Ligne 38 :
Ligne 38 :
Le test provoqué des métaux toxiques dans les urines est une fraude. La plainte demande des dommages et intérêts pour négligence, manque de consentement éclairé, fausse déclaration intentionnelle, déclaration inexacte faite par négligence, batterie, et conspiration civile. En 2011, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (le département de l'Illinois de la rêglementation financière et professionnelle) a accusé Usman de conduite contraire à l'éthique professionnelle dans sa prise en charge du garçon.
Le test provoqué des métaux toxiques dans les urines est une fraude. La plainte demande des dommages et intérêts pour négligence, manque de consentement éclairé, fausse déclaration intentionnelle, déclaration inexacte faite par négligence, batterie, et conspiration civile. En 2011, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (le département de l'Illinois de la rêglementation financière et professionnelle) a accusé Usman de conduite contraire à l'éthique professionnelle dans sa prise en charge du garçon.
Plusieurs journaux ont relaté l'affaire, dont le journal Chicago Tribune dans un article intitulé "Illinois regulators seek to discipline autism doctor" signé Trine Tsouderos et publié le 13 octobre 2011.<ref></ref>. Le cas est aussi commenté sur plusieurs blogs anglais<ref></ref><ref> Article intitulé "Suing DAN! practitioners for malpractice: It’s about time" (Poursuivre en justice les praticiens DAN! pour faute professionnelle : Il est grand temps) signé Orac et publié le 5 mars 2010.<br>Les prescriptions de Usman et Rossignol y sont détaillées :<br>26. During the same period of time from late December 2006 through mid-October 2007, and based on his diagnoses, Defendant ROSSIGNOL prescribed Methyl B-12 injectable medication (2/9/2007), Ferrous sulfate elixir (2/9/2007), DMPS suppositories for rectal chelation, Spironolactone (6/1/2007), NAC transdermal (6/1/2007), DMPS suppositories (5/5 and 6/4/2007), Vitamin C injectable vials (10/2/2007), NAC injectable vials (10/2/2007), EDTA injectable vials (10/2/2007), Nystatin (10/2/2007), oral Spironolactone (10/2/2007), Glutathione injectable vials (10/2/2007), and DMPS injectable vials (10/2/2007), some of which medications were manufactured, distributed, and/or sold to A.J.’s parent by Defendant CREATION’S OWN.<br>[...]<br>28. On or about October 24, 2007, Defendant USMAN commenced IV chelation therapy upon A.J. (based on her diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity) and following a protocol developed by Defendant ROSSIGNOL (based on his diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity). At Defendant USMAN’s direction and under her supervision, chelation therapy was performed on A.J. using EDTA as the chelating agent combined with Vitamin C, GSH (a drug approved only for the treatment HIV) and DMPS (a non-FDA approved drug), on November 7, 2007, November 28, 2007, December 5, 2007, December 19, 2007, January 2, 2008, January 9, 2008, January 23, 2008, January 30, 2008, February 13, 2008, February 28, 2008, March 11, 2008, March 27, 2008, April 3, 2008, April 10, 2008, April 17, 2008, April 24, 2008, April 30, 2008, May 8, 2008, May 14, 2008, May 21, 2008, May 29, 2008, June 5, 2008, June 11, 2008, September 17, 2008, October 1, 2008, October 8, 2008, October 16, 2008, October 22, 2008, October 30, 2008, November 6, 2008, November 12, 2008, November 19, 2008, December 11, 2008, December 17, 2008, January 5, 2009, January 19, 2009, February 5, 2009, February 16, 2009, March 4, 2009, March 19, 2009, and April 2, 2009.</ref>
Plusieurs journaux ont relaté l'affaire, dont le journal Chicago Tribune dans un article intitulé "Illinois regulators seek to discipline autism doctor" signé Trine Tsouderos et publié le 13 octobre 2011.<ref></ref>. Le cas est aussi commenté sur plusieurs blogs anglais<ref></ref><ref> Article intitulé "Suing DAN! practitioners for malpractice: It’s about time" (Poursuivre en justice les praticiens DAN! pour faute professionnelle : Il est grand temps) signé Orac et publié le 5 mars 2010.<br>Les prescriptions de Usman et Rossignol y sont détaillées :<br>26. During the same period of time from late December 2006 through mid-October 2007, and based on his diagnoses, Defendant ROSSIGNOL prescribed Methyl B-12 injectable medication (2/9/2007), Ferrous sulfate elixir (2/9/2007), DMPS suppositories for rectal chelation, Spironolactone (6/1/2007), NAC transdermal (6/1/2007), DMPS suppositories (5/5 and 6/4/2007), Vitamin C injectable vials (10/2/2007), NAC injectable vials (10/2/2007), EDTA injectable vials (10/2/2007), Nystatin (10/2/2007), oral Spironolactone (10/2/2007), Glutathione injectable vials (10/2/2007), and DMPS injectable vials (10/2/2007), some of which medications were manufactured, distributed, and/or sold to A.J.’s parent by Defendant CREATION’S OWN.<br>[...]<br>28. On or about October 24, 2007, Defendant USMAN commenced IV chelation therapy upon A.J. (based on her diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity) and following a protocol developed by Defendant ROSSIGNOL (based on his diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity). At Defendant USMAN’s direction and under her supervision, chelation therapy was performed on A.J. using EDTA as the chelating agent combined with Vitamin C, GSH (a drug approved only for the treatment HIV - un médicament approuvé seulement pour le traitement du SIDA) and DMPS (a non-FDA approved drug - un médicament non approuvé par l'Agence américaine des produits alimentaires et médicamenteux), on November 7, 2007, November 28, 2007, December 5, 2007, December 19, 2007, January 2, 2008, January 9, 2008, January 23, 2008, January 30, 2008, February 13, 2008, February 28, 2008, March 11, 2008, March 27, 2008, April 3, 2008, April 10, 2008, April 17, 2008, April 24, 2008, April 30, 2008, May 8, 2008, May 14, 2008, May 21, 2008, May 29, 2008, June 5, 2008, June 11, 2008, September 17, 2008, October 1, 2008, October 8, 2008, October 16, 2008, October 22, 2008, October 30, 2008, November 6, 2008, November 12, 2008, November 19, 2008, December 11, 2008, December 17, 2008, January 5, 2009, January 19, 2009, February 5, 2009, February 16, 2009, March 4, 2009, March 19, 2009, and April 2, 2009.</ref>
== Liens externes ==
== Liens externes ==