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In 2009 a shipment of vitamin pills was busted by the Department of Health investigators as part of an ongoing investigation in Cape Town and criminal cases against Rath were opened.<ref></ref>
In 2009 a shipment of vitamin pills was busted by the Department of Health investigators as part of an ongoing investigation in Cape Town and criminal cases against Rath were opened.<ref></ref>
==Rath as politician==
==Rath as a politician==
The Dr.&nbsp;Rath Health Foundation founded in June 2005 in Germany a small political party ''Allianz für Gesundheit, Frieden und soziale Gerechtigkeit''(alliance for health, freedom and social fairness) (AGFG) which was led by Raths PR-Manager Lutz Kliche and Rath himself was assistant chairman for some time.
Heart of the party platform are hypotheses of the [[cellular medicine]] and far reaching [[conspiracy theory|conspiracy theories]] of Rath. He interprets the denial of admission for his products as proof of a so called "Pharma-Dictatorship", which controls politicians and scientists all over the world like a puppet master. He claims on his website and in flyers that the Pharmakartell has declared war on health and life of the whole mankind. He imputes that vitamins and other naturopathic medicine is suppressed and defamed out of greed to sell "ineffective drugs" which just treat the symptoms to earn more money at the expense of the customers. Ostensible "proof" are excerpts from professional articles, flyers and news items. This aggressive strategy was forbidden in 1998 through a court order. In the reasons given for the judgment by the court of Berlin it is stated:
:''"Bei der Broschüre handelt es sich um ein Konglomerat von Tatsachenverdrehungen, Anschwärzungen und schlichten Unwahrheiten. Sie ist in toto auf Manipulation und Täuschung angelegt."''
:''"The Flyer is a conglomerate of distortion of facts, defamations and simple falsehoods. It's purpose is to manipulate and deceive."''
In a since 2006 running campaign of the party AGFG Rath warns from an imminent nuclear war with the purpose to establish a "Pharma-Dictatorship".
He also made an embarrassing comparison to the Holocaust: A text of the AGFG cites a speech of Rath "Auschwitz wird zum Wendepunkt der Geschichte" (Auschitz as a turning point in history) during a visit at the concentration camp Auschitz where he declares Auschitz to be part of a "Pharma-Genozide":<ref></ref>
:''"Auschwitz ist nicht in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossen. Es dauert noch an. [...] Die grausamen Ereignisse in Auschwitz waren und sind nur ein Teil des größeren Zusammenhangs des weltweiten Pharma-Völkermordes!"''
:''"Auschitz is not contained int the past. It still goes on. [...] The horrible happenings in Auschitz were and are still part of a greater relationship of the worldwide "Pharma-Genocide".
In 2009 Rath tried to take influence on the irish referendum about the new EU treaty. In a six pages leaflet to homes in Dublin Rath claimed that a "Yes" vote will result in the militarisation of Europe and see Ireland turned into an ''Orwellian police state''. Europe was on its way to become fully controlled by Oil and Pharmakartells. The ''vitamin millionaire'' and pharmaceutical businessman Rath portrayed his own activities as those of a ''non-profit organisation dedicated to improving human health through research, education and the defence of patients’ rights to choose natural health therapies''.<ref></ref>
==Legal cases==
==Legal cases==
