
2,860 bytes added ,  22:20, 1 March 2011
Translated from german wiki
[[image:Joe.jpg|Erfinder "Joe"|thumb]]
A '''Joe-Cell''' is an electrically powered electrolysis cell which transforms water to hydrogen for energy production. It allegedly reaches a physically impossible degree of efficiency. Joe-Cells play a role in the [[Free Energy]] and [[Water-fuelled car]] scene. The construction plans are said to be the work of an unknown inventor, whose first name was "Joe".

Comparing Internet sources shows that there is no singular, unique description of the Joe-Cell, but various authors offer their own interpretation of the device. It is notable that the alleged physical mechanism, how the device is supposed to work, is described differently. The usual explanation is of [[Esotericism|esoteric]] nature.

Various plans, drawings and even construction sets can be found in the Internet, but now Joe-Cell is known whose capacity goes beyond those of normal electrolysis cells. There is no evidence in particular for the assertions of the supporters that a Joe-Cell has a higher degree of efficiency or can be powered with nothing more than water (see [[Water-fuelled car]]). Such a device would be a [[Perpetual Motion]] device.

A flourishing trade with Joe-Cell construction kits is possible among the [[Free Energie]] and [[Perpetual Motion]] device believers.

A typical Joe-Cell consist of several concentric stainless steel pipes which er filled with water. Various different properties of the water are given depending on source. The length, diameter, number and ratio of the diameters are said to be important to guarantee correct operation. Usually 4 cylinders are used, which are also called stages. The pipes are connected with a cable to supply voltage, usually a direct-current voltage like a car battery.

Various derivates of the usual construction plans exist, e.g. a so called "Moe-Joe-Cell" and a sperical device with onion skin "pipes".

==Pseudoscientific and absurd claims about the phsyical mechanism==
Several hypothesis about the physics behind the device are given. The cell is said to be able to power engines with unspecified "regulatory powers" or through implosion (instead of exploding gases as in regular combustion). Among those who believe in Orgone energy, the Joe Cell is believed to be an Orgone Accumulator. A further claim is that an engine powered with a Joe-Cell does not heat up and is allegedly more powerful than the same motor powered with regular energy.

*[ Pure Energy Systems Wiki:Joe-Cell]
*[ Wikipedia on Electrolytic cells]

[[category:Free Energy]]
