
10,595 bytes added ,  00:29, 2 March 2011
[[image:Michaelbrady2.jpg|Mike Brady mit Bruder|thumb]]
[[image:Bradyschneider.jpg|Mike Brady mit Inge Schneider (NET-Journal)|left|thumb]]
[[image:PerendevTeam.jpg|Selbstdarstellung des "Perendev-Team" auf den Webseiten von Perendev<ref>Screenshot vom 21.4.2010</ref>|thumb]]
The '''Perendev-Group''' was a munich company in the dubious sector of [[Free Energy]] which sold various [[Esotericism|esoteric]] health products. One branch was located in Swiss. The Perendev Power Group is the successor of the ''Power Developments (Pty) Ltd'' from Johannesburg, South Africa. In April 2010 it became known that the Perendev Power Holding AG was bankrupt.<ref>,_Perendev,_closes_its_doors.html</ref> The website doesn't exist anymore. Emails were answered with a message, that the director, Mike Brady, was not able to handle daily business anymore because of ''legal proceedings abroad'' and were informed that the company will probably go bankrupt.<ref>Dear Customers and Partners of Perendev Power Holding AG<br>We regret to inform you that our sole director Michael J. Brady has to take care of severe legal proceedings abroad against his person and has therefore no longer the capacity to fulfil [sic] his functions with regard to Perendev Power Holding AG. Michael J. Brady regrets deeply that this leaves the company and its plans for a bright future with all of you behind. But he has no other choice, now, than to put all his efforts into fighting these false allegations. Although he has no possibility to evade this constellation, he apologizes for all the problems this causes to all of you. In this situation, Perendev Power Holding AG will most probably not be able to avoid in-solvency [sic]. To those who have investments or claims at stake, we give the advice to appoint a lawyer in Switzerland to follow such proceedings.<br>Perendev</ref>.

Founder of the company was the South African citizen [[Mike Brady]]. In conjunction with the company the lawyer Hans Badenhorst is mentioned.

Investors and customers are said to have filed charges against Perendev and Brady, since goods were not shipped after down payment. Proceedings against Mr. Brady started in September 2010 in Munich. He is charged with fraud.<ref>*Bernd Kastner: 0 [ ''Prozess um das Perpetuum Mobile - Die perfekte Profit-Maschine''], Artikel in "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (München) vom 10.9.2010</ref> Neutral, independent verifications of the Wondergenerators and the claims of Perendev are missing. Public demonstrations of the products were (analog to [[Steorn]]) repeatedly deferred.

The websites of the Perendev-Group carefully avoided to mention concepts like 'Perpetual Motion' or 'Free Energy'. Perendev also avoided to mention any reasonable explanation why their generators should work at all.

[[image:EMM.jpg|Bogus "EMM-Motor" and noncritical description in NET-Journal (Quelle: NET-Journal Heft 3/4, März/April 2007)|left|thumb]]
The Perendev-Group advertised their [[Perpetual Motion]] devices on their website. They claimed that they could deliver considerable amounts of energy. Similar products are sold by the Irish company [[Steorn]]. The devices which were shown by Perendev are allegedly magnet and electromagnet generators with an output of 100 kW to 4 MW. According to Perendev the generators are able to work in a so called ''self-runner mode'' and don't even need external energy sources.

Independent surveys of the generators are unheard of.

Besides [[Free Energy]] devices Perendev offers also a conventional [[nitrogen engine]],which allegedly produces 60 kW and is powered by gas. According to inventor Brady 25 liter nitrogen should be sufficient to drive 1600 kilometers.<ref>..''The team at Perendev has developed a recyclable nitrogen engine. This motor, measuring 175 x 150 x ? mm is capable of producing 60 kW of power. We estimate that 25 liters of nitrogen is enough for 1600 km wihtout refuelling. The concept of operation is the same as for steam but in reverse. Nitrogen boils at -195c and at ambient temperature can produce 24bar of pressure. Enough to drive a motor. When all else fails go to a moon of your nearest outer gas giant and pick up a bucket full of liquid Nitrogen!" ..'' Quelle:</ref>

Perendev offered its investors shares.<ref></ref><ref>Das finanzielle Ziel<br>Perendev benötigt für den Kauf und die Ausrüstung eines für Entwicklung und den Bau von Produkt-Prototypen geeigneten Gebäudes in der Schweiz eine Summe von etwa 10 Millionen Euro.<br>Das Gebäude soll nicht nur die Verwaltung sondern auch eine Elektronikabteilung aufnehmen, die die Fertigung der Steuergeräte für die Magnetmotoren sowie die der Hochfrequenzgeräte übernimmt, die für die Wasserstoffaggregate erforderlich sind. PERENDEV besitzt 26 % der Aktien des Holdingunternehmens, die zu 1 Million pro 1 %, was 1000 Anteilscheinen entspricht, zum Verkauf gebracht werden sollen. Die Preisbildung ist unter Berücksichtigung der bereits erteilten sowie der potentiellen Aufträge, etwa 70’000 mit einem Wert von etwa 1,7 Milliarden Euro, ermittelt worden. Der Wert der weltweiten Lizenzverträge beträgt etwa 2,7 Milliarden Euro.<br>Kleine Beteiligungen<br>PERENDEV geht davon aus, dass auch der Mann auf der Strasse seinen Teil zur Rettung unseres Planeten beitragen möchte und hat daher entschieden, auch kleinere Beteiligungen mit einem Betrag ab 100 Tausend Euro (100 Anteile an dem Holdingunternehmen) zu ermöglichen.</ref>

==Esoteric products in the health sector==
[[Bild:Perendev2.jpg|thumb|Magnetic golden health-rings to ionize the blood]]
Perendev offers ''magnetic golden health-rings'' for 550&nbsp;Euro to''ionize'' the Blood, which bring allegedly health advantages to the buyer.

The products of the Perendev Group became well known through noncritical advertising by [[NET-Journal]]<ref></ref> and [[Raum & Zeit]].<ref></ref>

The cofounder of the small esoteric political party [[Die Violetten]] (The violet party) and [[DVR]] member Wolfgang Lißeck, advertised the concept of the alleged magnet-motors of Perendev in a speech titled: ''Freie Energie: Das Ende aller Energiesorgen?''(Free Energy: End of all Energyproblems?) on Oct. 4th, 2008.

==Typical offer==
German citation:
''Das Angebot:<br>Sehr geehrter Interessent, wir bieten Ihnen an wie folgt:<br>300 kW Elektro-Magnet-Motor zu einem Preis von 45.800,00 Euro zzgl. MwSt und Transport<br>Technische Daten<br>Maße 1.6m lang; 1.2m breit; 1.4m hoch<br>Gewicht 1350 kg + Abhängigkeit von Konfiguration und Leistung max. 290 kWh permanent 2 x 1<br>Anschlusseinfassung 3 x 240 Volt ; 1 x 400 Volt<br>Geräuschpegel 30 dBa<br>Temperatur 30 °C im Leerlauf<br>Strahlung nein, durch das Gehäuse wird jede mögliche Strahlung nach Außen abgeschirmt<br>Generatoren AEG, Bosch oder Hitachi (je nach Modell oder Verwendungsart)<br>Wechselstromerzeuger 1500 U/min für 50 Hz ; 1800 U/min für 60 Hz<br>Allg. Geschäftsbedingungen zu Anschaffung und Nutzung<br>•Zahlung:<br>1.)Bei Bestellung 50% Anzahlung, zahlbar innerhalb 14 Tagen, rein Zahlung netto<br>2.) Bei Lieferung 50% sofort fällig, rein netto<br>•Die Lieferzeit beträgt 9 – 12 Monate nach Zahlungseingang<br>•Der Kunde erwirbt zu keiner Zeit das Eigentum an dem Gerät, sondern ein Nutzungsrecht ab Aufstellung. Hierzu wird ein Leasingvertrag bei Aufstellung geschlossen.<br>•Vor Bestellung hat der Interessent kein Anrecht ein Gerät in laufendem Betrieb anzuschauen<br>•Bei Stornierung des Auftrages werden 7% vom Nettobetrag der Anzahlung, zzgl. verursachter Bankkosten einbehalten<br>•Die gesetzliche Garantie beträgt 5 Jahre, die Lebensdauer 25 Jahre<br>Die Auftragsannahme erfolgt per Mail:<br>Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.<br>Mit freundlichem Gruß<br>Perendev Power Holding AG<br>Michael J. Brady<br>Und hier gehts zu den Infos: <br>''

==Reports of fraud==
The Norwegian Torbjørn Homelien, Aqua GEN&nbsp;AS ordered a "Free Energy Generator" from Perendev, which was claimed to be able to produce 6&nbsp;kilowatts energy indefinitely. He wired 6.000&nbsp;US-Dollar and was told that the generator will be delivered in 2 months. The generator was not delivered and no explanation was given. When Mr. Homelien managed to reach Mike Brady on phone, he was put off several times. Improvements were currently implemented was one of the excuses. In the end, the customer tried to sue Perendev. According to him, he was threatened on phone by Brady.<ref></ref>

The newspaper "Münchner Abendblatt" wrote that 41 persons were scammed for a million Euro. They payed in advance but promised "Free Energy" Generators were never delivered. The munich brach of the Perendev group became unreachable by telephone and Mike Brady defected to Wollerau in Swiss (Kanton Schwyz) in 2007. He was arrested on March 29th, 2010 in his house. The public prosecution department Munich had dispatched a warrant for fraud and he was extradited to Germany.

==Perendev-Patente oder Anmeldungen==
* ''NITROGEN MOTOR'', [ WO2007057039], Inventor: Mike Brady
* ''PERMANENT MAGNET MACHINE'', [ WO2006045333], Inventor: Mike Brady (abgelehntes Patent)

*Perendev Energy Power GmbH, Südliche Münchner Str. 19, D 82031 Gruenwald (bei München)
*Perendev-Power, Bomhardstr. 14, 82031 Gruenwald
*Roosstrasse 23, Office 203 Roospark, CH-8832 Wollerau



== Weblinks ==
* [ Webauftritt der Perendev Group]
* [*/ Alte Webseitenversionen auf]
* Video: [ Perendev Magnetmotor]

[[category:Free Energy]]
