
1 294 octets ajoutés ,  15 octobre 2017 à 09:25
Ligne 15 : Ligne 15 :  
<ref> Par Jean-Marc Ducos, 25 février 2017</ref>
<ref> Par Jean-Marc Ducos, 25 février 2017</ref>
Le même jour, les bureaux de Immuno Biotech ont été investis par la police qui y a arrêté deux personnes. [[David Noakes]] bien entendu proteste <ref></ref>.
=== Le même jour, les bureaux de Immuno Biotech de Guernesey ont été investis par la police ===
[[David Noakes]] bien entendu proteste: ''Une opération d'application de la loi dans les bureaux d'Immuno Biotech à Guernsey faisait partie d'une «campagne de diffamation» continue contre la société et de son «remède miracle» [[GcMAF|GcMaf]], a déclaré son directeur général. [...] David Noakes confirmed two members of staff had been arrested on suspicion of money laundering offences on Wednesday, but contested a police statement saying one had been held in custody overnight.<br>'On this second raid, Tuesday 21st, 12 officers arrived to traumatise the two women present. Brave and expensive men, these Guernsey police officers,' he said. 'They arrested one of the women, and one of our men at home. They released not one of them, but both at 5pm the same day.' [...]<br>Mr Noakes maintained [[GcMAF]] was the 'best way to treat cancer and 50 other diseases inexpensively' and that these products had been both quality and safety-checked.<br>'The MHRA and their predecessors have concealed [[GcMAF]] from the public for 26 years. And instead of protecting the public from the drugs and vaccines of the big pharmaceutical corporations, they have Big Pharma directors on the MHRA board, and protect Big Pharma's profits at the expene of British lives. It will be far too embarrassing for them to have that exposed in court. [...].<ref></ref>.
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