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NET-Journal ("New Energy Technologies") is a German esoterically influenced journal, published by Jupiter-Verlag (Adolf and Inge Schneider) and issued to the members of Deutschen Vereinigung für Raumenergie (German Association of vacuum energy, formerly DVS). Release is bi-monthly.

NET-Journal was published the first time in December 1996, evolving from the booklet "Jupiter-Info" which had been a free supplement to the Swiss "Öko-Journal"

Typical content

  • Issue 01/2 2007 : Erich von Dänikens encounters of the third kind, page 34 - 35
  • Issue 03/4 2007 : Cancer medication for the common man, page 40
  • Issue 05/6 2007 : Mike Brady: Perendev-magnet motor before launch, pages 4 - 9
  • Issue 05/6 2007 : Secret-TV on air, pages 42 - 43
  • Issue 07/8 2007 : Prof.Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Project to achieve the "best converter of all times": "Schienenkonverter" (Railgun), pages 47 - 52
  • Issue 09/10 2007 : Did a German Nazi UFO land on Mars, pages 40 (Reichsflugscheiben are a typical idea of extreme-right esoterics)
  • Issue 01/2 2006 : Georg Ritschl: Operation "Regen in der Wüste (Desert Rain)" - Orgon-work in Afrika, pages 36 - 39
  • Issue 03/4 2006 : Inge Schneider: Bruno Gröning - one for all!, pages 50 - 51
  • Issue 03/4 2006 : Dr. med. Hamer partly rehabilitated, pages 40
  • Issue 03/4 2004 : New G-Com-data transfer principle: Dr. Müllers Global Scaling - Fact or Fiction?, pages 16 - 20
  • Issue 05/6 2004 : Popular Wörgl-experiment Silvio Gesell, pages 38 - 39
  • Issue 07/8 2004 : The Perpetual Motion device of the Nazis, pages 10 - 12
  • Issue 07/8 2004 : Stripes in the sky - Chemtrails and Lotus-effect, pages 37 - 39
  • Issue 07/8 2002 : Aquapol on track, pages 39
  • Issue 09/10 2002 : Jacques Benveniste at Luzern water-symposium: Scientific proven homeopathy, pages 49
  • Issue 07/08 2001 : Effective mikroorganisms - a true wonder drug, page 40
  • Issue 06/07 1997 : A current interview with Felix Würth, inventor of a Fluid-energy-machine

Criminal activities

Several articles in NET-Journal propagate fraudulent activities:

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