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The US company Magniwork Inc. tries to sell since early 2009 nonworking plans of a "magnetic generator" which allegedly creates energy to power the entire house out out nowhere. An energy source like for example oil, wind or sunlight is not required. They claim that a conspiracy of the big energy producing company keeps the general public from knowing about this technology. The plans of the alleged generator are distributed by a large number of websites and advertised using Google Adwords. Magniwork offers commisions for resellers.

However, it turns out that the device on the plans is nothing more than a so called Bedini circuit. This kind of Perpetuum Mobile was invented by the hustler John Bedini from Idaho(USA). A Perpetuum Mobile can never work according to the laws of thermodynamics[1]

Magniwork claims to have a 60-Days-Full-Money-Back-Guarantee, but ignores actual requests by customers[2]

Since several websites warn of the Magniwork Scam already, several other sites which sell the plans under other names like magnets4energy or magnet4power have appeared.[3][4]

The company "Magniwork Inc." has neither an address nor is it possible to determine the owners of the site. The website is registered anonymously, the domainholder hidden. Payment for the worthless plans is handled through a company called Click Sales inc ("Clickbank") in Boise(Idaho).[5]

Rumors in the internet claim that the east europeans Igor Dobreski and Vojdan Vrcakovski are the owners of Magniwork.[6]

The Plans

The "incredible" Magniwork-Generator

The plans can be ordered for 49 $ through several websites[7][8][9][10] (and more), and should allow the customer to build his own generator. After ordering the customer gets a 57 pages document, which contains a number of errors. The plans are based on the Perpetuum Mobile designs of John Bedini were copied from the website of Jean-Louis Naudin[11].

The assembly instructions are difficult to follow and do not show how the device is set in motion. The rest of the document shows conventional tipps for saving engery, which can be found on numerous websites and several books.

Magniwork claims that the device produces 24,5 Watt, which is (even if it did work) not sufficient to even power a single light bulb.[12]

Functional Principle

As functional principle a senseless pseudoscientific explanation is given:

This power source is not predicated on a continuous flow of energy but predicated on the consistency of the transmutation process of the magnetic molecular structures within the Earth’s pressure flow.
