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- Il a écrit la préface du livre de Robert Kennedy [ en fait Robert Francis Kennedy Jr], figure anti-vaccination connue aux USA, livre intitulé  “''Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma''”.<ref> BEST OF - Christian Perronne préface le nouveau livre de Robert Kennedy J<br>Best of - "Robert Kennedy Jr. apporte des preuves intangibles dans ce livre". Auteur de la préface du nouveau livre de Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, le Pr Christian Perronne était sur notre plateau pour présenter cet ouvrage</ref>
- Il a écrit la préface du livre de Robert Kennedy [ en fait Robert Francis Kennedy Jr], figure anti-vaccination connue aux USA, livre intitulé  “''Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma''”.<ref> BEST OF - Christian Perronne préface le nouveau livre de Robert Kennedy J<br>Best of - "Robert Kennedy Jr. apporte des preuves intangibles dans ce livre". Auteur de la préface du nouveau livre de Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, le Pr Christian Perronne était sur notre plateau pour présenter cet ouvrage</ref>
== Participation de Christian Perronne à des événements à l'étanger ==
=== La conférence Norvect en Norvège en 2014<ref></ref> ===
Programme du lundi 26 mai 2014:
7.45 am – 9.00 am Registration
9.00 am – 9.10 am Welcome by NorVect<br>Trine Skei Grande (Liberal Party, Venstre) gives opening speech
9.10 am – 10.10 am Joseph J. Burrascano Jr. MD<br>Lyme Borreliosis – History, Clinical Presentations, Testing and Diagnosis (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)
10.10 am – 11.05 am Jyotsna Shah, Ph.D, CCLD, MBA<br>What Have We Learnt About Diagnosis of Lyme and Other Tick-borne Diseases in The Last 20 Years? (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)
11.05 am– 11.25 am<br>Break
11.25 am– 12.35am [[Richard Horowitz|Richard I. Horowitz]], MD<br>Tick-borne Co-infections: Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment. (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)
12.35 pm– 1.35 pm Lunch – networking, knowledge sharing
1.35 pm – 2.35 pm Christian Perrone, PhD, MD<br> The gap between current diagnostic tests for Lyme disease and associated diseases and the diversity of pathogens isolated in the world.(incl. 5- 10 minutes Q&A)
2.35 pm – 3.05 pm Carl Morten Motzfeldt Laane, PhD<br>Easy Detection of Bacteria and Parasites in Infected Human Blood by Microscopy. Some Simple, Low-cost Methods. (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)
3.05 pm – 2.30 pm Bela Bózsik, MD<br>DualDur®reagent & method in diagnosis & pathogenesis for TBD – 30 years practice (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)
3.25 pm – 3.45 pm Break
3.45 pm – 4.25 pm Alan MacDonald, MD
Borrelia -diverse Morphologies in culture and in Human Infections (incl 10 minutes Q&A)
4.25 pm– 4.45 pm [[Armin Schwarzbach]], Ph.D, MD
Borrelia-Elispot: A Game-Changer in diagnostics?
4.45 pm– 5.30 pm Dialogue/ Panel discussions
Programme du mardi 27 mai 2014:
7.45 am – 9.00 am Registration
9.00 am – 9.10 am Welcome by NorVect<br>Trine Skei Grande (Liberal Party, Venstre) gives opening speech
9.10 am – 10.10 am Joseph J. Burrascano Jr. MD<br>Lyme Borreliosis – History, Clinical Presentations, Testing and Diagnosis (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)
10.10 am – 11.05 am Jyotsna Shah, Ph.D, CCLD, MBA<br> What Have We Learnt About Diagnosis of Lyme and Other Tick-borne Diseases in The Last 20 Years? (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)
11.05 am– 11.25 am Break
11.25 am– 12.35am [[Richard Horowitz|Richard I. Horowitz]), MD<br>Tick-borne Co-infections: Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment. (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)
12.35 pm– 1.35 pm Lunch – networking, knowledge sharing
1.35 pm – 2.35 pm Christian Perrone, PhD, MD<br>The gap between current diagnostic tests for Lyme disease and associated diseases and the diversity of pathogens isolated in the world.(incl. 5- 10 minutes Q&A)
2.35 pm – 3.05 pm Carl Morten Motzfeldt Laane, PhD<br>Easy Detection of Bacteria and Parasites in Infected Human Blood by Microscopy. Some Simple, Low-cost Methods. (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)
3.05 pm – 2.30 pm Bela Bózsik, MD<br>DualDur®reagent & method in diagnosis & pathogenesis for TBD – 30 years practice (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)
3.25 pm – 3.45 pm Break
3.45 pm – 4.25 pm Alan MacDonald, MD<br>Borrelia -diverse Morphologies in culture and in Human Infections (incl 10 minutes Q&A)
4.25 pm– 4.45 pm [[Armin Schwarzbach]], Ph.D, MD<br>Borrelia-Elispot: A Game-Changer in diagnostics?
4.45 pm– 5.30 pm Dialogue/ Panel discussions
== Article "'''La face cachée des "Lyme Doctors'''" publié le 08/07/2017 sur le Journal International de Médecine ==
== Article "'''La face cachée des "Lyme Doctors'''" publié le 08/07/2017 sur le Journal International de Médecine ==
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