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A '''conspiracy theory''' is the attempt to explain certain events, conditions or developments by a conspiracy, meaning the goal-oriented, secret acting of a group of people, towards an illegal or illegitimate purpose. Often the term conspiracy theory is used in a degrading or defaming manner regarding opinions, that are seen as unfounded, irrational, remote, paranoid or ideologically closed. On the other hand it is often used by supporters of irrational convictions as the easiest explanation of their failures. [[Ryke Geerd Hamer]] ([[Germanic New Medicine]]) for example claims the existence of a world wide Jewish conspiracy aimed at keeping their alleged knowledge hidden from non-Jews.

Conspiracy theories are gladly used, because they typically form self-contained systems of arguments. These are framed in a way which makes it hard to refute them (falsifiability). In the eyes of supporters of a conspiracy theory, non-believers are either part of the conspiracy, or simply not aware enough.

Conspiracy theories often contradict each other and can sometimes be refuted that way, or at least have some doubts cast on them.

Typical signs of a conspiracy theory are:<ref></ref>

# There is an alleged elite behind the conspiracy, people with alleged or real power (e.g. in politics, science or the economy). These can be secret societies operating in the background, or people officially occupying the corridors of power. This elite, and this is usually a fundamental theme, covers their true motives and purposely deceives the public on their intents. The brave conspiracy theorist Davids are fighting against the powerful Goliath.
# Supporters of the conspiracy theory are members of a small minority that knows the truth. Only they see in clear what should be obvious to everyone. But the small group of those who have seen through the conspiracy knows what's coming, and wants to warn everyone else. Often these small groups believe their movement is growing constantly.
# Questions are raised without actually wanting to get answers. Usually these questions are counterfactual, making it difficult to unmask them. They are rhetorical in nature, even though they appear as legitimate questions. Even a sufficient answer to such a question does not stop conspiracy theorists from asking it over and over again.
# Conspiracy theorists have their own answers ready, the conspiracy theory of course. At a closer look however they usually rely on many additional assumptions and implausible premises.
# Even facts that are objectively wrong are repeatedly used in arguments. This works, because supporters of the theory are not interested in discerning the plausibility of the arguments, but rather want to confirm their preconceived opinions. They are building their arguments around the intended results.
# Counter arguments are rarely addressed. Everything is about the confirmation of their conspiracy theory. There is no evaluation of the pros and cons. Claims are never tested for plausibility. The thesis justifies the arguments.
# Often the biggest contradiction of a conspiracy theory lies in the need for secrecy, which is in itself a central tenet of the conspiracy theory. On the one hand the conspirators manage to keep huge operations secret, contrary to common experience, and at the same time they make bumbling mistakes, that only a conspiracy theorist can see.
# A reality check never happens. They just move on to the next idea, but the flavor of the month theory is never evaluated. So it comes that the end of all times and the enslavement, poisoning and control of all humanity is predicted over and over, without any of that ever actually happening.

*Wilson, Robert Anton(1998). ''Everything is under control''. Harper Paperbacks

*[ Wikipedia on the issue]


[[category: Conspiracy theory]]

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