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[[image:Orbo2.jpg|Orbo model|thumb]]
[[image:Steorn economist.jpg|Steorn advertisement in ''The economist''|300px|thumb]]
[[image:Steorn economist.jpg|Advertisement of Steorn in ''The economist''|300px|thumb]]
'''Steorn Ltd.''' is a Dublin-based Irish company claiming to have built a [[Perpetual Motion|perpetual motion]] device called "Orbo" which, contrary to the laws of physics, is said to be able to produce infinite energy.  
'''Steorn Ltd.''' is an Irish company based in Dublin claiming to have build a [[Perpetual Motion]] device called "Orbo" which, violating fundamental principles of physics, is supposed to create limitless energy.
In August 2006 Steorn placed a large scale advertisement receiving wide attention in the English newspaper "The Economist"<ref>The Economist, August&nbsp;19, 2006</ref> claiming to be able to provide "free, clean and constant energy". The scientific community was challenged to investigate the technology and report the findings to the world. According to the advertisement price list of the newspaper they spent about 125.000&nbsp;Euro (£&nbsp;85.200) on that ad.
In August 2006, Steorn raised attention with a widely noticed large scale advertisement placed in the English newspaper "The Economist"<ref>The Economist, August&nbsp;19, 2006</ref>. The ad claimed Steorn had developed a technology able to provide „free, clean and constant energy“<ref>[ Archive page of the Orbo claim]</ref> and were now asking scientists to investigate this technology and report results. According to the Economist's price list for advertisements, they spent about 125.000&nbsp;Euro (£&nbsp;85.200) on that ad.  
Several tries to show a functioning Orbo-PM to the public failed. A group of scientists which were allowed to test the device could not find evidence that it could create "energy for nothing".<ref>[ Irish 'energy for nothing' gizmo fails jury vetting], Irish Times Wed 06 Jun 2009</ref>
Several attempts to present a functioning Orbo-PM to the public failed. A group of scientists allowed to take a look at the device could not find evidence it was able to generate "energy from nothing".<ref name="gizmo">[ Irish 'energy for nothing' gizmo fails jury vetting], Irish Times Wed 06 Jun 2009</ref>
An allegedly working Orbo unit constructed of clear plastic was shown on 15.&nbsp;Dezember 2009 in Dublin (Waterways Centre Building) and a video stream of the running device published on the website.
On December 15, 2009, an allegedly working Orbo model was presented in Dublin (Waterways Centre Building). Steorn's website published video streams meant to demonstrate the device was revolving constantly.<ref>[ Steorn shows revolving Orbo to the public ], ZDNet, 15 December, 2009</ref>
The claims of the company Steorn about the "Orbo"-Technology violate the first law of thermodynamics, that energy in an isolated system stays the same and can neither be destroyed nor created. It can only change forms.
Steorn's claims regarding their „Orbo technologies“ contradict the first law of thermodynamics saying that energy will neither be generated nor used up in a closed system, but may only be transformed into another form of energy.<ref>[ Irish energy miracle 'a joke']TheAge, August 20, 2006</ref>
[[image:Orbo.jpg|Orbo technology(image:Steorn Video)|300px|thumb]]
The wonder-technology from Steorn called "Steorn Orbo Technology" is based on a fictitious "time variant magneto-mechanical interaction" and said to be able to provide "clean energy" for mobile sound systems and cars. It is claimed to be a so called "overunity technology", which means that it can create more energy than it consumes. Orbo is a registered brand.
The miracle technology called "Steorn Orbo Technology" is said to base on a fictitious "time variant magneto-mechanical interaction"<ref>[ Laws of Physics Apparently Being Rewritten Today], Tech Crunch Jul 4, 2007 </ref> and allegedly is able to provide "clean energy" for mobile sound systems and cars. It is claimed to be a so-called "overunity technology", which means it will generate more energy than its operation requires. Orbo is a registered brand.
Older publications of Steorn claimed that energy was created using time variant magnetic viscosity, an effect that only Steorn has understood. According to Steorn converging magnets fast uses less energy than pulling them apart slowly because the magnets would not have enough time to readjust their magnetic domains.
In previous publications, Steorn affirmed they were able to generate energy by applying a time-dependent, magnetic viscosity, an effect only understood by Steorn as it were. According to Steorn, the fast convergence of two magnets used less energy than slowly pulling them apart later on, because the magnets thus did not have sufficient time to readjust their magnetic domains.
The eOrbo device presented in Dublin is said to draw pulsated electric current from a little battery and generate a magnetic field using small inductors which affect the attraction of rotating permanent magnets in different ways: During convergence attracting forces will maximize, while they will decrease during the phase of removal. A ''broken symmetry'' hypothesis had been drafted by one [[Thomas E. Bearden|Tom Bearden]] previously.<ref></ref> The right moment to feed energy is said to be determined by a Reed contact. The rotation of permanent magnets at the same time will induce current in further conductors (according to Faraday's law of induction) which was said to be sufficient to charge the battery after rectification. The electric power output at the same time was said to be higher (''overunity'') than that necessary for operation, so that a change of battery was redundant.
Bei dem in Dublin vorgeführten e-Orbo-Prinzip soll impulsförmig fließender Strom aus einer kleinen Batterie in mehreren kleinen Spulen zu einem Magnetfeld führen, der die anziehenden Kräfte von rotierenden Permanentmagneten in unterschiedlicher Weise beeinflusse: bei Annäherung des rotierenden Permanentmagneten soll die anziehende Kraft maximal sein, während sie in der Phase der Entfernung abnehmen soll. Dazu war in der Vergangenheit bereits eine ''Broken Symmetry''-Hypothese von einem Tom Bearden formuliert worden.<ref></ref> Der jeweilige richtige Moment zum Stromfluss soll dabei durch ein Reed-Relais bestimmt werden. Durch die Rotation der Permanentmagneten soll gleichzeitig in anderen Spulen ein Stromfluss induziert werden (nach dem bekannten Induktionsgesetz), der nach Gleichrichtung ausreiche, die Batterie wieder zu laden. Gleichzeitig sei die abgegebene elektrische Leistung größer (''overunity'') als die zum Betrieb notwendige Leistung, sodass sich ein Batteriewechsel erübrige.
[[image:Steorn Demo.jpg|thumb]]
[[image:Steorn Demo.jpg|thumb]]
Am 4.&nbsp;Juli 2007 wurde ein nicht im Steorn-Sinne funktionierendes Demonstrationsmodell im Londoner ''Kinetica Museum'' (Spitalfields Market) nach längeren Verzögerungen vorgestellt und kurz danach wieder entfernt. Steorn erklärte, dass das Modell durch Hitze durch zu helles Scheinwerferlicht gestört worden sei. Später hieß es, es wäre zu einem "Treibhauseffekt" im Modell gekommen.
Am 15.&nbsp;Dezember 2009 begann eine vorab in Mitteilungen und einem Video angekündigte Demonstration eines Modells im Dubliner ''Waterways Visitor Centre'', mit gleichzeitigem Angebot von drei Videostreams im Internet (Links: [] [] []). Die Vorführung des Live-Streams wurde mehrfach unterbrochen. Auch konnten Reinigungskräfte beobachtet werden, die die Demo-Motoren außer Sichtweite brachten, um sie später, nach Reinigung des Aufstellungsorts, wieder zurückzubringen.
On July 4,  2007 an Orbo-unit was meant to be presented at London Kinetica Museum (Spitalfields Market). The public demonstration was postponed due to technical problems and eventually canceled. Steorn initially stated that heat emitted by spotlights had interfered with the device.<ref>[ Irish firm's display of 'free-energy' machine delayed], Belfast Telegraph, 5 July 2007</ref> Later on they claimed the development of a „greenhouse effect“ within the model.<ref>[ Harsh light shines on free energy], Physics World August 2007</ref><ref>[ Top 15 Web Hoaxes of All Time], July 15, 2009 by Josh Catone</ref>
Another demonstration scheduled for December 15, 2009 had been promoted in communications and video streams. The device was displayed at Dublin ''Waterways Visitor Centre'', and three video streams were shown in the Internet (Links: [] [] []). The streams were interrupted several times. Also, cleaning personnel moved the demonstration engines out of sight to return them after completing cleaning operations.
The device was powered by a small rechargeable battery which was supposed to be recharged by operation and thus never discharge. Steorn even claimed the "Orbo 2009" model produced three times the energy it consumed. Surplus energy was said to be released as heat. The operating power was said to come from the magnets used (''Orbo is a technology that creates energy from magnetic interactions.'').<ref>[ What is Orbo?], Steorn Website, accessed March 9, 2011</ref> The demonstration was scheduled to last six weeks, with a break between December&nbsp;24 and 4.&nbsp;January&nbsp;4, 2010. There are no instruments registering outputs or inputs of electrical current visible in the videos.
According to Steorn, giving a precise energy balance was not possible due to the "complexity" of the simple engine. Since it may not be excluded that the device was  operated exclusively by the rechargable battery (1.2&nbsp;Volt/10&nbsp;Ah), the demonstration is not appropriate to prove Steorn's claims. Further information may be obtained only by an independent examination which e.g. monitored charging voltage and charging current of the battery (or of a large capacitor) over a longer period of time in order to establish the system's energy balance. According to Steorn, they were not prepared to consider the use of a capacitor as a buffer store instead of the rechargeable 10&nbsp;Ah battery, since capacitors allegedly had „a delay in delivering current“.<ref>Comment by Steorn-CEO Sean McCarthy</ref> In fact, capacitors are able to provide current without any delay.
Das Modell mit Permanentmagneten wird von einer kleinen wiederaufladbaren Batterie angetrieben, die durch den Betrieb kontinuierlich wieder aufgeladen werde und sich so nicht entlade. Steorn gab sogar an, dass das "Orbo 2009"-Modell dreimal soviel Strom liefere, wie es verbrauche und die überschüssige Leistung würde als Wärme freigesetzt. Die Antriebsenergie stamme von den eingesetzten Permanentmagneten (''Orbo is a technology that creates energy from magnetic interactions.''). Die Vorführung soll laut Steorn 6&nbsp;Wochen dauern, mit einer Unterbrechung vom 24.&nbsp;Dezember bis 4.&nbsp;Januar 2010. In den gezeigten Aufnahmen sind keine Messgeräte zu sehen, die die Stromabgabe oder Stromaufnahme der Batterie anzeigen. Eine exakte Energiebilanz wäre laut Steorn wegen der "complexity" des einfachen Motors nicht möglich gewesen. Da nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann, dass das Modell ausschließlich durch die gezeigte wiederaufladbare Batterie (1,2&nbsp;Volt/10&nbsp;Ah) betrieben wird, ist die Demonstration nicht geeignet, Steorns Behauptungen zu belegen. Mehr Aufschluss könnte nur eine unabhängige Untersuchung ergeben, bei der beispielsweise Ladespannung und Ladestrom der Batterie (oder eines Kondensators hoher Kapazität) über einen längeren Zeitraum kontinuierlich protokolliert werden, um daraus die Energiebilanz des Systems zu ermitteln. Einen Kondensator als Zwischenspeicher für Energie an Stelle der wiederaufladbaren 10&nbsp;Ah-Batterie wolle Steorn nach eigenen Angaben nicht erwägen, da Kondensatoren angeblich elektrischen Strom "verzögert" abgeben würden (''Capacitors have a delay in delivering current'').<ref>Aussage von Steorn-Chef Sean McCarthy</ref> Tatsächlich sind Kondensatoren jedoch in der Lage, Strom verzögerungsfrei abzugeben.
A group of scientists were chosen by Steorn for a jury to investigate the Orbo technology. The electro engineer Professor Dr. Ian MacDonald from the University of Albert was appointed Chairman of the jury. In 2009 they came to the unanimous verdict that Steorn's attempts to demonstrate the claim have not shown the production of energy.<ref>''In August 2006 the Irish company Steorn published an advertisement in the Economist announcing the development of "a technology that produces free, clean and constant energy". Qualified experts were sought to form a "jury" to validate these claims. Twenty-two independent scientists and engineers were selected by Steorn to form this jury. It has for the past two years examined evidence presented by the company. The unanimous verdict of the Jury is that Steorn's attempts to demonstrate the claim have not shown the production of energy. The jury is therefore ceasing work. The jury consists of scientists and engineers in relevant fields from Europe and North America, from industry, universities and government laboratories. Information about individual members can be found at</ref><ref>''</ref> The members of the jury had to sign a nondisclosure agreement.
Steorn selected a group of scientists forming a jury who were allowed to investigate the Orbo technology. It was headed by Ian MacDonald, professor emeritus of electrical engineering at the University of Alberta. In June 2009, they came to the unanimous verdict that Steorn had not been able to present evidence they in fact „produced“ energy as claimed.<ref>''In August 2006 the Irish company Steorn published an advertisement in the Economist announcing the development of "a technology that produces free, clean and constant energy". Qualified experts were sought to form a "jury" to validate these claims. Twenty-two independent scientists and engineers were selected by Steorn to form this jury. It has for the past two years examined evidence presented by the company. The unanimous verdict of the Jury is that Steorn's attempts to demonstrate the claim have not shown the production of energy. The jury is therefore ceasing work. The jury consists of scientists and engineers in relevant fields from Europe and North America, from industry, universities and government laboratories. Information about individual members can be found at</ref><ref name="gizmo" /> Members of the jury had to sign an agreement of nondisclosure.
==Public Reception / Reaction==
==Public Reception and Reactions==
The advertisement in ''The Economist'' and the claims of Steorn received an echo in newspapers and blogs of several countries. Articles in scientific papers do not exist (December 2009).
The advertisement in ''The Economist'' and the claims of Steorn received an echo in newspapers and blogs of several countries. Articles in scientific papers do not exist (March 2011).
==Steorn Ltd.==
==Steorn Ltd.==
[[image:SeanMcCarthy.jpg|Sean McCarthy|thumb]]
[[image:SeanMcCarthy.jpg|Sean McCarthy|thumb]]
Steorn Ltd. was founded in Dublin in 2000 and is owned by Irishman Sean McCarthy (sometimes "Shaun David McCarthy"). As its business segment, Steorn claims to be a "leading Intellectual Property development company". In the past Steorn in fact operated as  a "dot-com" in Internet business and provided expertise to prevent forgery and fraudulent use of cash cards and optical data storage devices. In October 2001, Steorn announced it was a "specialist service company providing programme management and technical assessment advice for European companies engaging in e-commerce projects". Steorn seemed to work at the development of micro generators which can harvest tiny amounts of energy from movement, e.g. for watches without battery. Later an USB Echosensor for measuring magnetic fields and a "Magnetic Torque Measurement System" (to measure pure torque of permanent magnets) were developed and marketed.
Steorn Ltd. ist eine im Jahr 2000 gegründete Dubliner Kleinfirma. Firmenchef ist der Ire Sean McCarthy (manchmal auch "Shaun David McCarthy" genannt). Als Geschäftsfeld wird angegeben, dass man eine "leading Intellectual Property development company" sei. In der Vergangenheit widmete sich Steorn tatsächlich als "dot com-Firma" dem Internet-Business sowie Techniken, um Fälschungen und Betrug bei Plastikkarten und optischen Datenträgern zu verhindern. Im Oktober 2001 gab Steorn auf seiner Webseite an, eine "specialist service company providing programme management and technical assessment advice for European companies engaging in e-commerce projects" zu sein. Steorn schien an der Entwicklung von Mikrogeneratoren zu arbeiten, die kleine Mengen elektrischer Energie aus Bewegungsenergie gewinnen, etwa für batterielose Armbanduhren. Später wurde ein USB-Hallsensor zur Magnetfeldmessung sowie ein "Magnetic Torque Measurement System" (zur Messung einer "pure torque" von Permanentmagneten) entwickelt und vermarktet.
In 2006 Steorn allegedly earned 2,5&nbsp;Million Euro through investors. Overall, Steorn is said to have received more than 8&nbsp;Million Euro from investors, issueing company shares in return. Critics accused Steorn of only being a clever marketing company which employed claims to attract interest in order to win future customers.
Sean McCarthy resigned as secretary(director) of Steorn on Februar 14, 2011, the new board of directory consists of the main investors representing over 10 million in Steorn investments. A new company "The Steorn Orbo Trust" was founded on March 2, 2011 and officially registered on March 28.<ref>[ Resignation of McCarthy and new board of directors], Scan of papers</ref>
A patent for the Orbo technology was allegedly submitted by Steorn, but not granted to date (March 2011). Steorn does own several patents on magnetic measurement devices:<ref>[ Steorn search in patent database]</ref>
Im Jahr 2006 soll Steorn durch Investoren 2,5&nbsp;Millionen Euro eingenommen haben. Insgesamt hat Steorn mehr als 8&nbsp;Millionen Euro von Investoren erhalten und gab dafür Firmenanteilsscheine aus. Kritiker werfen Steorn vor, lediglich ein geschicktes Marketingunternehmen zu sein, dass durch die Behauptungen das Interesse auf sich selbst lenke, um zukünftige Kunden zu gewinnen.
*PASSIVE MAGNETIC BEARING. Inventor:  MCCARTHY SEAN [IE] ; FLANAGAN SEAMUS [IE]. Applicant:  STEORN LTD [IE]. EC: F16C19/10; F16C32/04; IPC:  H02K7/09. US2011001379 (A1) - 2011-01-06
*TORQUE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM. Inventor: MCCARTHY SEAN [IE]. Applicant: STEORN LTD [IE]. ECLA: G01P3/486; G01D5/347C. WO2009087476 (A2) - 2009-07-16
*SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEASURING ENERGY IN MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS. Inventor: MCCARTHY SEAN DAVID [IE]; SIMPSON ALAN [IE]. Applicant: STEORN LTD [IE]. ECLA: G01R33/038B; G01R33/038. IPC: G01R33/12; G01L3/00; G01R19/00. US2009009157 (A1) 2009-01-08
*LOW ENERGY MAGNETIC ACTUATOR. Inventor: MCCARTHY SHAUN DAVID [IE]; SIMPSON ALAN [IE]. Applicant: STEORN LTD [IE]; MCCARTHY SHAUN DAVID [IE]. ECLA: H01F7/02A; H01F7/02B4. IPC: (IPC1-7): H01F7/02. WO2006035419 (A1) - 2006-04-06
Ein Patent zur Orbo-Technik wurde bislang (Stand: Dezember 2009) Steorn nicht erteilt, ein Patent soll jedoch eingereicht worden sein. Steorn besitzt jedoch mehrere Patente zu Messverfahren von Drehmomenten und "magnetischen Kräften":
*TORQUE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM. Erfinder: MCCARTHY SEAN [IE]. Anmelder: STEORN LTD [IE]. ECLA: G01P3/486; G01D5/347C. WO2009087476 (A2) - 2009-07-16
*SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEASURING ENERGY IN MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS. Erfinder: MCCARTHY SEAN DAVID [IE]; SIMPSON ALAN [IE]. Anmelder: STEORN LTD [IE]. ECLA: G01R33/038B; G01R33/038. IPC: G01R33/12; G01L3/00; G01R19/00. US2009009157 (A1) 2009-01-08
*LOW ENERGY MAGNETIC ACTUATOR. Erfinder: MCCARTHY SHAUN DAVID [IE]; SIMPSON ALAN [IE]. Anmelder: STEORN LTD [IE]; MCCARTHY SHAUN DAVID [IE]. ECLA: H01F7/02A; H01F7/02B4. IPC: (IPC1-7): H01F7/02. WO2006035419 (A1) - 2006-04-06
==News items==
==News items==
*[,1518,492838,00.html Christian Stöcker: ''Iren wollen Perpetuum Mobile vorführen'', Der Spiegel 6.&nbsp;Juli 2007]
*[,1518,492838,00.html Christian Stöcker: ''Iren wollen Perpetuum Mobile vorführen''], "Der Spiegel" July 6, 2007
*[ Steve Boggan: ''These men think they're about to change the world'', The Guardian, 25.&nbsp;August 2006]
*[ Steve Boggan: ''These men think they're about to change the world''], The Guardian, August 25, 2006
*[ Gavin Daly: ''Firm strives to extend mobile battery lifespans'', The Post (Irland), 21.&nbsp;Mai 2006]
*[ Gavin Daly: ''Firm strives to extend mobile battery lifespans''], The Post (Irland), May 21, 2006  
*[ Michael Schirber: ''Harsh light shines on free energy'', Physics World August 2007]
*''Mouvement perpétuel chez Steorn'', Article in [[NEXUS Magazine]] (French), Issue Nr. 49, March-April 2007
*''Mouvement perpétuel chez Steorn'', Artikel in [[NEXUS Magazin|NEXUS]] (Französische Version), Heft Nr. 49, März-April 2007
*[ Article in Liechtensteiner Volksblatt about the demonstration 2009/2010]
*[ Artikel in Liechtensteiner Volksblatt zu Vorführungen 2009/2010]
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