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'''Austrian Biologics'''
'''Austrian Biologics'''
Une société de Sydney qui fait la promotion d'alternatives aux tests médicaux conventionnels a admis que ses tests ne sont pas des tests de diagnostic et ne révèlent aucune condition médicale spécifique.
L'organisme de surveillance des consommateurs, l'Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), a déclaré jeudi qu'elle et l'Australian Biologics Testing Services Pty Ltd avaient réglé une action en justice intentée par l'ACCC relativement à des allégations faites par Biologics dans des brochures et sur son site Web en 2001 et 2002.
L'ACCC a allégué que les allégations étaient fausses et trompeuses et n'étaient pas étayées par des tests scientifiques.
L'ACCC a déclaré que Australian Biologics et sa directrice, Janette Burke, avaient maintenant donné à la Cour fédérale l'engagement de ne pas faire 29 allégations précises sur l'efficacité de ses services.
"Australian Biologics et Mme Burke ont convenu que ces tests ne sont pas des tests diagnostiques et que les résultats de ces tests ne sont pas indicatifs d'une condition médicale spécifique ", a déclaré l'ACCC.
Australian Biologics a fourni des services de thermographie, d'analyse de sang vivant et de test de rétraction du caillot de Bolans.
Les produits biologiques prétendaient que les tests thermographiques, qui mesurent la température de la peau, permettaient d'évaluer l'état d'un patient en fonction de la souche qu'il pouvait supporter avant une opération ou une vaccination.
La société a également soutenu que le test de rétraction du caillot de Bolans - un examen d'une préparation de sang séché - indiquait une fonction spécifique du cœur ou de l'ovaire ou de la prostate ou d'un autre organe humain.
Les produits biologiques avaient également affirmé que l'analyse de sang vivant - un examen d'une préparation de sang humide - fournissait des renseignements précieux sur les systèmes digestif et immunitaire d'un organisme.
<ref> Article "Medical tests not scientific: Biologics" publié lr July 16, 2004 dans The Sydney Morning Herald.<br><br>A Sydney company promoting alternatives to conventional medical tests has admitted that its tests are not diagnostic tests and do not reveal any specific medical condition.<br><br>The consumer watchdog, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), said on Thursday it and Australian Biologics Testing Services Pty Ltd had settled legal action taken by the ACCC in relation to claims made by Biologics in brochures and on its website in 2001 and 2002.<br><br>The ACCC alleged that the claims were false and misleading and unsupported by scientific testing.<br><br>The ACCC said Australian Biologics and its director, Janette Burke, had now given the Federal Court undertakings not to make 29 specific claims about the efficacy of its services.<br><br>"Australian Biologics and Ms Burke have agreed that these tests are not diagnostic tests and the results of such tests are not indicative of a specific medical condition," the ACCC said.<br><br>Australian Biologics provided services including thermography, live blood analysis and the Bolans clot retraction test.<br><br>Biologics had claimed the thermography tests, which measure skin temperature, could assess a patient's condition with regard to the strain the patient could bear before an operation or vaccination.<br><br>The company also claimed that the Bolans clot retraction test - an examination of a dried blood preparation - indicated a specific function of the heart or ovary or prostate or other human organ.<br><br>Biologics had also claimed that the live blood analysis test - an examination of a wet blood perapration - provided valuable information about a body's digestive and immune systems.</ref>
<ref> Article "Medical tests not scientific: Biologics" publié lr July 16, 2004 dans The Sydney Morning Herald.<br><br>A Sydney company promoting alternatives to conventional medical tests has admitted that its tests are not diagnostic tests and do not reveal any specific medical condition.<br><br>The consumer watchdog, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), said on Thursday it and Australian Biologics Testing Services Pty Ltd had settled legal action taken by the ACCC in relation to claims made by Biologics in brochures and on its website in 2001 and 2002.<br><br>The ACCC alleged that the claims were false and misleading and unsupported by scientific testing.<br><br>The ACCC said Australian Biologics and its director, Janette Burke, had now given the Federal Court undertakings not to make 29 specific claims about the efficacy of its services.<br><br>"Australian Biologics and Ms Burke have agreed that these tests are not diagnostic tests and the results of such tests are not indicative of a specific medical condition," the ACCC said.<br><br>Australian Biologics provided services including thermography, live blood analysis and the Bolans clot retraction test.<br><br>Biologics had claimed the thermography tests, which measure skin temperature, could assess a patient's condition with regard to the strain the patient could bear before an operation or vaccination.<br><br>The company also claimed that the Bolans clot retraction test - an examination of a dried blood preparation - indicated a specific function of the heart or ovary or prostate or other human organ.<br><br>Biologics had also claimed that the live blood analysis test - an examination of a wet blood perapration - provided valuable information about a body's digestive and immune systems.</ref>
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