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870 octets ajoutés ,  26 janvier 2016 à 13:14
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'''Cem Kinaci'''<ref></ref><ref> CV de Cem Kinaci sur le site de la 1ère conférence GcMAF:<br>'''Dr Cem Kinaci'''<br><br>Senior Nuclear Medicine Physician & Researcher in Nuclear Neuroscience. Graduated from Istanbul University in 1984 and completed specialty for nuclear medicine in Gulhane Military Medical Academy in 1990. He has worked as an Assist. Prof. and Head of Nuclear Medicine Department at Ataturk University and Mersin University.<br>Since 2007 he has been a senior physician and research specialist in Nuclear Neuropsychiatry and advisor in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in neurological conditions at Nuclear Medicine Department of Universal Camlica Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey.<br>He has consulted in autism and other brain injuries including epilepsy, cerebral palsy, CO poisoning, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, viral and toxic encephalopathies in more than 50 countries.<br>He is a physician certified by Autism Research Institute and a member of Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, European Underwater and Baromedical Society, MS Society and Institute for Functional Medicine.<br><br>Complementary & novel treatments in autism<br>Autism is a neuroimmune disorder. It starts in the gastrointestinal tract and manifests itself in the brain. There are many theories to what causes autism such as abnormal cerebral blood flow to areas of the brain, high fevers, birth trauma, brain injury, infections, reactions to vaccines, toxic chemicals, dietary proteins and peptids, lack of oxygen before, during or after delivery.<br>Educational and Behavioral Theraphies, Environmental Controls, Dietary Interventions, Nutrient Therapies, Gastrointestinal Health, Immune Issues and Inflammation, Promotion of Natural Liver Detox, Pharmaceutical Chelation and other drug theraphy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Theraphy, Nutrigenomics and Gc-MAF Theraphy are complementary or novel treatments in autism.</ref> est un médecin turc qui exerce, entre autres, à l'Autism Treatment Plus,<ref></ref> un organisme qui a pris la suite de l'association Autism Treatment Trust de [[Lorène Amet]]<ref></ref> et dont [[Lorène Amet|Mme Amet]] continue à être l'autre personne de référence.<ref></ref>
'''Cem Kinaci'''<ref></ref><ref> CV de Cem Kinaci sur le site de la 1ère conférence GcMAF:<br>'''Dr Cem Kinaci'''<br><br>Senior Nuclear Medicine Physician & Researcher in Nuclear Neuroscience. Graduated from Istanbul University in 1984 and completed specialty for nuclear medicine in Gulhane Military Medical Academy in 1990. He has worked as an Assist. Prof. and Head of Nuclear Medicine Department at Ataturk University and Mersin University.<br>Since 2007 he has been a senior physician and research specialist in Nuclear Neuropsychiatry and advisor in [[Oxygénothérapie hyperbare|Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy]] in neurological conditions at Nuclear Medicine Department of Universal Camlica Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey.<br>He has consulted in autism and other brain injuries including epilepsy, cerebral palsy, CO poisoning, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, viral and toxic encephalopathies in more than 50 countries.<br>He is a physician certified by Autism Research Institute and a member of Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, European Underwater and Baromedical Society, MS Society and Institute for Functional Medicine.<br><br>Complementary & novel treatments in autism<br>Autism is a neuroimmune disorder. It starts in the gastrointestinal tract and manifests itself in the brain. There are many theories to what causes autism such as abnormal cerebral blood flow to areas of the brain, high fevers, birth trauma, brain injury, infections, reactions to vaccines, toxic chemicals, dietary proteins and peptids, lack of oxygen before, during or after delivery.<br>Educational and Behavioral Theraphies, Environmental Controls, Dietary Interventions, Nutrient Therapies, Gastrointestinal Health, Immune Issues and Inflammation, Promotion of Natural Liver Detox, [[Thérapie par chélation|Pharmaceutical Chelation]] and other drug theraphy, [[Oxygénothérapie hyperbare|Hyperbaric Oxygen Theraphy]], Nutrigenomics and [[Gc-MAF]] Theraphy are complementary or novel treatments in autism.</ref> est un médecin turc qui exerce, entre autres, à l'Autism Treatment Plus,<ref></ref> un organisme qui a pris la suite de l'association Autism Treatment Trust de [[Lorène Amet]]<ref></ref> et dont [[Lorène Amet|Mme Amet]] continue à être l'autre personne de référence.<ref></ref>
Cem Kinaci prône pour les patients autistes les protocoles [[DAN!]], et donc les régimes [[SGSC]] (il est un convaincu de la théorie du [[Syndrome de l'intestin perméable]]), la [[thérapie par chélation]], l'[[Oxygénothérapie hyperbare]] (HBOT) mais aussi le [[GcMAF]] (voir également [[David Noakes]]).
Cem Kinaci prône pour les patients autistes les protocoles [[DAN!]], et donc les régimes [[SGSC]] (il est un convaincu de la théorie du [[Syndrome de l'intestin perméable]]), la [[thérapie par chélation]], l'[[Oxygénothérapie hyperbare]] (HBOT) mais aussi le [[GcMAF]] (voir également [[David Noakes]]).
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[[Lorène Amet]] confirme que la [[GcMAF]] Immunotherapy est proposée à l'Autism Treatment Plus. <ref></ref>
[[Lorène Amet]] confirme que la [[GcMAF]] Immunotherapy est proposée à l'Autism Treatment Plus. <ref></ref>
Cem Kinaci avait participé en avril 2013 à la 1ère <ref></ref><ref> Intervention du Cem Kinaci à la 1ère conférence internationale [[GcMAF]] organisé du 19 au 21 avril 2013 à Frankfurt</ref> ainsi qu'à la 'Second GcMAF Immunology Conference' des 5-7 décembre 2013 à Dubai<ref></ref>
Cem Kinaci avait participé en avril 2013 à la 1ère <ref></ref><ref> Vidéo de l'intervention de Cem Kinaci à la 1ère conférence [[GcMAF]] organisée du 19 au 21 avril 2013 à Frankfurt</ref> ainsi qu'à la 'Second GcMAF Immunology Conference' des 5-7 décembre 2013 à Dubai<ref></ref>
Les diverses activités de Cem Kinaci<ref></ref>:<br>
(La traduction de 'Consultant Physician' est, en français, Médecin consultant)
* Medical Director of Autism Medical İnstitute / AUTISMEDI – TURKEY
* Clinician, Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs  - USA
* [[DAN!|Defeat Autism Now!]] Physician, [[Autism Research Institute]]  – USA
* Consultant Physician, [[Lorène Amet|Autism Treatment Plus]] – UNITED KINGDOM
* Consultant Physician, “Unionhealth” Terapijski Centar – SERBIA
* Consultant Physician, “[[Oxygénothérapie hyperbare|HBOT]] Clinic Aymed” Tirana  –  ALBANIA
* Consultant Physician,  Grand Hospital  Baku  –  AZERBAIJAN
* Consultant Physician, [[Oxygénothérapie hyperbare|Hiper B HBO]] Center  Ankara  – TURKEY
== Références ==
== Références ==
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