, sauf peut être pour les méléna et les selles sanglantes qui sont parfois notés au début de la maladie et surviennent aussi bien chez les survivants que les non-survivants.
La plupart des non survivants sont morts dans des états stuporeux, en choc et tachypnée. Ce dernier signe est très significatif pour le pronostic vital, probablement puisqu’il apparaît dans les heures précédant la mort.
Les hoquets sont relativement fréquents (15% des cas), et étonnants, ils sembles caractériser une issue fatale.
4) Convalescence. Les séquelles à long terme sont la surdité ou les acouphènes.
Convié à participer à la première équipe par André Saine du fait de mon expérience dans le traitement du choléra en Haïti, j’espère pouvoir me rendre utile. Nous devrions avoir en arrivant 2 jours d’entraînement pour porter l’affreuse tenue protectrice qui doit nous permettre d’approcher les malades. La chose n’est même pas certaine puisque nous ne sommes pas certains de voir des malades dès le début. Peut être il aura-t-il des empêchements comme ce fut le cas initialement en Haïti.
Si nous voyons des cas, j’espère parvenir très vite lors de l’examen clinique à déterminer les quelques signes caractéristiques qui nous indiqueront un médicament épidémique. J’attends alors des résultats très favorables qui doivent se manifester en quelques heures. Notre objectif est d’approcher les 0% de mortalité obtenus par nos aînés. Au pire nous ne risquons que la maladie ou le ridicule, n’est-ce pas? Et nous aurons aussi la possibilité de soigner de nombreux autres malades porteurs de pathologies tout aussi fréquentes mais moins “à la mode”.
Témoignage d’un médecin homéopathe qui a soigné des centaines de cas en 1869. Le texte en anglais vous donne une idée des résultats vertigineux atteints par les homéopathes à l’époque, et encore Holcombe n’était certainement pas plus qu’un simple débutant…
Mes notes sur les médicaments dont nous risquons d’avoir besoin. A partir des maigres éléments cliniques à notre disposition, j’ai effectué une première étude pour nous permettre de cibler le groupe des médicaments potentiels. L’hydrogénure d’arsenic pointe en tête, avec les venins de serpents (dont la réputation dans la fièvre jaune ou les affections avec des troubles de la coagulation n’est plus à faire) avec Lachesis et surtout Crotalus. Nous n’oublions surtout pas Cantharis qui présente énormément des signes de la maladie. Mais il convient de nous rendre au chevet des patients sans parti pris et d’écouter le langage de la nature.
Je m’excuse donc de la désorganisation des cours jusqu’au 31 octobre, ainsi que du planning des consultations. Nécessité fait loi, nous avons un devoir éthique de porter du secours à ces populations démunies, et de leur apporter si tout se passe comme prévu une arme formidable et quasiment gratuite contre ce fléau. Forts de l’expérience à venir nous pourrons sans doute soigner les cas européens s’ils devaient se présenter. Enfin, c’est une occasion unique de démontrer la valeur de l’homéopathie. On nous dénigrera bien sûr, on contestera que les malades guéris fussent malades, mais nous espérons en soigner un si grand nombre qu’il n’y aura pas de contestation possible. Les marchands de vaccins expérimentaux pourront alors aller se rhabiller.
Quelle: http://www.planete-homeo.org/mission-ebola/ (nur mit Password lesbar. Das Password ist leicht zu erraten: "Ebola")
Übersetzung ins Englische:
Protected: Mission Ebola News 12/10/2014 Protected: Mission Ebola
The events were a little rushed, but the news finally came: I have to join a team of homeopaths Germans to Liberia where we have an official invitation of the government doctors.
L'expédition is coordinated by my friend André Saine has collected numerous documents relating to the treatment of yellow fever, including the USA, by our predecessors. In their hands the mortality fell to almost 0%.
Ebola is basically a kind of yellow fever, and as she has very many different manifestations, but its evolution is very fast, there is no second week in general.
The disease can be arbitrarily divided into four stages:
1) Chills, fever and severe headache: disease usually begins with a fever and severe headache on the first day. Then the second day extreme fatigue, generalized pain, and loss of appetite.
2) Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, agitation, prostration, ulcers of the lips, very important thirst are the major signs of the 3rd day. Dysphagia, dyspnea, and conjunctivitis are typically marked the fourth day.
3) hemorrhage. Minor bleeding can start the 3rd-4é day but major forms (melena, hematemesis) start to J5 or J7, which may end in coma and death. The most common signs of minor bleeding are seeps through any wound, gums (32% regards prognosis of gravity), the major signs such as hematemesis (56%) or bloody diarrhea (55%)
Overall the occurrence of visible bleeding are signs of a poor prognosis, except perhaps for melena and bloody stools that are sometimes noted at the beginning of the disease and occur both in survivors and non-survivors. Most non-survivors died in stuporous states, shock and tachypnea. This sign is very significant for the prognosis, since it appears likely in the hours preceding death. Hiccups are relatively frequent (15% of cases), and amazing, they seem to characterize fatal.
4) Convalescence. The long-term sequelae are deafness or tinnitus.
Invited to participate in the first team by André Saine because of my experience in the treatment of cholera in Haiti, I hope to make myself useful.
We should have arrived two days drive to bring the terrible protective clothing that will allow us to approach malades.
La thing is not even sure since we are not certain to see patients early on. Maybe he will he impediments as was initially the case in Haiti.
If we see, I hope soon arrive at the clinic to identify some typical signs that will tell us a drug epidemic examination.
I then expect very favorable results which must occur within hours. Our goal is to approach the 0% mortality obtained by our seniors.
At worst we run the risk that the disease or ridiculous, is not it? And we also have the opportunity to treat many more patients carrying equally common diseases but less "fashionable".
Testimony of a homeopathic doctor who treated hundreds of cases in 1869. The English text gives you an idea dizzying results achieved by homeopaths at the time, and still Holcombe was certainly not more than a beginner ...
My notes on the medicines we may need. From the meager clinical data at our disposal, I made a first study to allow us to identify the group of potential drugs. The hydrogénure arsenic in the lead, with snake venom (whose reputation in the yellow fever or diseases with coagulation disorders is more to do) with Lachesis and Crotalus above.
We let's not forget that this enormously Cantharis signs of the disease. But should we make at the bedside without bias and listen to the language of nature.
I apologize for the disruption of ongoing until October 31, and the schedule of appointments. Necessity knows no law, we have an ethical duty to bring relief to the poor, and to provide them if everything goes as planned and a formidable weapon against the scourge almost free.
With the experience to come we will probably treat European cases should they arise.
Finally, this is a unique opportunity to demonstrate the value of homeopathy.
We disparage course, we disagree that the cured patients were sick, but we hope to treat so many that there will be no dispute. The merchants of experimental vaccines can then get dressed.
E. B.
Daily Mail Artikel 14. November 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Homeopaths sent to deadly Ebola hotspot to treat victims with ARSENIC and SNAKE VENOM
Team spent days in remote Liberian hospital to prove that remedies work
They planned to treat victims with 'rattlesnake venom' and 'Spanish Fly'
Boasted of the 'unique opportunity' presented by deadly Ebola outbreak
Claimed they would treat all European victims after proving success
PUBLISHED: 12:27 GMT, 14 November 2014 | UPDATED: 15:28 GMT, 14 November 2014
Ebola victims in one of the hardest-hit parts of Liberia have been treated by homeopaths who are determined to prove that arsenic, rattlesnake venom and the aphrodisiac Spanish Fly can cure Ebola. The homeopaths arrived in Liberia to use the deadly outbreak to prove their controversial theories and have already spent two weeks in the country with patients in a hospital in Ganta, in the north of the country near to the epicentre of the outbreak. In letters and messages seen by Mail Online they revealed that the aim of their mission was to prove that homeopathy could treat Ebola. 'The manufacturers of experimental vaccines will then have to change their opinions,' boasted Dr Edouard Broussalian, one of the team of two men and two women working in the remote area.
The mission was organised by the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, an international group dedicated to promoting homeopathy. A message on its website proclaims the initial visit a success because, it claims, the team's results were so 'impressive' that they were asked to establish a program of homeopathic teaching and treatment at the hospital. 'The mission's broader goal of bringing homeopathy to Liberia is therefore underway, thanks to the four volunteers and their work,' it said. But their intervention has dismayed critics of the controversial technique, whose practitioners use dilutions of substances in water. Mike Noyes, the head of humanitarian response at UK charity ActionAid, which has teams of doctors supporting clinics in Sierra Leone and Liberia, told MailOnline: 'With this crisis, you can't be offering false hope.
'There is no scientific evidence that homeopathy has any impact on dealing with viral disease like Ebola. 'Coming in from the outside with these unproven approaches is damaging to the response and bringing the disease under control.' Homeopaths claim that the way their remedies are prepared - which includes hitting the container 10 times against a leather and horsehair surface - give them a special potency and that the water molecules remember the presence of the active ingredient. Their opponents dismiss the 'treatments' as mumbo-jumbo and fear that desperately-ill Ebola patients will die as a result of their involvement. The homeopaths - all medical doctors by training - arrived in Liberia on October 17 and the intervention of a team of international doctors was initially welcomed by the ministry of health, desperate for help in fighting a virus that has already killed more than 5,000 people.
But the homeopaths suffered a setback when health officials discovered that they intended to experiment with homeopathic treatments on Ebola sufferers. The team was allowed to travel to Ganta United Methodist Hospital, but on strict instructions not to use homeopathic remedies. Whether they followed those instructions is not known because the hospital in Ganta said it did not monitor their activity. When Mail Online went to the hospital to find the doctors, assistant administrator Patrick Mantor said they had left. 'There were four of them. One left earlier and three of them left last Friday. 'They came first to do some homeopathic treatment but the paper arrangement was not made with the ministry of health. They said another group might come. 'They were seeing people with pains and weakness. I wasn't present when they were doing this so I don't know how they treated them. I don't know anything about homeopathy. 'The process is going on in their absence so that they can come back with the proper paperwork.' Dr Moses Massaquoi, head of Ebola case management for the Liberian health ministry, confirmed that the homeopaths had gone to Ganta but he said he was unaware that they were homeopaths when they first arrived. 'I didn't know that they were going to do homeopathy,' he said. He said that the homeopaths had been told that they were not to try to practice homeopathy on Ebola patients, but they were allowed to go to the hospital to help out as physicians. 'They said they wouldn't use any homeopathy,' he said. But the homeopaths hope that they can overcome the initial setback and press on with their mission, and have applied to return to Liberia. Dr Broussalian explained their mission - to discover what homeopathic treatment would cure Ebola - on his own website, Planete Homea, in a post he later deleted. He and his colleagues have made efforts to erase references to their trips after they were seized on by critics, but traces remain on the internet and Mail Online has been able to access much of the original material. In a post [in French] titled Mission Ebola Dr Broussalian explained how they planned to tackle Ebola:
'Using the basic clinical details available to us, I carried out an initial study to allow us to target the group of potential medicines. 'Hydrogenising arsenic the obvious starting point, with serpent venom (the reputation of which in the case of yellow fever or complaints with coagulation problems is no longer useful) with Lachesis and especially Crotalus. In particular we mustn't forget Cantharis which shows a huge number of symptoms of the illness. But we need to be at the bedside of the patients without any foregone conclusions and to listen to what nature tells us.'
Crotalus is rattlesnake venom. Lachesis is the venom of the South American bushmaster snake. Cantharis, obtained from Spanish Fly, can be highly toxic and in sufficient concentration causes urinary and sexual problems. Spanish Fly has long been used as an aphrodisiac.
Dr Broussalian, however, is confident that the potions will help Ebola victims: 'Necessity is the mother of invention, we have an ethical duty to help these depleted populations and if all goes as planned to provide them with a strong and more or less cost-free defence against this scourge. 'Backed by experience in the future we will probably be able to take care the European cases if they should occur. 'Finally, it is a unique opportunity to demonstrate the value of homeopathy. Of course they [their critics] will challenge us as to whether the 'cured patients' were really ill in the first place, but we hope to treat such large numbers that no challenge will be possible. The manufacturers of experimental vaccines will then have to change their opinions.' The four doctors involved in the mission were Dr Richard Hiltner, from California, United States; Dr Edouard Broussalian, from Geneva, Switzerland: Dr Ortrud Lindemann, from Germany, and Dr Medha Durge, from Mumbai, India.
They checked into the Wingus Guesthouse in the capital Monrovia and two days after they arrived, Dr Lindemann wrote a letter to supporters updating them on their progress. Her letter can be found on the Facebook pages of some of those supporters. 'On arrival the atmosphere is tense, we get our aprox temperature taken. Warnings about Ebola everywhere!!!,' she wrote. One piece of their luggage was missing, but she was relieved that it did not include any of the 110 remedies they had brought with them. 'How Could we have dared to go here without our most valuable tools???,' she wrote. The group was met by a small party including a representative of the ministry of foreign affairs and someone from the health department. 'We finally reached after so many weeks of struggling to be able to travel to what we had decided to do. We are destined to help the people of Liberia to fight Ebola Virus Disease with an effective means of fighting epidemics : homeopathic remedies.' Their target was the hospital in Ganta where, Dr Lindemann wrote there were only three Liberian doctors working.
She described meeting the board of the hospital who 'were so interested in our mission that we had a hard time leaving after two hours and asked/ pleaded us to not only stay for our intended three weeks.' The organisers of the mission, the LHMI, say they wrote to the Liberian government in August to offer the services of homeopaths in the treatment of Ebola patients. It said they received an invitation on October 7 and noted that the World Health Organisation had declared the outbreak an international public health emergency and endorsed the use of experimental, unproven and unregistered interventions. It said: 'Even if the homeopathic treatment were to be completely ineffective - which we do not expect - it would still be compliant with the WHO rules. Furthermore a homeopathic treatment with high potencies would have no possible side effect and, in the worst case, the mortality would correspond to that of all other treatment centers.'
The LMHI said it was surprised that the team were not allowed to use homeopathy on Ebola patients during this visit, but put that down to 'a few diplomatic problems'. But it said they had been able to use their skills to treat 'very severe' non-Ebola patients. 'Both hospital and clinic out-patients were seen and treated, with impressive results. The results were so promising that the LMHI were requested on departure to establish a program of homeopathic teaching and treatment in the Hospital. The mission's broader goal of bringing homeopathy to Liberia is therefore underway, thanks to the four volunteers and their work.' There have been a large number of deaths from Ebola in and around Ganta since the start of the outbreak. Ten people died in the space of just 48 hours in September and the hospital now has a specialised Ebola treatment unit. According to his own website, Richard Hiltner has been a medical doctor for 39 year, including 35 as a homeopath. Dr Broussalian is 52 and according to his website started learning homeopathy at the age of 15. Dr Lindemann qualified as a doctor in 1986 in Germany and has been a homeopath since 1989. Dr Durge runs a homeopathy clinic in the Thane district of Mumbai in India. She has been a doctor for 22 years.