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There are also several persons in Germany who think that they were scammed by Brady/Perendev. A usergroup of Perendev victims can be found at Yahoo, where they share their experiences.<ref></ref><ref>PerendevJustice-owner {at}</ref> According to German newspaper "Münchner Abendblatt", a total of 41 persons were cheated out of an overall amount of one million Euro by effecting payments to Perendev Power without receiving „free energy“ generators in return.<ref>Reinhard Keck: ''Abgezockt mit "Wundermaschinen": Betrüger geschnappt.'' Artikel in Münchner Abendzeitung vom 20. April 2010 []</ref> According to TZ-Munich 61 persons were scammed.<ref>Dorita Plange: Artikel ''Vom feinen Zürichsee direkt nach Stadelheim - Hokuspokus-Betrüger festgenommen!'', TZ-München, 20. April 2010</ref>
There are also several persons in Germany who think that they were scammed by Brady/Perendev. A usergroup of Perendev victims can be found at Yahoo, where they share their experiences.<ref></ref><ref>PerendevJustice-owner {at}</ref> According to German newspaper "Münchner Abendblatt", a total of 41 persons were cheated out of an overall amount of one million Euro by effecting payments to Perendev Power without receiving „free energy“ generators in return.<ref>Reinhard Keck: ''Abgezockt mit "Wundermaschinen": Betrüger geschnappt.'' Artikel in Münchner Abendzeitung vom 20. April 2010 []</ref> According to TZ-Munich 61 persons were scammed.<ref>Dorita Plange: Artikel ''Vom feinen Zürichsee direkt nach Stadelheim - Hokuspokus-Betrüger festgenommen!'', TZ-München, 20. April 2010</ref>
The Munich Perendev Group subsidiary is not available by phone any longer. Brady defected to Wollerau, Switzerland (canton Schwyz) where he was arrested in his home on March 29, 2010 due to a warrant issued by Munich public prosecution (Munich I) for continued fraud, and extradited to Germany. He was convicted to 5 years and 9 months for fraud in 36 cases and attempted fraud in 19 cases in November 2010.<ref>[ Merkur Online: Patent vorgetäuscht: Tüftler muss ins Gefängnis]</ref><br>
The Munich Perendev Group subsidiary is not available by phone any longer. Brady defected to Wollerau, Switzerland (canton Schwyz) where he was arrested in his home on March 29, 2010 due to a warrant issued by Munich public prosecution (Munich I) for continued fraud, and extradited to Germany. He was convicted to 5 years and 9 months for fraud in 36 cases and attempted fraud in 19 cases in November 2010.<ref>[ Merkur Online: Patent vorgetäuscht: Tüftler muss ins Gefängnis]</ref><br> Brady was released from prison in 2014.