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The Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy according to Tullio Simoncini (internally known also as bica) is a pseudomedical cancer therapy, that can be considered as on of the most ineffective and absurd methods curing cancer patients. This method is worthless for the patient and at the same time extremely costly.

The inventor, the former italian physician Tullio Simoncini, has been convicted after several death cases occured after application of his "Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy", and he lost his medical licence. His opinon, that fungi would trigger cancer (cancer as a mycosis) is not compatible with knowledge of modern medicine. Scientific evidence for this hypothesis is lacking, scientific studies showing any positive effect of this treatment are lacking also. His opinion may be compared to the opinions of Bavarian physician Alfons Weber, who was convinced, that cancer would originate out of protozoe, and who treated his cancer patients therefore unnecessarily wirh anti-malaria drugs. He was also a believer of the Historic Pleomorphism concept of 19./20. century.

The sodium bicarbonate therapy according to Simoncini found uncritic resonance in NEXUS Magazine[1] and is advertized in Germany by the association Menschen gegen Krebs of former male nurse Lothar Hirneise[2] and was instructed during a payable workshop by this association. The Simoncini-doctrine is advertized in different languages via the private website of Simoncini hosted in the Netherlands.


Simoncini is wrongly convinced, that every cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. He makes therefore cancer an infectious disease (mycosis). But, instead using effective anti-mycotic drugs, Simoncini recommends and uses sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate can be found in many kitchen as backing powder and is a cheap substance. Sodium bicarbonate is not a registered cancer drug, used only in intensive care to combat acidosis. Simoncini is convinced, to "heal" about 80% of all cancer cases with sodium bicarbonate.

Simoncini found his customers and patients in the internet. Journalists of italian RAI-television (transmission striscia la notizia) were able to film Simoncini with a small hidden camera, showing how he treated cancer patients with sodium bicarbonate and ommiting to add the italian VAT-tax. A sodium bicarbonate therapy did cost 7.750 Euro, and the residence in his private clinic did cost 3.700 Euro.

His method was also popular in The Netherlands, where he fled after his conviction.

Inventor Tullio Simoncini

Tullio Simoncini

Tullio Simoncini is a roman former physician and business-man and he is the president of private association Associazione italiana Fungo è Tumore (A.I.F.è.T.), (meaning italian association fungus and cancer). No publication of Simoncini can be found in scientific databases until today (2010).

After several death cases occured after a sodium bicarbinate therapy, Simoncini was sued by families of the victims. He lost his medical approbation and in 2003 he was convicted for betraying in three cases and for man slaughter on one case. His brother, Angelo Simoncini, (also physician) was also convicted for betraying. His name has been canceled from the list of italian accredited physicians.[3]

In the Nederlands, the 58 years old female breast cancer patient Sylvia Millecam dies in october 2007, wgo received sodium bicarbonate infusions in an alternative clinic Kliniek voor Preventieve Geneeskunde Berg en Bosch (KPG) in Bilthoven.[4][5][6] The dutch health authorities intervened and banned this therapy.

Weblinks in German

Weblinks in English

italian links

dutch links

french links


  1. NEXUS Magazin 13, October-November 2007
  2. Zitat: Dieses Seminar ist offen für alle Interessenten, jedoch besonders geeignet für Ärzte und Heilpraktiker. Dr. Simoncini wird dabei alle Krebsarten im Detail besprechen. Das Seminar ist strukturiert aufgebaut, so dass jeder Teilnehmer in die Praxis seiner Therapie eingeweiht wird und erfährt, wie man diese sofort umsetzen kann. [1]
  3. http://application.fnomceo.it/Fnomceo/public/visioneProfessionisti.ot?page=1&rowsPerPage=30]
  4. http://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/article475419.ece/Arts_overleden_vrouw_niet_behandeld
  5. http://mistersandman.rtvkatwijk.nl/website/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13038:verbod-op-omstreden-therapie&catid=7:wetenschap&Itemid=14
  6. http://www.kwakzalverij.nl/681/De_kankertherapie_van_Dottor_Tullio_Simoncini_uit_Rome