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So you found a mistake, a typo or want to contribute to an article? This is possible, but not as easy as in Wikipedia. First you should go to the [ forum], register yourself and post your article comment there. If we agree with your suggestion, we will change the article. If you have more than a trivial change, you can ask for a wiki account. If you can provide minimum credentials as to your abilities, we usually issue accounts within a day.
So you found a mistake, a typo or want to contribute to an article? This is possible, but not as easy as in Wikipedia. You can write an email to info at esowatch dot com in case of small fixes or go to the [ forum], register yourself and post your article comment there. If we agree with your suggestion, we will change the article. If you have more than a trivial change, you can ask for a wiki account.
==How can I contribute?==
There are lots of ways. It starts with the fixing of spelling or grammatical mistakes and ends with the creation of new articles. The topics are unlimited, so there is always work. Maybe take a look at the list of [[Special:WantedPages|wanted pages]].
==Wie do I get an account?==
That's easy: Write a short mail to info at esowatch dot com with your nick in a forum where you a have written before. Or register in our forum [] and discuss with us. If you can provide minimum credentials as to your abilities, we usually issue accounts within a day. We look forward to seeing you!
==Who can I ask for help?==
The easiest way is to create an account in the forum and ask there. If you already have an account in the wiki and the question is specific to an article you can ask on the discussion page or ask the most recent/frequent contributor.