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| [[image:Iwangoetz.jpg|thumb]] | | [[image:Iwangoetz.jpg|thumb]] |
− | '''Iwan (Wanja) Götz''' (nicknames Esra Iwan Götz and Wanja Sibirjak; born September 28, 1947, Nowosibirsk, Russia) is a German antisemitic holocaust denialist living in Berlin out of the [[Germanic New Medicine]]-scene and KRR-scene. Götz is involved in the activities of the so-called ''kommissarische Reichsregierungen'' (KRR, Provisional Governments of the German Reich) who deny the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and believe in the alleged persisting existence of the former Third Reich. | + | '''Iwan (Wanja) Götz''' (nicknames Esra Iwan Götz and Wanja Sibirjak; born September 28, 1947, Nowosibirsk, Russia) is a German antisemitic holocaust denier living in Berlin and is part of the [[Germanic New Medicine]]-scene and KRR-scene. Götz is involved in the activities of the so-called ''kommissarische Reichsregierungen'' (KRR, Provisional Government of the German Reich) who deny the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and believe in a persisting existence of the former Third Reich. |
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| ==Own indications and statements== | | ==Own indications and statements== |
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| [[image:Goetz20.jpg|thumb]] | | [[image:Goetz20.jpg|thumb]] |
| [[image:Goetz21.jpg|falsified member card|thumb]] | | [[image:Goetz21.jpg|falsified member card|thumb]] |
− | Following his own statements he made in the internet, his own mother was deported in 1946 from Berlin to Siberia. He lived his first 22 years in Nowosibirsk and worked as a metalworker. In may 1969 he migrated into the GDR (DDR - East Germany) and worked there as a freelance interpreter and private detective. The name of his private detective company was ''Siberian Scout'', location: ''Berlin - Deutsches Reich'' (Berlin - German Reich). | + | Following his own statements in the internet, his mother was deported to Siberia from Berlin in 1946. During his first 22 years, he lived in Nowosibirsk and held a job as a metalworker. In May 1969, he migrated to GDR (DDR - East Germany) and worked as a freelance interpreter and private investigator. The name of his private investigation company was ''Siberian Scout'', location: ''Berlin - Deutsches Reich'' (Berlin - German Reich). |
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− | Götz claims to be the son of a russian KGB-general. He claims also that he was an active agent of the former KGB under the code name ''Grigori'' and that he smuggled children from children's homes in the GDR to western pedophilic high rank officials and politicians (a known conspiracy theory popular in the german right wing scene). According to his tales, he was even in relation with the known belgian murderer and child-abuser Marc Dutroux <ref></ref>. Götz accused a long list of German high-rank politicians to be child-abusers. Among them the former sate-presidents Richard von Weizsäcker and Johannes Rau, but also politicians like Jörg Schönbohm, Ole von Beust<ref></ref>, Kuno Böse, Rainer Eppelmann and so on. The German newspaper ''Berliner Morgenpost'' published a couple of articles about his invented stories. Götz was wondering however, why German authorities never charged the accused politicians and suspected a state-wide conspiracy against him in this case. Similar denounciations were made by a Janett Seemann (also out of the German right-wing area) who Götz declared a ''combatant''. | + | Götz claims to be the son of a Russian KGB general. He also claims he used to be an active agent of the former KGB under the code name ''Grigori'' and that he smuggled children from GDR children's homes to Western pedophilic high rank officials and politicians (a known conspiracy theory popular in the german right wing scene). According to his tales, he was even in relation with the known Belgian murderer and child-abuser Marc Dutroux <ref></ref>. Götz accused a long list of German high-rank politicians to be child-abusers. Among them, according to Götz, were former state-presidents Richard von Weizsäcker and Johannes Rau, but also politicians like Jörg Schönbohm, Ole von Beust<ref></ref>, Kuno Böse, Rainer Eppelmann and so on. The German newspaper ''Berliner Morgenpost'' published several articles about his invented stories. Götz wondered, however, why German authorities never charged the accused politicians and suspected a state-wide conspiracy against him in this case. Similar denounciations were voiced by a Janett Seemann (also belonging to the German extremist right scene) whom Götz declared a ''combatant''. |
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− | The clearly antisemitic Iwan Götz considers himself to be a ''jew'' and ''superior rabbi'', but he denies this in several other ocasions in his own internet-pamphlets<ref>Götz Iwan: Inauguraladresse XI page 27.</ref>, hosted on the web pages of a member of the right-wing party NPD in Mittweida (Saxonia). To increase his credibiliy, he shows a falsified member-card of a jewish organization in Halle. It can be seen easely, that this card shows no registration or serial number. According to the information given by the Synagogengemeinde Halle, Götz was never and is not a member of that organization <ref> Citation: ..''Sehr geehrter Herr X (*), Herr Dr. Götz war einige Male Gast in unseren Gottesdiensten, die auch gemeindefremden Personen, die sich anmelden, offenstehen. Herr Dr. Götz ist nicht Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde Halle und ist dies auch niemals gewesen...Der Ausweis ist irreführend. Er wurde offensichtlich auf einem Blankoformular am 14.04.2004 ausgestellt....Schalom, Synagogengemeinde Halle,..''</ref> and they announced to sue Götz. Also, the Union Progressiver Juden in Deutschland e.V. declared in a public statement made the day January 19, 2009 <ref>UNION PROGRESSIVER JUDEN IN DEUTSCHLAND E.V. Diesterwegstraße 7 D - 33604 Bielefeld Erklärung der European Region der World Union for Progressive Judaism und der Union progressiver Juden in Deutschland Im Internet tritt ein „Oberrabbiner Dr. Esra Iwan Götz“ mit antisemitischer und antizionistischer Propaganda auf. Dabei behauptet er, zur World Union for Progressive Judaism zu gehören und Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde zu Halle zu sein. Hierzu stellen die Europäische Region der World Union for progressive Judaism (WUPJ) und ihre deutsche Unterorganisation, die Union der progressiven Juden in Deutschland (UPJ), fest: 1. Dr. Esra Iwan Götz gehört der World Union for progressive Judaism nicht an. Er ist nicht berechtigt, das Logo der Europäischen Region der WUPJ in seinem Briefkopf zu führen. Die rechtlichen Schritte, ihm dies wirksam zu untersagen, werden eingeleitet. 2. Dr. Esra Iwan Götz gehört keiner rabbinischen Institution der WUPJ an oder ist von einer solchen als „Oberrabbiner“ anerkannt worden. Der WUPJ und der Union progressiver Juden ist auch keine andere jüdische Institution oder Autorität bekannt, die Dr. Esra Iwan Götz den Rabbinertitel verliehen oder ihn als Oberrabbiner in ein Amt eingesetzt hat. Da die Titel „Rabbiner“ oder „Oberrabbiner“ in Deutschland nicht gesetzlich geschützt sind, gibt es keine rechtliche Handhabe, Herrn Götz die irreführende Verwendung dieser Titel zu untersagen. 3. Die Synagogengemeinde zu Halle, die Mitglied der Union progressiver Juden in Deutschland ist und damit zur Europäischen Region der World Union for Progressive Judaism gehört, hat zu der von Herrn Götz erhobenen Behauptung, er sei Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde, sowie zu dem veröffentlichten, auf Dr. Iwan Götz lautenden Mitgliedsausweis der Gemeinde erklärt: „Herr Dr. Götz war einige Male Gast in unseren Gottesdiensten, die auch gemeindefremden Personen, die sich anmelden, offen stehen. Herr Dr. Götz ist nicht Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde Halle und ist dies auch niemals gewesen. Der Ausweis ist irreführend. Er wurde offensichtlich auf einem Blankoformular am 14.4.2004 ausgestellt.“ 4. Die Europäische Region der WUPJ und die Union progressiver Juden in Deutschland distanzieren sich von der antisemitischen und antizionistischen Propaganda von Herrn Götz. Sie erwarten von deutschen Behörden, diese Veröffentlichungen auf die Straftatbestände der Volksverhetzung bzw. der Holocaustleugnung zu prüfen und entsprechende Maßnahmen gegen ihre Verbreitung zu unternehmen.</ref><ref></ref>, that Götz was never a member of the Synagogengemeinde Halle and that he was never a member of the UPJD or WUPJ. The WUPJ and the Union progressiver Juden know no jewish institution or authority, who ever eventually released the title of rabbi, rebbe or ''superior rabbi'' to him. Furthermore, the title ''Rabbi'' is not protected by any german law. | + | The definite antisemite Iwan Götz considers himself to be a ''Jew'' and ''superior rabbi'', but on the other hand denied this on several other ocasions in internet-pamphlets written by him<ref>Götz Iwan: Inauguraladresse XI page 27.</ref>, hosted on the web pages of a member of the extremist right party NPD in Mittweida (Saxony). In order to increase his credibiliy, he presented a falsified membership card of a Jewish organization from Halle. It is obvious that this card shows no registration or serial number. According to the information given by the Synagogengemeinde Halle, Götz never was and also presently is not a member of that organization <ref> Quote: ..''Sehr geehrter Herr X (*), Herr Dr. Götz war einige Male Gast in unseren Gottesdiensten, die auch gemeindefremden Personen, die sich anmelden, offenstehen. Herr Dr. Götz ist nicht Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde Halle und ist dies auch niemals gewesen...Der Ausweis ist irreführend. Er wurde offensichtlich auf einem Blankoformular am 14.04.2004 ausgestellt....Schalom, Synagogengemeinde Halle,..''</ref> and they announced to sue Götz. Furthermore, the Union Progressiver Juden in Deutschland e.V. in a public statement made January 19, 2009 declared<ref>UNION PROGRESSIVER JUDEN IN DEUTSCHLAND E.V. Diesterwegstraße 7 D - 33604 Bielefeld Erklärung der European Region der World Union for Progressive Judaism und der Union progressiver Juden in Deutschland Im Internet tritt ein „Oberrabbiner Dr. Esra Iwan Götz“ mit antisemitischer und antizionistischer Propaganda auf. Dabei behauptet er, zur World Union for Progressive Judaism zu gehören und Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde zu Halle zu sein. Hierzu stellen die Europäische Region der World Union for progressive Judaism (WUPJ) und ihre deutsche Unterorganisation, die Union der progressiven Juden in Deutschland (UPJ), fest: 1. Dr. Esra Iwan Götz gehört der World Union for progressive Judaism nicht an. Er ist nicht berechtigt, das Logo der Europäischen Region der WUPJ in seinem Briefkopf zu führen. Die rechtlichen Schritte, ihm dies wirksam zu untersagen, werden eingeleitet. 2. Dr. Esra Iwan Götz gehört keiner rabbinischen Institution der WUPJ an oder ist von einer solchen als „Oberrabbiner“ anerkannt worden. Der WUPJ und der Union progressiver Juden ist auch keine andere jüdische Institution oder Autorität bekannt, die Dr. Esra Iwan Götz den Rabbinertitel verliehen oder ihn als Oberrabbiner in ein Amt eingesetzt hat. Da die Titel „Rabbiner“ oder „Oberrabbiner“ in Deutschland nicht gesetzlich geschützt sind, gibt es keine rechtliche Handhabe, Herrn Götz die irreführende Verwendung dieser Titel zu untersagen. 3. Die Synagogengemeinde zu Halle, die Mitglied der Union progressiver Juden in Deutschland ist und damit zur Europäischen Region der World Union for Progressive Judaism gehört, hat zu der von Herrn Götz erhobenen Behauptung, er sei Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde, sowie zu dem veröffentlichten, auf Dr. Iwan Götz lautenden Mitgliedsausweis der Gemeinde erklärt: „Herr Dr. Götz war einige Male Gast in unseren Gottesdiensten, die auch gemeindefremden Personen, die sich anmelden, offen stehen. Herr Dr. Götz ist nicht Mitglied der Synagogengemeinde Halle und ist dies auch niemals gewesen. Der Ausweis ist irreführend. Er wurde offensichtlich auf einem Blankoformular am 14.4.2004 ausgestellt.“ 4. Die Europäische Region der WUPJ und die Union progressiver Juden in Deutschland distanzieren sich von der antisemitischen und antizionistischen Propaganda von Herrn Götz. Sie erwarten von deutschen Behörden, diese Veröffentlichungen auf die Straftatbestände der Volksverhetzung bzw. der Holocaustleugnung zu prüfen und entsprechende Maßnahmen gegen ihre Verbreitung zu unternehmen.</ref><ref></ref>, Götz never was a member of the Synagogengemeinde Halle and never was a member of the UPJD or WUPJ. The WUPJ and the Union progressiver Juden know of no Jewish institution or authority which bestowed the titles rabbi, rebbe or ''superior rabbi'' to Götz. Furthermore, the title ''Rabbi'' is not protected by German law. |
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− | The German ultra-conservative sedisvacantist Rolf Hermann Lingen is one of the supporters of Iwan Götz <ref></ref>. Pamphlets of Götz could be found at the publishing company Franken Bücher (now Andromeda Buchversand). | + | The German ultra-conservative sedisvacantist Rolf Hermann Lingen is one of Iwan Götz' supporters <ref></ref>. Pamphlets by Götz can be found at the publishing company Franken Bücher (now Andromeda Buchversand). |
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| ==Antisemitic and holocaust-denying activities== | | ==Antisemitic and holocaust-denying activities== |
− | [[image:Goetz18.jpg|thumb]]Götz was convicted in Germany for his denialism of the holocaust, and in a second degree trial Götz finally accepted the judgment in january 2009. | + | [[image:Goetz18.jpg|thumb]]Götz was convicted in Germany for denial of the holocaust, and in a second degree trial Götz finally accepted the sentence in January 2009. |
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− | Götz distributed antisemitic flyer in Berlin at the end of 2006 <ref></ref>. Alone in Berlin-Charlottenburg and Berlin-Wilmersdorf 20 complaints were filed by residents who received such a flyer. According to the German Police Department of Berlin, Götz my however be ''not punishable''. This leads to the obvious speculation that Götz may suffer a psychiatric disease. | + | Götz distributed antisemitic flyers in Berlin at the end of 2006 <ref></ref>. In the districts of Berlin-Charlottenburg and Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 20 complaints were filed by residents who had received such flyers. According to the German Police Department of Berlin, Götz may however be ''not punishable''. This leads to the obvious speculation that Götz may suffer from a psychiatric disorder. |
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− | Götz declared also, that he attended in december 2006 a holocaust-conference in Teheran, but he shows no proof for that allegation. | + | Götz also claimed to have attended a holocaust conference in Teheran in Decemer 2006, but presents no proof for this allegation. |
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− | At the beginning of 2007, and together with a Michael Wegner, he held a speech in a bar in Stralsund about an alleged ''battle of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany against the population'' (Kampf der BRD gegen die deutsche Bevölkerung). Invited were paying guest out of | + | At the beginning of 2007, he delivered a speech, together with a Michael Wegner, in a bar in Stralsund on the issue of an alleged ''battle of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany against the population'' (Kampf der BRD gegen die deutsche Bevölkerung). Invitations had been sent to local economic pundits who were expected to pay for their participation in the event. More invitations were sent to police officers and the head of the Ordnungsamt (public order department) of Anklam, Dirk Bierwerth. The speech was organized by a "ICG Industry Consulting Group" - allegedly an international non-profit counceling committee which claimed to act as a spotter or whistle-blowing organization against manipulation by mass media. The two speakers were the only members of this ICG which has been closed. On the former ICG-webpage (now deleted), Götz claimed that ''Jews were sucking hundreds of milliards [billions] of German Mark and Euro from the German Volk by using the propaganda-ly of the holocaust''. In front of cameras of North German TV channel NDR, Götz once more denied the holocaust and said that the so-called Reichskristallnacht (Reichsprogromnacht - the Night of Broken Glass or "night of shattered crystal", a pogrom in Nazi Germany on November 9–10, 1938) was organized by the Jews themselves. ''...there was no holocaust ! That is something they invented...'' (Götz quote as recorded by NDR-TV). The invited officials did not intervene. The head of the public order department, remaining passive. consequently lost his job, because he did not react appropriately <ref></ref><ref>newspaper Nordkurier january 19 2007 []</ref><ref>Amtsleiter stolpert über rechte Parolen. Newspaper Nordkurier-Anklam day january 19 2007</ref><ref>Anklamer Ordnungsamtschef ließ Rechte in Ruhe hetzen. Bei einem Treffen in Anklam wurde das Fortbestehen des Dritten Reichs erklärt und der Holocaust geleugnet. Der anwesende Amtsleiter griff nicht ein. Er wurde vorläufig vom Dienst suspendiert. Newspaper Ostseezeitung January 19 2007</ref>. Götz was successfully charged for his statements, and the department of public prosecution seized the NDR-TV tape as evidence. Denial of holocaust is a crime in Germany, punishable under the law §130 StGB. |
− | Local economy. And invited were also policemen and the chief of the Ordnungsamt (public order department) of Anklam, Dirk Bierwerth. The speech was organized by a "ICG Industry Consulting Group" - allegedly an intenational non-commercial advising committee, declaring to act as a spotter or whistle-blowing organization against manipulation mass-media. The two speaker were the alone member of this ICG, now closed. On the former ICG-webpage (now erased), Götz declared that ''jews were sucking hundreds of milliards [billions] of German Mark and Euro from the German Volk by using the propaganda-ly of the holocaust''. In front of running cameras of the north-german TV channel NDR, Götz denied in his speech again the holocaust and sais that the so-called Reichskristallnacht (Reichsprogromnacht - the Night of Broken Glass or "night of shattered crystal", a pogrom in Nazi Germany on November 9–10, 1938) were organized by the jews themselfes. ''...there was no holocaust ! that is something they invented...'' (Götz citation as recorded by NDR-TV). The invited officials did not intervent. The passive chief of the public order department lost his job, because he did not act appropriate <ref></ref><ref>newspaper Nordkurier january 19 2007 []</ref><ref>Amtsleiter stolpert über rechte Parolen. Newspaper Nordkurier-Anklam day january 19 2007</ref><ref>Anklamer Ordnungsamtschef ließ Rechte in Ruhe hetzen. Bei einem Treffen in Anklam wurde das Fortbestehen des Dritten Reichs erklärt und der Holocaust geleugnet. Der anwesende Amtsleiter griff nicht ein. Er wurde vorläufig vom Dienst suspendiert. Newspaper Ostseezeitung day january 19 2007</ref>. Götz was then successfully charged for his statements, and the department of public prosecution seized the NDR-TV tape as evidence. Denislism of the holocaust is a crime in Germany, punishable under the law §130 StGB.
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− | Götz worked also a translator for a russian film about the right-wing conspiray-story of Neuschwabenland <ref>Secret-TV Video Neuschwabenland Ahnenerbe Movie-ID</ref>. | + | Götz also worked as a translator for a Russian film about the extremist right conspiray-story of Neuschwabenland <ref>Secret-TV Video Neuschwabenland Ahnenerbe Movie-ID</ref>. |
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− | Götz declares himself to be ''Foreign Minister of Freestate Saxonia'' <ref></ref> in the ''government'' of a KRR-activist Olaf Thomas Opelt. But he also declared to be ''Special Ambassador'' of the ''Reichsland Freistaat Preußen''. | + | Götz claimed he was ''Foreign Secretary of Freestate Saxony'' <ref></ref> in the ''government'' of KRR activist Olaf Thomas Opelt. But he also declared to hold the posotion of ''Special Ambassador'' of the ''Reichsland Freistaat Preußen''. |
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− | Texts from Götz can be found in ''Zentralkurier'' (part of the Parchimer Stadtkurier). According to the Secret Service of Germany (Verfassungsschutz), members of the right-wing party Interim Partei Deutschland (IPD) are the real editors of the Zentralkurier <ref> | + | Texts from Götz can be found in ''Zentralkurier'' (part of the Parchimer Stadtkurier). According to the Secret Service of Germany (Verfassungsschutz), members of the extreme right party Interim Partei Deutschland (IPD) were the real editors of the Zentralkurier <ref> |
| 16. ↑ Robert Scholz: Interim Partei Deutschland: Rechtsextrem oder einfach durchgeknallt? Endstation Rechts 19. Januar 2009 um 05:35</ref>. | | 16. ↑ Robert Scholz: Interim Partei Deutschland: Rechtsextrem oder einfach durchgeknallt? Endstation Rechts 19. Januar 2009 um 05:35</ref>. |
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| ==Relationship to Ryke Geerd Hamer== | | ==Relationship to Ryke Geerd Hamer== |
| [[image:Goetz10.jpg|thumb|left]] | | [[image:Goetz10.jpg|thumb|left]] |
− | [[image:Goetz23.jpg|thumb]][[Ryke Geerd Hamer]], the inventor of the controversial [[Germanic New Medicine]], considers Iwan to be a ''Wanderrabbiner'' (wandering / hiking rabbi) and Oberrabbiner (superior rabbi) and believes in him as a sort of witness for his own antisemitic-influenced pseudomedical views. According to the wishes of Hamer, Götz signed the day December 17, 2008 in Sandefjord/Norway a very strange document in witch he claims that all rabbi of the world and all oncologists of the world would know for shure that the Hamer-doctrine is correct, and that every jewish patient in the world would be treated according his rules. At he same time, non-jewish patients would not allowed to profit from his method and this would lead to a genocide of 20 million of people. The document shows however no evidence for these absurde allegations, no witness is cited. According to a swiss blogger, Hamer tried vainly to find supporting citations for his hypotheses in the Talmud <ref></ref> and contacted that man. The jewish Talmud (books Mischna and Gemara) were however written centuries ago and are books considered as ''completed''. | + | [[image:Goetz23.jpg|thumb]][[Ryke Geerd Hamer]], the inventor of the controversial [[Germanic New Medicine]], considers Iwan to be a ''Wanderrabbiner'' (wandering / hiking rabbi) and Oberrabbiner (superior rabbi) and believes in him as a sort of witness for his pseudomedical views strongly influenced by anti-semitism. According to the wishes of Hamer, Götz signed a very strange document on December 17, 2008 in Sandefjord/Norway a very strange document, in which he claims all rabbis and oncologists in the world knew for certain that Hamer's doctrine was correct, and that every Jewish patient in the world received medical treatment according to Hamer's rules. At he same time, non-Jewish patients allegedly were not allowed to profit from his method and this led to a genocide of 20 million people. The document, however, shows no evidence for these absurde allegations, no witness is quoted. According to a Swiss blogger, Hamer in vain tried to find quotes supporting his hypotheses in the Talmud <ref></ref> and contacted that man. The Jewish Talmud (books Mischna and Gemara), however, was written centuries ago and is comprised of several books considered as ''completed''. |
− | The complete Mischnajoth was even sent to Hamer, but the search by him did not produce any evidence in support for his claims. | + | The complete Mischnajoth was even sent to Hamer, but his search did not produce any evidence in support of his claims. |
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− | Hamer is convinced that Götz would be ''the alone superior rabbi'' of Germany, and that Götz was working as a KGB-agent together with russian Vladimir Putin. Putin and Götz were to considerer as | + | Hamer is convinced that Götz was ''the only superior rabbi'' of Germany, and that Götz used to work as a KGB agent together with Russian Vladimir Putin. Putin and Götz were to be seen as |
− | ''senior jewish KGB-officials'' and would therefore know everything about that alleged genocide against non-jewish patients. The Austrian follwer of Hamer, Helmut Pilhar, shows that strange document of Hamer and Götz on his own webpages with pictures showing also strange hand-signs of Iwan Götz. | + | ''senior Jewish KGB officers'' and therefore knew everything about the alleged genocide against non-Jewish patients. An Austrian follower of Hamer, Helmut Pilhar, presents this weird document by Hamer and Götz on his webpages with photos showing Iwan Götz making strange gestures. |
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− | ==Criminal story== | + | ==Criminal record== |
− | According to his own statements, Götz was convicted several times in Germany: | + | According to his own statements, Götz was convicted in Germany several times: |
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− | * holocaust denialism: 3 years on probation | + | * holocaust denial: 3 years on probation |
| * fraud, Amtsgericht Bergheim 43 Ds 554/05 | | * fraud, Amtsgericht Bergheim 43 Ds 554/05 |
| * twice for defamation of a judge | | * twice for defamation of a judge |
− | * misuse of the academic title doctor: 8 month on probation | + | * illegal use of the academic title doctor: 8 months on probation |
− | * handling stolen goods (he sold a stolen car) | + | * fencing of stolen goods (he sold a stolen car) |
− | * illegal back-door recruitment od immigrants Az.: 350Gs457/97 | + | * illegal back-door recruitment of immigrants Az.: 350Gs457/97 |
− | * illegal possession of firearms: six month on probation | + | * illegal possession of firearms: six months on probation |
− | * falsification of documents. Götz showed a falsified ''Identity card'' od the German Reich to a policeman (Amtsgericht Berlin-Tiergarten Ds 45 Js 16 09/04) | + | * falsification of documents. Götz showed a falsified ''Identity card'' of the German Reich to a police officer (Amtsgericht Berlin-Tiergarten Ds 45 Js 16 09/04) |
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− | The day January 26, 2009 Götz accepted the final ruling in his holocaust-denialism case (Amtsgericht Anklam) <ref></ref>. He was formerly punished to six month on probation.
| + | On January 26, 2009 Götz accepted the final sentence in the case of holocaust denial (Amtsgericht Anklam) <ref></ref>. He was formerly sentenced to six months on probation. |
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− | Because of his frequent punishments, he was at least two times examined by a psychiatrist and lost his driver-licence. A judge tried in vain to impose him a tutor. | + | Because of his frequent criminal convictions, he was examined by a psychiatrist at least twice, and lost his driver's licence. A judge in vain attempted to put Götz in custody. |
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| ==Citations== | | ==Citations== |
− | * Es ist die Aufgabe Nr. 1 von uns allen: die deutschen Patrioten Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Ernst Günter Kögel und Ernst Zündel aus den Fängen der Neonazis, die diese Männer mit Hilfe der Justizsöldner in Jüdische Vernichtungs Anstalt, kurz – JVA , eingesperrt haben, zu befreien; nach der Ansicht der Drahtzieher sollten sie dort auch verrecken. (According to Götz, Neonazi means not a member of any right-extremist iedea, but would mean ''jüdische nationale Zionisten'' = jewish nationalist Zionist) | + | * Es ist die Aufgabe Nr. 1 von uns allen: die deutschen Patrioten Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Ernst Günter Kögel und Ernst Zündel aus den Fängen der Neonazis, die diese Männer mit Hilfe der Justizsöldner in Jüdische Vernichtungs Anstalt, kurz – JVA , eingesperrt haben, zu befreien; nach der Ansicht der Drahtzieher sollten sie dort auch verrecken. (According to Götz, Neo-Nazi does not mean a supporter of estremist right ideas, but ''jüdische nationale Zionisten'' = Jewish nationalist Zionists) |
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| ==External links== | | ==External links== |