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[[image:Charles_Ray_Jones.JPG|Capture d'écran sur une vidéo youtube publiée en 30 mai 2014|500px|thumb]]
[[image:Charles_Ray_Jones.JPG|Capture d'écran sur une vidéo youtube publiée en 30 mai 2014|500px|thumb]]
'''Charles Ray Jones''' est un pédiatre de New Haven (Connecticut) qui traite la [[maladie de Lyme]] avec des antibiothérapies de longue durée.
'''Charles Ray Jones''' était un pédiatre de New Haven (Connecticut) qui traitait la [[maladie de Lyme]] avec des antibiothérapies de longue durée. Il est décédé le 20 juill. 2011 (âgé de 75) à Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, USA.
Dr. Charles Ray Jones Reprimanded by State Examiners<br>Posted on December 19, 2007 by Michelle C. Laubin<br>
A familiar name to Connecticut educators, Dr. Charles Ray Jones, appears in the national news today after having been reprimanded by the Connecticut Medical Examining Board on December 18th.  According to reports by the Associated Press, the Board voted unanimously to impose sanctions on Dr. Jones after determining that he had violated the applicable standard of care in treating siblings from Nevada by prescribing antibiotics for Lyme Disease without having examined the children, based only on reports given over the telephone by the mother.  The Connecticut Department of Public Health website, updated December 19, 2007, confirms that Dr. Jones was issued a reprimand, his license placed on probation for 2 years, and he was issued a civil penalty in the amount of $10,000.00.<br>Apparently, according to the Board, Jones failed to reconsider his diagnosis of Lyme Disease even after lab tests for Lyme came back negative, and continued to prescribe antibiotics for almost a full year without seeing the children personally for follow-up visits or arranging for a doctor in Nevada to follow the children.<br>Jones' attorney has stated publicly that his client intends to appeal the Board's decision, and Jones has testified that he merely extended a prescription for antibiotics that had been ordered by a Nevada physician for another condition that had not resolved.  A website is being maintained by a group supporting Dr. Jones,, and as of today, the website included summaries of the testimony presented at the hearings during 2007, as presented by Jones supporter Sandy Berenbaum, LCSW (NY), as well as appeals for contributions to a legal defense fund set up to pay Dr. Jones' legal expenses relating to defending against the charges brought by the Department of Public Health.<br>While on probation over the next 2 years, Dr. Jones' treatment decisions will need to be reviewed by an independent physician.  As soon as we can obtain a copy of the Board's decision, we will post a link to it on this site.<br>Meanwhile, look for further proceedings against Dr. Jones before the Connecticut Medical Examining Board relating to charges filed by the Department of Public Health in November 2006.  According to information posted on the Department's website, the Department alleges that in August 2004, Jones ordered blood work for two children, ages 3 and 6, without taking a patient history or conducting a physical examination.  He also allegedly ordered blood work for a child who had no symptoms of any illness, and ordered a urine test that is known to be unreliable.  With respect to a third patient, age 4, the allegations are that Jones diagnosed Lyme Disease and another illness and prescribed antibiotics without making a differential diagnosis, examining the patient or taking a medical history.  As to a fourth patient who was an infant when first seen by Dr. Jones, the allegations are that Dr. Jones diagnosed "gestational Lyme Disease" (Lyme Disease allegedly transmitted in utero while the mother was pregnant with the child) without performing a differential diagnosis.<br>As to the fourth child, the allegations are that while the child was in the 1st grade, Jones wrote and repeatedly called the school principal on numerous occasions to excuse absences and reported strep infections that were not documented in the patient's medical chart and not supported by strep culture results.  According to the statement of charges, so many absences were excused by Dr. Jones that were not documented as legitimate medical illnesses that the student had to be retained in 1st grade, and Dr. Jones reported that the Lyme Disease had resulted in the student having a hearing loss even though the student had normal audiological examinations.  If proven, these charges could result in additional disciplinary action against Dr. Jones by the Board up to and including revocation of his license to practice medicine in the State of Connecticut.
TAGS: Regular Education, Regular Education
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