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[[image:Gregorian Bivolaru.jpg|Gregorian Bivolaru|thumb]]
[[image:Gregorian Bivolaru.jpg|Gregorian Bivolaru|thumb]]
'''Gregorian Bivolaru''' (born 12. March 1952, aka Yogacharya Grieg, Atma, nickname Grieg or Grig) is an author from Romania, a conspiracy theorist and the founder of the cult "Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute" (MISA). Bivolaru lives in Sweden which gave him asylum, because he sees himself as treated unfair by romanian authorities. He further feels he is prosecuted by a giant conspiracy lebt zur Zeit in Schweden, da er sich von der rumänischen Justiz zu Unrecht verfolgt sieht und außerdem durch eine "gigantische satanische Verschwörung von [[Freimaurer]]n", [[Illuminaten]] und [[Reptiloide]]n verfolgt werde.<ref></ref> Im Jahre 2005 erhielt Bivolaru den Status eines Flüchtlings in Schweden.<ref></ref>
'''Gregorian Bivolaru''' (born 12. March 1952, aka Yogacharya Grieg, Atma, nickname Grieg or Grig) is an author from Romania, a conspiracy theorist and the founder of the cult "Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute" (MISA). Bivolaru lives in Sweden which gave him asylum, because he sees himself as treated unfair by romanian authorities. He further feels he is prosecuted by a giant satanic conspiracy by freemasons, Illuminati and reptiloids.<ref></ref> 2005, Bivolaru was officially recognized as an asylum seeker in Sweden. <ref></ref>
Bivolaru bezeichnet sich als "Professor für Yoga"<ref></ref> einer "International Himalayan Vishwaguru Yoga University" und einer französischen "Universal Academy for Peace" (offenbar ist damit die "Alliance Universelle pour la Paix par la Connaissance" "AUPAC" gemeint, die heute den Namen AIPEM "Association Internationale des Educateurs pour la Paix Mondiale" bzw. "International Association of Educators for Peace" trägt).
Bivolaru calls himself a "Professor for Yoga"<ref></ref> of a "International Himalayan Vishwaguru Yoga University" and a french "Universal Academy for Peace" (which seems to be the "Alliance Universelle pour la Paix par la Connaissance" "AUPAC" , which is called today AIPEM "Association Internationale des Educateurs pour la Paix Mondiale" or "International Association of Educators for Peace").
Bivolaru ist Verbreiter [[Katastrophismus|apokalyptischer]] Visionen.<ref></ref> Insbesondere glaubt er an eine [[Verschwörungstheorien zu AIDS|künstliche Erschaffung des AIDS auslösenden HI-Virus]]. Das Virus sei von geheimen Machthabern einer [[Neue Weltordnung|Neuen Weltordnung (NWO)]] erschaffen worden, um zu einer [[Bevölkerungsreduktionsprogramm|weltweiten Bevölkerungsreduktion]] zu führen.<ref></ref>
Bivolaru spreads Doomsday-Visions.<ref></ref> He believes the HI-Virus, which causes AIDS, is man-made in a lab. This was ordered by NWO-authorities to reduce the worldwide population.<ref></ref>
==Kurzbiografie und Kriminalgeschichte==
==Kurzbiografie und Kriminalgeschichte==