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On the day june 14, 2011 four Ecat were shown to visitors in Bologna. Attending was also the US-amercan journalist of "New Energy Times", Steven B. Krivit. Krivit and other visitors could take pictures and observe a functioning Ecat reactor. Krivid made also video interviews with Andrea Rossi, Sergio Focardi and physicist Giuseppe Levi.
On the day june 14, 2011 four Ecat were shown to visitors in Bologna. Attending was also the US-amercan journalist of "New Energy Times", Steven B. Krivit. Krivit and other visitors could take pictures and observe a functioning Ecat reactor. Krivid made also video interviews with Andrea Rossi, Sergio Focardi and physicist Giuseppe Levi.
Accordings to an italian blog ("22 passi" / Daniele Passerini), the working reactor was connect to the control box by two cables. Heating energy could be calculated by multilying the measured current of 3.5 A with the italian mains tension 230 V giving a power of 805 W.
Accordings to an italian blog ("22 passi" / Daniele Passerini), the working reactor was connect to the control box by two cables. Heating energy could be calculated by multilying the measured current of 3.5 A with the italian mains tension 230 V giving a power of 805 W.
Three days after the demonstration, Steven Krivit published in his blog a deceptive short preliminary report on his observations in Bologna.<ref>Krivit S.B.: ''Preliminary Report of Interviews with E-Cat Trio Rossi, Focardi and Levi''. 16. Juni 2011. New Energy Times Blog. []</ref>
==Attempts to replicate the experiments==
==Attempts to replicate the experiments==