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Former MISA-members are active on the internet with there own critical project (EXMISA).<ref></ref><ref></ref> The danish NATHA-Center<ref></ref><ref></ref> founded by Bivolaru is a MISA dependency, led by his student Mihai Stoian.
Former MISA-members are active on the internet with there own critical project (EXMISA).<ref></ref><ref></ref> The danish NATHA-Center<ref></ref><ref></ref> founded by Bivolaru is a MISA dependency, led by his student Mihai Stoian.
==Werke und Veröffentlichungen==
==Published works==
Auf seiner Homepage gibt Bivolaru eine [ Veröffentlichungen lange Liste von Veröffentlichungen] an.
On his homepage, Bivolaru gives a long list of [ publications].