
2 558 octets ajoutés ,  26 janvier 2016 à 19:16
Page créée avec « '''Hendrik Treugut''' est un radiologue diplômé allemand et l'actuel président de l'Association Deutsche Gesellschaft für Energetische und Informationsmedizin e.V. (DG... »
'''Hendrik Treugut''' est un radiologue diplômé allemand et l'actuel président de l'Association Deutsche Gesellschaft für Energetische und Informationsmedizin e.V. (DGEIM) (Société allemande pour la médecine énergétique etinformationnelle), qu'il a fondé en 1999. La DGEIM s'occupe de guérison spirituelle, d'ondes scalaires, des pseudo-sciences de [[Hulda Clark]] (Zapper), d'énergie du vide, de générateurs d'ondes Schumann, etc. Se présente en tant qu'orateur de la DGEIM, entre autres, Konstantin Meyl<ref></ref>.

== CV de Hendrik Treugut tel que présenté à la 1ère conférence [[GcMAF]] d'avril 2013 à Frankfurt ==
'''Dr Hendrik Treugut M.D.'''<br><br>Privatdozent Dr. med. habil (<br>Head of Radiology Department and a member of the teaching staff at the University of Ulm. Works in hospitals in Germany, USA and the Universities of Tübingen and Lund in Sweden.<br>For 20 years has been involved in training in different branches of integrative and complementary medicine. Specializing in energy medicine with research, international publications and lecturing. Development of the module energy medicine of an EU-master study.<br>A member of the board of directors of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) (USA). Founder and president of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Energetische und Informationsmedizin DGEIM (German Association of Energy Medicine).<br><br>[[GcMAF]] in a holistic therapy concept.<br>Every therapeutic effect gains intensity, stability and duration by supplementary and supporting measures, especially if these are in accordance with the multidimensionality of the organism with its systemic structure, hierarchically arranged regulation levels and their cybernetic function.<br>There is a number of effective therapies to treat the basic level, the somatic body but much less information exists about the higher levels such as the energetic, informational and mental. The presentation will demonstrate treatments and tools to analyze and correct these levels, in particular energy medicine. This will help to restore and harmonize the holistic cooperation, thus completing and optimizing [[GcMAF]] application.<ref> CV du Dr Hendrik Treugut</ref>

== Références ==

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