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184 octets ajoutés ,  19 novembre 2016 à 15:05
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== Liens externes ==
== Liens externes ==
* Une publication "''The Effects of Magnesium-EDTA Chelation Therapy on Arterial Stiffness''" de P. J. Van der Schaar (International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, Leende, The Netherlands), R. Th. B. Pahlplatz (International Biomedical Centre, Leende, The Netherlands), E. Blaurock-Busch ([[Micro Trace Minerals]] Laboratory, Hersbruck, Germany) dans le journal "Scientific Research".<br>Quand on fait une recherche avec "Scientific Research" dans la Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers pour vérifier son sérieux, on obtient l'article "Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)": The Chinese Publisher SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing): A Publishing Empire Built on Junk Science December 16, 2014 : Another day, another report of a junk science article published by China-based publisher Scientific Research Publishing, or SCIRP. This publisher specializes in publishing junk cosmology and junk physics, but with this article, the publisher is branching out into junk medical science, specifically AIDS denialism. [...]
* Une publication "''The Effects of Magnesium-EDTA Chelation Therapy on Arterial Stiffness''" (Les effets de la [[thérapie par chélation]] Magnesium-EDTA sur la rigidité artérielle) de P. J. Van der Schaar (International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, Leende, The Netherlands), R. Th. B. Pahlplatz (International Biomedical Centre, Leende, The Netherlands), E. Blaurock-Busch ([[Micro Trace Minerals]] Laboratory, Hersbruck, Germany) dans le journal "Scientific Research".<br>Quand on fait une recherche avec "Scientific Research" dans la Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers pour vérifier son sérieux, on obtient l'article "Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)": The Chinese Publisher SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing): A Publishing Empire Built on Junk Science (Un Empire de l'édition construit sur de la science de pacotille/sans valeur scientifique) December 16, 2014 : Another day, another report of a junk science article published by China-based publisher Scientific Research Publishing, or SCIRP. This publisher specializes in publishing junk cosmology and junk physics, but with this article, the publisher is branching out into junk medical science, specifically AIDS denialism. [...]
== Références ==
== Références ==
12 795


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