Focardi-Rossi Energy-Catalyzer
Article is in translation and unfinished
The Rossi Focardi Energy Amplifier (also E-Cat or just Rossi energy amplifier) is allegedly a small fusion reactor assumed to be based on Cold Fusion. The Italian company EON srl claims to bring it to market in 2011. It is claimed to produce more than 10 kW thermal energy while needing just a couple of 100 Watts of electrical energy to power it. According to the Italian inventors, the professor emeritus in physics Sergio Focardi and the alleged engineer Andrea Rossi[1] cold fusion [2] of hydrogen and nickel to copper is happening in the reactor. As a side-effect of the reaction gamma radiation should be emitted, but independent measurement disproved that.[3] Attempts to replicate the experiment independently failed so far. The last public presentation was mid-January 2011.
The true inventor of the principle was the Italian biophysicist Francesco Piantelli in 1989, who filed a patent application on it in 2010.[4] Rossi, who himself tries to patent his invention, does not acknowledge that:
- "My process has nothing to do with the process of Piantelli. The proof is that I am making operating reactors, he is not."
Purported functional principle

Application and success claims

Presentation on 14. January 2011

Attempts to replicate the experiments
Inventor Andrea Rossi

EON srl, Leonardo Corporation and Defkalion Green Technologies
Patents and patent applications
- Giuseppe Levi: "Report on heat production during preliminary tests on the Rossi “Ni-H” reactor", Univ. Bologna, Jan. 2011 (auch: [2])
- "Italian scientists claim to have demonstrated cold fusion", Physorg, 20.1.2011
- "Il ritorno della fusione fredda", Artikel in der Zeitschrift "Query", 31.1.2011
- "Il ritorno della fusione fredda: ci risponde Levi", Artikel in der Zeitschrift "Query", 2.2.2011
- Focardi S., Habel R., and Piantelli F., "Anomalous Heat Production in Ni-H Systems," Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 107A, p. 163-167, (1994)
- Notoya, R. et al., "Tritium Generation and Large Excess Heat Evolution by Electrolysis in Light and Heavy Water-Potassium Carbonate Solutions With Nickel Electrodes," Fusion Technology, Vol. 26, p. 179, (Sept. 1994)
- Cerron-Zeballos, E., Crotty, I., Hatzifotiadou, D., Lamas Valverde, J., Williams, M.C.S., and Zibichi, A., "Investigation of Anomalous Heat Production in Ni-H Systems," Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 109A, p. 1645-1654, (1996)
- Mengoli, G., Bernardini, M., Manducchi, C., and Zannoni, G., "Anomalous Heat Effects Correlated With Electrochemical Hydriding of Nickel," Il Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 20 D, p. 331-352, (1998)
- Battaglia, A., Daddi, L., Focardi, S., Gabbani, V., Montalbano, V., Piantelli, F., Sona, P.G., and nesi, S., "Neutron Emission in Ni-H Systems," Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 112 A p. 921-931, (Sept. 1999)
- S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi. "Large excess heat production in Ni-H systems". Il Nuovo Cimento Vol. 111 A, N.11 pp. 1233, novembre 1998
- Cerron-Zeballos, E., Crotty, I., Hatzifotiadou, D., Lamas Valverde, J., Williams, M.C.S., and Zichichi, A., "Investigation of Anomalous Heat Production in Ni-H Systems". Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 109A, p. 1645-1654, (1996).
- Adalberto Piazzoli. "Fusione Fredda? Una ricerca italiana". CICAP - Scienza & Paranormale N. 78 (Mai 2008)
- Franco, Foresta Martin, "Siena scopre l' energia pulita Fusione fredda all' italiana?," Corriere Della Sera, 19. Februar 1994
- Ilaria Venturi: Fusione nucleare a freddo - "A Bologna ci siamo riusciti", Artikel in "La Repubblica" (Bologna-Lokalausgabe) vom 14.1.2011. [3]
- Internetseite von Andrea Rossi
- "Journal of Nuclear Physics". Der Titel suggeriert eine physikalische Zeitschrift, tatsächlich handelt es sich um eine von Focardi und Rossi betriebene, Blog-ähnliche Internetseite, deren Beiträge aber angeblich einen Peer Review durchlaufen und von "mindestens einem" Physikprofessor begutachtet würden.
- (aktuell ohne Inhalt)
- ↑ Rossi: I am a doctor in the Philosophy of Science and Engineering from the Universita’ Degli Studi Di Milano
- ↑ Andrea Rossi in his patent application, Page 12: the reaction actually provides a true nuclear cold fusion.
- ↑
- ↑ S. Focardi, A. Rossi: A new energy source from nuclear fusion., journal og nuclear physics. [1]