In June 2006, "Discovery Channel" aired a documentary about Jani ("The Boy with Divine Powers") which attracted international attention and interest in his case. Jani's case was also made public by Indian neurologist and Jainism follower [[Sudhir Vadilal Shah]] of Ahmedabad (chairman of All India Jain Doctors Federation)<ref></ref> and ''Immediate past-chairman, NJDF (National Jain Doctors Federation India) & Present International coordinator of JDF''. The JDF association wants to ''Promote scientific research and medical education based on principles of Jainism''.<ref></ref> | In June 2006, "Discovery Channel" aired a documentary about Jani ("The Boy with Divine Powers") which attracted international attention and interest in his case. Jani's case was also made public by Indian neurologist and Jainism follower [[Sudhir Vadilal Shah]] of Ahmedabad (chairman of All India Jain Doctors Federation)<ref></ref> and ''Immediate past-chairman, NJDF (National Jain Doctors Federation India) & Present International coordinator of JDF''. The JDF association wants to ''Promote scientific research and medical education based on principles of Jainism''.<ref></ref> |