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502 octets ajoutés ,  14 juin 2015 à 19:33
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Ligne 3 : Ligne 3 :     
On trouve des déclarations d'Horowitz de ce genre dans le plagiat qu'il a créé du journal [[Medical Veritas]]<ref> Ending Vaccination Humanicide (lien désactivé)</ref>. Ici, vous trouvez une traduction google en français d'un article d'Horowitz intitulé ''La plainte du Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz aux USA du 22 août 2009. GrippeA/H1N1 : Crime de génocide - dépopulation Découverte d’un réseau criminel à New-York lié à un cartel de drogue'' (traduction proposée par le site web dossiers-sos-justice de l'association SOS-Justice & droits de l'homme de Mirella Carbonatto / Mirella Lo Negro, de Nice.)<ref></ref>.
On trouve des déclarations d'Horowitz de ce genre dans le plagiat qu'il a créé du journal [[Medical Veritas]]<ref> Ending Vaccination Humanicide (lien désactivé)</ref>. Ici, vous trouvez une traduction google en français d'un article d'Horowitz intitulé ''La plainte du Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz aux USA du 22 août 2009. GrippeA/H1N1 : Crime de génocide - dépopulation Découverte d’un réseau criminel à New-York lié à un cartel de drogue'' (traduction proposée par le site web dossiers-sos-justice de l'association SOS-Justice & droits de l'homme de Mirella Carbonatto / Mirella Lo Negro, de Nice.)<ref></ref>.
== Cure contre le cancer ==
Le site d'horowitz propose un remède soi-disant "''fiable, naturel et sécure''" contre le cancer de la peau. "''Cancer- "le C-mot" a frappé nos coeurs de peur assez longtemps! Maintenant, il y a une réponse au cancer que la plupart des gens aimeraient savoir, mais que les médecins souvent n'apprennent pas eux-mêmes ou ne prescrivent pas.''"
== Activités commerciales ==
== Activités commerciales ==
Ligne 72 : Ligne 76 :  
* : "''Leonard Horowitz is a former dentist, anti-vaxxer, promoter of various "natural cures," and self-publisher of books and pamphlets expressing such unfounded beliefs as that the AIDS and Ebola epidemics were intentionally caused by the U.S. government. These and other claims made by Horowitz have influenced some black leaders into boycotting vaccination programs.<bt>Horowitz recently told Al-Jazeera that H1N1 vaccines would cause sterility, as part of a plan of "pangenocide" against Muslims. In a press release describing his belief that the H1N1 vaccine would cause sterility, [...]''"
* : "''Leonard Horowitz is a former dentist, anti-vaxxer, promoter of various "natural cures," and self-publisher of books and pamphlets expressing such unfounded beliefs as that the AIDS and Ebola epidemics were intentionally caused by the U.S. government. These and other claims made by Horowitz have influenced some black leaders into boycotting vaccination programs.<bt>Horowitz recently told Al-Jazeera that H1N1 vaccines would cause sterility, as part of a plan of "pangenocide" against Muslims. In a press release describing his belief that the H1N1 vaccine would cause sterility, [...]''"
* Len Horowitz, DDS<br>Is he a dentist, a religious fundamentalist or campaigner against public health?<br> Who is Leonard George Horowitz?<br>"''Horowitz in Wikipedia Leonard Horowitz has "educated" the public for over a decade in his own way about the evils of the Illuminati, the perils unleashed on earth by a conspiracy of governments, drug companies, the spread of AIDS, Ebola and other viruses to depopulate the earth. He's partnered with a Christian fundamentalist to spread the word of god. In recent times, he's focused on a conspiracy that involves DNA tinkering, sound frequencies, and the upcoming technotronic revolution.<br>C-CURE is his latest plan to scam the public. According to Len, it's nothing more than a "skin cancer purgative". Unfortunately, Horowitz doesn't have a clue about treating skin cancer, and anyone who buys into this method as a method of curing their lesions is making a mistake. [...]''"
* Len Horowitz, DDS<br>Is he a dentist, a religious fundamentalist or campaigner against public health?<br> Who is Leonard George Horowitz?<br>"''Horowitz in Wikipedia Leonard Horowitz has "educated" the public for over a decade in his own way about the evils of the Illuminati, the perils unleashed on earth by a conspiracy of governments, drug companies, the spread of AIDS, Ebola and other viruses to depopulate the earth. He's partnered with a Christian fundamentalist to spread the word of god. In recent times, he's focused on a conspiracy that involves DNA tinkering, sound frequencies, and the upcoming technotronic revolution.<br>C-CURE is his latest plan to scam the public. According to Len, it's nothing more than a "skin cancer purgative". Unfortunately, Horowitz doesn't have a clue about treating skin cancer, and anyone who buys into this method as a method of curing their lesions is making a mistake. [...]''"
*,_Natural,_and_Reliable_Skin_Cancer_Remedy.html Le site d'horowitz proposant ses méthodes alternatives pour guérir le cancer
== Références ==
== Références ==
Ligne 79 : Ligne 82 :  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Horowitz, Leonard}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Horowitz, Leonard}}
[[category:Guérisseur miracle contre le cancer]]
[[category:Partisan des thérapies alternatives]]
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