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[[image:Hamer2.jpg|inventor RG Hamer|thumb]]
[[image:Hamer2.jpg|Inventor R. G. Hamer|thumb]]
The '''Germanic New Medicine''' ® (also called formerly ''New Medicine'', ''Germanic New Medicine'' or ''German new Medicine'') is a pseudoscientific alternative medicine and registered trade mark in 2003 that appeared in Germany in 1981. Many hopeful cancer patients treated by this method died in the past, at least 140 (see details below). This method was invented by the german barred physician [[Ryke Geerd Hamer]], who has been prosecuted in several European countries for illegal medical practice. Hamer lives in southern Norway at present time. His address is his publishing company ''GERMANISCHE NEUE MEDIZIN FORLAG DR. HAMER'' Sandkollveien 11, N-3229 Sandefjord / Norway. In two different interviews given in september 2007 he declared that he fled from Spain to Norway in order to escape an arrest warrant from Germany for ''incitement of hatred against a minority of the population'' (article 130 of german criminal laws) as Hamer made many public statements in open letters and webpages againts jews and did accuse an international Jewish conspiracy (and in particular the New Yorker B'nai B'rith) of having killed two billion people by hiding the truth about the New Medicine which, he suggests, can heal 98% of all cancer cases.  
The '''Germanic New Medicine'''® (GNM) (also called formerly ''New Medicine'', ''German New Medicine'') is a pseudoscientific alternative medicine and registered trade mark in 2003 that appeared in Germany in 1981. Many hopeful cancer patients treated by this method died in the past, at least 140 (see details below). This method was invented by the german barred physician [[Ryke Geerd Hamer]], who has been prosecuted in several European countries for illegal medical practice. Hamer lives in southern Norway at present time. His address is his publishing company ''GERMANISCHE NEUE MEDIZIN FORLAG DR. HAMER'' Sandkollveien 11, N-3229 Sandefjord / Norway. In two different interviews given in September 2007 he declared that he fled from Spain to Norway in order to escape an arrest warrant from Germany for ''incitement of hatred against a minority of the population'' (article 130 of german criminal laws) as Hamer made many public statements in open letters and webpages againts jews and did accuse an international Jewish conspiracy (and in particular the New Yorker B'nai B'rith) of having killed two billion people by hiding the truth about the New Medicine which, he suggests, can heal 98% of all cancer cases.
The New Germanic Medicine (NGM) has never been accepted by and is widely ignored by the scientific academic medicine of today and their principles contradict clearly principles of modern evidence-based medicine. There is however, no known interdiction of this controversial method. Hamer spreads his ideas in his books, published in his own publishing company ''Amici di Dirk'', via many different private webpages in the internet and by publications of some followers or associations linked to his doctrines.  
The GNM has never been accepted by and is widely ignored by the scientific academic medicine of today and their principles contradict clearly principles of modern evidence-based medicine. There is however, no known interdiction of this controversial method. Hamer spreads his ideas in his books, published in his own publishing company ''Amici di Dirk'', via many different private webpages in the internet and by publications of some followers or associations linked to his doctrines.
According to its inventor Hamer, every disease of man, animal or plant is the result of a former not well-defined ''biological conflict'' obeying to only five so-called ''biological laws of nature'' he allegedly found and no scientist could find so far. Only effects of radiation and injuries are not the result of the presumed conflicts, Hamer adds in his statements.
According to its inventor Hamer, every disease of man, animal or plant is the result of a former not well-defined ''biological conflict'' obeying to only five so-called ''biological laws of nature'' he allegedly found and no scientist could find so far. Only effects of radiation and injuries are not the result of the presumed conflicts, Hamer adds in his statements.
The NGM is a mainly diagnostic construction and can be seen as a primitive reinvention of some concepts of earlier psychosomatic medicine, mixed with some proprietary, pseudoscientific and unvalidated tests and an grotesc erroneous interpretation of CT brain scans. Some of his ideas were proposed in the past (''cristian science'' or anthroposophic medicine...). What is usually called disease or symptom, is considered to be a ''sensible biological program'' (in german: ''sinnvolles biologisches Sonderprogramm'' as a reaction of an healthy organism to the alleged conflicts. According to Hamer's school, all severe diseases like cancer can be ''healed'' in 95% of all cases performing a so-called ''conflictolysis'' according to new medicine. Unsuccesses of his method or the death of patients are due to interventions of ''scolastic medicine'', the use of morphine or because the patient was not totally convinced by new medicine.
The GNM is a mainly diagnostic construction and can be seen as a primitive reinvention of some concepts of earlier psychosomatic medicine, mixed with some proprietary, pseudoscientific and unvalidated tests and an grotesc erroneous interpretation of CT brain scans. Some of his ideas were proposed in the past (''cristian science'' or anthroposophic medicine...). What is usually called disease or symptom, is considered to be a ''sensible biological program'' (in german: ''sinnvolles biologisches Sonderprogramm'' as a reaction of an healthy organism to the alleged conflicts. According to Hamer's school, all severe diseases like cancer can be ''healed'' in 95% of all cases performing a so-called ''conflictolysis'' according to new medicine. Unsuccesses of his method or the death of patients are due to interventions of ''scolastic medicine'', the use of morphine or because the patient was not totally convinced by new medicine.
The inventor does not mention any literature supporting his ideas, some of his assertions remember however concepts in anthroposophical medicine and other concepts developed earlied than 1981. No prospective and scientifically controlled clinical trial has been made so far to show an eventual effectivness and no peer-reviewed articles in serious medical journals exist.     
The inventor does not mention any literature supporting his ideas, some of his assertions remember however concepts in anthroposophical medicine and other concepts developed earlied than 1981. No prospective and scientifically controlled clinical trial has been made so far to show an eventual effectivness and no peer-reviewed articles in serious medical journals exist.     
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Germanic is a term that appeared first in roman times about 200 years before Christ and was used by romans (for instance Plinius the old) to designate different people living east of Rhine river or north of the alps. These different people never called themthelves ''germanic'', this term was an invention of some of the enemies of the different ''germanic'' people and tribes. When, in 2004, Hamer was asked why he wanted his hypotheses to be called ''germanic'', he answered: ''..weil ich stolz bin ein Deutscher zu sein..'' (because I'm proud to be a german) <ref>Caroline Markolin (Montreal/Canada), january 1, 2005: ...''Ich habe Dr. Hamer letztes Jahr während eines Seminar in Spanien gefragt: "Warum germanisch?". Seine Antwort kam schnell und war eindeutig: "Ich bin stolz, Deutscher zu sein''...source:</ref>. Hamer justified the term also in his book ''Vermächtnis einer neuen Medizin'' <ref>Hamer RG: book ''Vermächtnis einer neuen Medizin'' chapter 28</ref>, asserting that the ''germanics'' had allegendly ''no concept of evil or good'' as this would allegedly only appear in ''judaic and christian tradition''. Hamer espressed also his convintion that medicine had been ''invented in Germany, the country of poets, musicians, inventors and discoverer'', and that Germany was ''the mother'' of all european languages, which is nonsense.
Germanic is a term that appeared first in roman times about 200 years before Christ and was used by romans (for instance Plinius the old) to designate different people living east of Rhine river or north of the alps. These different people never called themthelves ''germanic'', this term was an invention of some of the enemies of the different ''germanic'' people and tribes. When, in 2004, Hamer was asked why he wanted his hypotheses to be called ''germanic'', he answered: ''..weil ich stolz bin ein Deutscher zu sein..'' (because I'm proud to be a german) <ref>Caroline Markolin (Montreal/Canada), january 1, 2005: ...''Ich habe Dr. Hamer letztes Jahr während eines Seminar in Spanien gefragt: "Warum germanisch?". Seine Antwort kam schnell und war eindeutig: "Ich bin stolz, Deutscher zu sein''...source:</ref>. Hamer justified the term also in his book ''Vermächtnis einer neuen Medizin'' <ref>Hamer RG: book ''Vermächtnis einer neuen Medizin'' chapter 28</ref>, asserting that the ''germanics'' had allegendly ''no concept of evil or good'' as this would allegedly only appear in ''judaic and christian tradition''. Hamer espressed also his convintion that medicine had been ''invented in Germany, the country of poets, musicians, inventors and discoverer'', and that Germany was ''the mother'' of all european languages, which is nonsense.
==No published reports about healed cancer-patients so far==
==No published reports about healed cancer patients so far==
No report about healed cancer patients who had survived a new-medicine therapy and that have not been treated by academic medicine has been published so far, only some anecdotical stories are know. For instance a german asserts that he had survived eleven times a leukemia thank's to Hamer's method <ref>case Joswig, a german right-wing admirer of new medicine, who says to be citizen of a ''Deutsches Reich'' (German empire)</ref>, another one asserts to be healed wondrously from an atheroma (this is not cancer), and someone thinks that his torticollis was in fact a non-Hodgkin lymphoma <ref></ref>. Admirer and followers of new medicine think that thousands of cancer patients have be healed by the new medicine, a neutral observer must wonder why they don not show up to support this method.
No report about healed cancer patients who had survived a new-medicine therapy and that have not been treated by academic medicine has been published so far, only some anecdotical stories are know. For instance a german asserts that he had survived eleven times a leukemia thank's to Hamer's method <ref>case Joswig, a german right-wing admirer of new medicine, who says to be citizen of a ''Deutsches Reich'' (German empire)</ref>, another one asserts to be healed wondrously from an atheroma (this is not cancer), and someone thinks that his torticollis was in fact a non-Hodgkin lymphoma <ref></ref>. Admirer and followers of new medicine think that thousands of cancer patients have be healed by the new medicine, a neutral observer must wonder why they don not show up to support this method.
==notable cases of failure of new medicine==
==Notable cases of failure of the New Medicine==
Many former new-medicine patients having cancer died so far. More than 140 persons are known so far in 2008. This is documented in different court files and sentences, newspaper articles, reports of relatives and in the list presented by Aribert Deckers <ref></ref>. Many out of them had a good chance to survive as they had cancer that responds well to modern therapies (f.i. testicular cancer, Hodgkin-lymphoma).  
Many former new-medicine patients having cancer died so far. More than 140 persons are known so far in 2008. This is documented in different court files and sentences, newspaper articles, reports of relatives and in the list presented by Aribert Deckers <ref></ref>. Many out of them had a good chance to survive as they had cancer that responds well to modern therapies (f.i. testicular cancer, Hodgkin-lymphoma).  
A detailed presentation of notable cases can be seen here: [[victims of new medicine]].
A detailed presentation of notable cases can be seen here: [[victims of new medicine]].
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Ryke Geerd Hamer got testicular cancer himself in 1978 (or beginning of 1979), but seeked professional help and was operated in a clinic in Tübingen. He survived this miraculously, according to his own opinion he had a survival chance of only 2% <ref>*</ref>. His cancer appeared only two month after the death of his son Dirk (that was december 1978), and Hamer was convinced that event was the cause of his cancer <ref>* 1978 I developed testicular cancer from such a biological conflict, a so-called "loss conflict"...</ref>. But cancer needs years to develop, and not two month. His wife died instead because of her breast cancer in 1985, a new medicine therapy by Hamer was not successful. Hamer said this at the end of 1985 and declared his wife to be his ''first patient after dicovering the iron rules of cancer''.
Ryke Geerd Hamer got testicular cancer himself in 1978 (or beginning of 1979), but seeked professional help and was operated in a clinic in Tübingen. He survived this miraculously, according to his own opinion he had a survival chance of only 2% <ref>*</ref>. His cancer appeared only two month after the death of his son Dirk (that was december 1978), and Hamer was convinced that event was the cause of his cancer <ref>* 1978 I developed testicular cancer from such a biological conflict, a so-called "loss conflict"...</ref>. But cancer needs years to develop, and not two month. His wife died instead because of her breast cancer in 1985, a new medicine therapy by Hamer was not successful. Hamer said this at the end of 1985 and declared his wife to be his ''first patient after dicovering the iron rules of cancer''.
==A sceptical view of the New Germanic Medicine==
==Sceptical view of the Germanic New Medicine==
Hamer has never pubished his hypotheses in a scientific paper (his doctoral thesis has nothing to do with it), and apart from an article by danish holistic physician (now barred) Sören Ventegodt that appeared in a rather less-important journal <ref>Ventegodt et al. Fulltext:</ref> no scientific paper analyzing his method can be found in data-bases. The author Ventegodt has also lost his medical licence in the mean time and has been critized to work in a pseudoscientific way, and it seems that the jounal is accepting papers after a ''payment'' has been made <ref> Ventegodt and pseudoscience</ref>. This makes it more difficult to evaluate his ideas.
Hamer has never pubished his hypotheses in a scientific paper (his doctoral thesis has nothing to do with it), and apart from an article by danish holistic physician (now barred) Sören Ventegodt that appeared in a rather less-important journal <ref>Ventegodt et al. Fulltext:</ref> no scientific paper analyzing his method can be found in data-bases. The author Ventegodt has also lost his medical licence in the mean time and has been critized to work in a pseudoscientific way, and it seems that the jounal is accepting papers after a ''payment'' has been made <ref> Ventegodt and pseudoscience</ref>. This makes it more difficult to evaluate his ideas.
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becoming a danger for his patients.
becoming a danger for his patients.
==external and internal contradictions and obvious errors in New Germanic Medicine==
==External and internal contradictions and obvious errors in Germanic New Medicine==
[[Image:Ce.jpg|cancer survival in Germany|300px|thumb]]  
[[Image:Ce.jpg|cancer survival in Germany|300px|thumb]]  
[[Image:Mortalitysweden.jpg|thumb|400px|mortality in sweden between 1964 and 1996]]
[[Image:Mortalitysweden.jpg|thumb|400px|mortality in sweden between 1964 and 1996]]
Line 63: Line 63:, The present study investigates a tumor model for cachectic mice. Among various murine transplantable tumors, used for assessing cytostatics, we identified colon 26 adenocarcinoma (colon 26) as capable of causing cachexia. Fifteen days after inoculation, the tumor grew to about 6% of the body weight causing substantial carcass weight loss of 3.4 g (14.5% of the carcass weight). When the tumor size was 2.7 g at 3 weeks after the inoculation, the carcass weight was 12 g less than the age-matched control. The tumor continued to grow while the mice maintained this weight, surviving for an average of 45 days. This extensive weight loss was essentially the wasting of adipose and muscle tissues. Hypoglycemia and hypercorticism occurred during the time of the weight loss. In addition, the colon 26 caused disorders of hepatic functions: the concentration of acute phase proteins in serum increased; the number of hepatic glucocorticoid-cytosol receptors decreased; and activities of hepatic catalase and drug-metabolizing enzymes decreased. On the other hand, noncachectic mice with Meth A fibrosarcoma gained weight, which was somewhat less than the control, and had neither hypoglycemia nor hypercorticism, although some mild disorders of hepatic functions were found. Mice bearing colon 26 is an appropriate model for elucidating the mechanism that causes cachexia.</ref>., The present study investigates a tumor model for cachectic mice. Among various murine transplantable tumors, used for assessing cytostatics, we identified colon 26 adenocarcinoma (colon 26) as capable of causing cachexia. Fifteen days after inoculation, the tumor grew to about 6% of the body weight causing substantial carcass weight loss of 3.4 g (14.5% of the carcass weight). When the tumor size was 2.7 g at 3 weeks after the inoculation, the carcass weight was 12 g less than the age-matched control. The tumor continued to grow while the mice maintained this weight, surviving for an average of 45 days. This extensive weight loss was essentially the wasting of adipose and muscle tissues. Hypoglycemia and hypercorticism occurred during the time of the weight loss. In addition, the colon 26 caused disorders of hepatic functions: the concentration of acute phase proteins in serum increased; the number of hepatic glucocorticoid-cytosol receptors decreased; and activities of hepatic catalase and drug-metabolizing enzymes decreased. On the other hand, noncachectic mice with Meth A fibrosarcoma gained weight, which was somewhat less than the control, and had neither hypoglycemia nor hypercorticism, although some mild disorders of hepatic functions were found. Mice bearing colon 26 is an appropriate model for elucidating the mechanism that causes cachexia.</ref>.
==Role of morphine in new medicine==
==Role of morphine in the New Medicine==
Morphine (derived from opium) has been invented about 200 year ago in 1804 by Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner, after opium had been used for thousands of years. Morphine allowed a more exact dosage in pain relieving treatment. Hamer and his followers are convinced that the use of morphine (and similar drugs) would be the cause of many cancer deaths. Morphine is however one of the most powerful analgetic drugs we know today and has no ceiling effect. Morphine can be easely dosed by a patient adding only the necessary number of drops to a beverage. Its side effects must know each medical student and they are well knows since the invention in 1804. In Denmark morphine consume in the 80ies was known to be ten times higher than in Germany, without influencing cancer mortality (75 kg/1 milion persons/year instead of 7,5 kg) and in 2002 the morphine consume increased to 22 chili in Germania, while cancer mortality was decreasing. The italian consume was 70 kg, 92Kg in Denmark, in Austria 152 kg, UK 353 Kg and Hongary 577 Kg/1 mil./year.
Morphine (derived from opium) has been invented about 200 year ago in 1804 by Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner, after opium had been used for thousands of years. Morphine allowed a more exact dosage in pain relieving treatment. Hamer and his followers are convinced that the use of morphine (and similar drugs) would be the cause of many cancer deaths. Morphine is however one of the most powerful analgetic drugs we know today and has no ceiling effect. Morphine can be easely dosed by a patient adding only the necessary number of drops to a beverage. Its side effects must know each medical student and they are well knows since the invention in 1804. In Denmark morphine consume in the 80ies was known to be ten times higher than in Germany, without influencing cancer mortality (75 kg/1 milion persons/year instead of 7,5 kg) and in 2002 the morphine consume increased to 22 chili in Germania, while cancer mortality was decreasing. The italian consume was 70 kg, 92Kg in Denmark, in Austria 152 kg, UK 353 Kg and Hongary 577 Kg/1 mil./year.
==The role of pain in new medicine==
==Role of pain in the New Medicine==
Pain, Hamer believes, should not be treated (see: [[Testimonies of former associates of Hamer]]). According to the protagonists of the method, no opiates or opiate derivatives should be administered as far as possible if the chances of a cure are not to be practically eliminated. This could cause patients to endure extreme cancer pain unecessarily on the assumption that this is necessary for a cure. (see: [[victims of new medicine]])
Pain, Hamer believes, should not be treated (see: [[Testimonies of former associates of Hamer]]). According to the protagonists of the method, no opiates or opiate derivatives should be administered as far as possible if the chances of a cure are not to be practically eliminated. This could cause patients to endure extreme cancer pain unecessarily on the assumption that this is necessary for a cure. (see: [[victims of new medicine]])
Moreover, if the cancer progresses, patients could suffer feelings of failure or guilt, because the Hamer method of «New Medicine» presumes that the cure for cancer depends upon the patients’ resolving their personal conflicts. This could give rise to the erroneous assumption that the disease will progress if they do not make a large enough contribution towards the resolution of their conflicts, or if they do not follow the proper procedure.
Moreover, if the cancer progresses, patients could suffer feelings of failure or guilt, because the Hamer method of «New Medicine» presumes that the cure for cancer depends upon the patients’ resolving their personal conflicts. This could give rise to the erroneous assumption that the disease will progress if they do not make a large enough contribution towards the resolution of their conflicts, or if they do not follow the proper procedure.
==handedness and new medicine==
==Handedness and the New Medicine==
[[image:handedness.jpg|600px|thumb|applause-test for handedness according to Hamer]]
[[image:handedness.jpg|600px|thumb|applause-test for handedness according to Hamer]]
In new medicine, handedness is important as it should determine the location of an eventual disease like cancer. But in relation to handedness in man, Hamer made many erroneous statements beeing in obvious contrast to actual medical knowledge.  
In new medicine, handedness is important as it should determine the location of an eventual disease like cancer. But in relation to handedness in man, Hamer made many erroneous statements beeing in obvious contrast to actual medical knowledge.  
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A survey of more than 5000 years of art work, encompassing 1180 scorable instances of unimanual tool or weapon usage, revealed no systematic trends in hand usage. The right hand was used in an average of 93 percent of the cases, regardless of which historical era or geographic region was assessed.</ref><ref>Peter Hepper, Signalling right from the womb, Belfast 2004 New Scientist 2457, pag 13, 24 july 2004 []</ref>
A survey of more than 5000 years of art work, encompassing 1180 scorable instances of unimanual tool or weapon usage, revealed no systematic trends in hand usage. The right hand was used in an average of 93 percent of the cases, regardless of which historical era or geographic region was assessed.</ref><ref>Peter Hepper, Signalling right from the womb, Belfast 2004 New Scientist 2457, pag 13, 24 july 2004 []</ref>
==Hamer, new medicine and radiology (see also: [[Hamer focus]] article)==
==Hamer, New Medicine and radiology (See also: [[Hamer focus]] article)==
[[image:Ct-artefact.jpg|CT ring artefact presented by Hamer as a ''Hamer-focus''|300px|thumb]]
[[image:Ct-artefact.jpg|CT ring artefact presented by Hamer as a ''Hamer-focus''|300px|thumb]]
Hamer bases his diagnoses on a particular interpretation of brain scans using exclusively computer tomography mixed with his obscure and never validated proprietary handedness-tests. CT-diagnostics are crucial in new medicine to detect so called ''Hamer-foci''. His particular interpretation is not compatible with actual knowledge in radiology. The Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer writes: ''...The «Hamer foci» on the CT images in Hamer׳s books have been identified by radiological experts as typical artefacts produced by the radiological device which can appear in a poor-quality CT scan...''<ref>Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer, SCAC. ''Hamer's «New Medicine»'' Document No. 01/02. []</ref> and the author Ventegodt adds: ..''The concentric circles in the Hamer focus, shown on the front page of his book[1], looks like an artefact and very little as a biological phenomena, which in humans are almost never seen as concentric circles...'' <ref></ref>.  
Hamer bases his diagnoses on a particular interpretation of brain scans using exclusively computer tomography mixed with his obscure and never validated proprietary handedness-tests. CT-diagnostics are crucial in new medicine to detect so called ''Hamer-foci''. His particular interpretation is not compatible with actual knowledge in radiology. The Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer writes: ''...The «Hamer foci» on the CT images in Hamer׳s books have been identified by radiological experts as typical artefacts produced by the radiological device which can appear in a poor-quality CT scan...''<ref>Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer, SCAC. ''Hamer's «New Medicine»'' Document No. 01/02. []</ref> and the author Ventegodt adds: ..''The concentric circles in the Hamer focus, shown on the front page of his book[1], looks like an artefact and very little as a biological phenomena, which in humans are almost never seen as concentric circles...'' <ref></ref>.  
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A single CT-scan produces a dose of radiation. A single CT brain-scan corresponds to about 4 mSv and corresponds aproximately to the annual dose od radiation a man receives from any other source (natural and man-made).
A single CT-scan produces a dose of radiation. A single CT brain-scan corresponds to about 4 mSv and corresponds aproximately to the annual dose od radiation a man receives from any other source (natural and man-made).
==The invention of New Medicine in 1981==
==Invention of the New Medicine in 1981==
Some time after the death of his son Dirk Hamer (see his [[Ryke Geerd Hamer|biography]]), he began to believe, that any disease, most notably cancer, is not dangerous in itself, but merely a biological symptom of a psychological conflict situation that he calls biological conflict. The loss of his son Dirk led Hamer to invent his "New Medicine" in autumn 1981, while living in Germany. According to Hamer, the shock of the death of his son caused him to develop testicular cancer within two month after the event and to cause breast cancer in his wife Sigrid. His wife was cured by Hamer and was his first patient, she died however in 1985 after having refused any conventional cure by modern medicine.
Some time after the death of his son Dirk Hamer (see his [[Ryke Geerd Hamer|biography]]), he began to believe, that any disease, most notably cancer, is not dangerous in itself, but merely a biological symptom of a psychological conflict situation that he calls biological conflict. The loss of his son Dirk led Hamer to invent his "New Medicine" in autumn 1981, while living in Germany. According to Hamer, the shock of the death of his son caused him to develop testicular cancer within two month after the event and to cause breast cancer in his wife Sigrid. His wife was cured by Hamer and was his first patient, she died however in 1985 after having refused any conventional cure by modern medicine.
==see also==
==See also==
*[[Victims of new medicine]]
*[[Victims of new medicine]]
*[[Testimonies of former associates of Hamer]]
*[[Testimonies of former associates of Hamer]]
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[[category: New Germanic Medicine]]
autoreview, reviewer, Administrators
