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Changeset till 12:37, 22. Mai 2011
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[[image:RF_14012011_3.jpg|Temperature curve, with two periods (17 minutes) where 100°C were reached (reconstructed from video)|300px|thumb]]  
[[image:RF_14012011_3.jpg|Temperature curve, with two periods (17 minutes) where 100°C were reached (reconstructed from video)|300px|thumb]]  
[[image:RF_Dauer2.jpg|Screenshot from a video of the experiment used to estimate its duration|thumb]]
[[image:RF_Dauer2.jpg|Screenshot from a video of the experiment used to estimate its duration|thumb]]
[[image:Ecat_power.jpg|heating power|thumb]]
[[image:Ecat power.jpg|Diagram, which shows the timeline of the electrical heating input during the experiment|thumb]]
[[image:RF_Thermometer.jpg|Comparison of the shown probe to a HP474AC probe (Image:|thumb]]
[[[image:RF_Thermometer.jpg|Comparison of the shown probe to a HP474AC probe (Image:|thumb]]
[[image:RF_Pumpe.jpg|Specifications of the used pump "LMI P18" (Image:|thumb]]
[[image:RF_Pumpe.jpg|Specifications of the used pump "LMI P18" (Image:|thumb]]
Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi gave a press conference on January 14, 2011 which was not only attended by Italian public television station RAI (RAI&nbsp;3) and numerous journalists, but also by several physicists from universities. The presentation was done in rooms rented from the company "GM System" in an industrial area of Bologna<ref>Company GM System, Via dell'Elettricista 16, Bologna</ref> and not in rooms of the Bologna University as claimed on various places in the internet. During the press conference the function of the reactor was demonstrated for about an hour (55&nbsp;minutes) in an adjoining room. An analysis of the recorded measurements which can be seen on the screen of a notebook for a couple of seconds allow to estimate a duration of  15&nbsp;to 20&nbspminutes where a water temperature of 100&nbsp;degrees or more were reached. (see picture). In the report about the experiment the data which can be seen on the notebook are omitted.  It also speaks of a duration of 40&nbsp;minutes, obviously the whole duration including heating up is meant. To calculate the heat output inadvertent or deliberately incorrect values of the water throughput were made, which was in truth less than half of the said amount. The inventors reported about their experiment in their blog<ref></ref>, and published three Youtube videos in Italian language [], [], [].
Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi gave a press conference on January 14, 2011 which was not only attended by Italian public television station RAI (RAI&nbsp;3) and numerous journalists, but also by several physicists from universities. The presentation was done in rooms rented from the company "GM System" in an industrial area of Bologna<ref>Company GM System, Via dell'Elettricista 16, Bologna</ref> and not in rooms of the Bologna University as claimed on various places in the internet. During the press conference the function of the reactor was demonstrated for about an hour (55&nbsp;minutes) in an adjoining room. An analysis of the recorded measurements which can be seen on the screen of a notebook for a couple of seconds allow to estimate a duration of  15&nbsp;to 20&nbspminutes where a water temperature of 100&nbsp;degrees or more were reached. (see picture). In the report about the experiment the data which can be seen on the notebook are omitted.  It also speaks of a duration of 40&nbsp;minutes, obviously the whole duration including heating up is meant. To calculate the heat output inadvertent or deliberately incorrect values of the water throughput were made, which was in truth less than half of the said amount. The inventors reported about their experiment in their blog<ref></ref>, and published three Youtube videos in Italian language [], [], [].
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==Inventor Andrea Rossi==
==Inventor Andrea Rossi==
[[image:petroldragon4.jpg|Andrea Rossi at the Petroldragon-trial (Source: newspaper L'Unita")|thumb]]
[[image:petroldragon4.jpg|Andrea Rossi at the Petroldragon-trial (Source: newspaper L'Unita")|thumb]]
[[image:Kensington_university.jpg|Reimbursement offer of [[diploma mill]] "Kensington University Inc." to its customers|left|thumb]] [[image:Rossi_CV.jpg|Rossi CV on his website (March 4, 2011)|thumb]]
[[image:Kensington_university.jpg|Reimbursement offer of [[diploma mill]] "Kensington University Inc." to its customers|left|thumb]]
[[image:petroldragon3.jpg|The Petroldragon-area (Source: newspaper L'Unita")|left|thumb]]
[[image:Rossi_CV.jpg|Rossi CV on his website (March 4, 2011)|thumb]]
[[image:petroldragon3.jpg|A Petroldragon compound (Source: newspaper L'Unita")|left|thumb]]
[[image:petroldragon2.jpg|Andrea Rossi before a reactor of Petroldragon (Source: newspaper L'Unita")|thumb]]
[[image:petroldragon2.jpg|Andrea Rossi before a reactor of Petroldragon (Source: newspaper L'Unita")|thumb]]
The Italian inventor Andrea Rossi was born on June 3, 1950. In his curriculum vitae presenting his occupational history on his website<ref></ref> (see picture on the right dated March 4, 2011), Rossi specifies he graduated in philosophy at the University of Milan. He claims as a second "Laurea" title (common term for a final degree at an Italian University with an obligatory doctorate) in "Ingegneria Chimica" (chemical engineering) at a Californian "Kensington University Inc.". This company was officially registered in Hawaii, but operated from Glendale in California<ref>Kensington University, 520&nbsp;E Broadway Suite&nbsp;400, Glendale, CA&nbsp;91205 </ref> and was a wellknown [[diploma mill]] until it was shut down on court orders.<ref>Artikel aus der "LA-Times": ''Kensington University Faces Closure Hearing''. April 23, 1996 | JOHN CHANDLER, TIMES STAFF WRITER.<br>Kensington University has no classrooms, laboratories or dorms. Its students don't play football, join fraternities or linger dreamily on a quadrangle. In fact, the entire campus is housed in a small Glendale office building. Recruiting from across the nation, the school runs a program in which students studying entirely at home can earn anything from a bachelor's degree to a doctorate--all without ever attending a single class or even meeting their instructors face to face.</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. IThe company was sentenced to restitute all former customers (see picture to the left). The company had been reported to the law by a consumer protection organisation.<ref></ref>
In March 2011 Andrea Rossi was confronted by a journalist with accusations of holding an engineering title from a diploma mill. Rossi replied that the title was a ''honorary title'' which was given to him for an earlier patent regarding bio fuel. He claims that he doesn't know anything about the company "Kensington University Inc.". He also said that he has a regular title ''Dottore Magistrale in Filosofia'' of Università degli Studi di Milano from 10. Dezember 1975<ref>Contribution of user Matslewan on March 23, 2011 in English Wikipedia: ''As a journalist I have interviewed Rossi and he says that the title from Kensington University is an honorary title he gained because of an earlier patent regarding bio fuel. He claims he knows no more about this university.''</ref>
The "Rossi Energy Amplifier" is not the first invention made by Andrea Rossi. During the 1970ies and 1980ies, he tried to produce hydrocarbons from waste to no avail. This resulted in several law suits and criminal cases with prison sentences against the "Sheik of Brianza" (''Sceicco della Brianza'', sheik because he claimed to produce oil from industrial waste. Brianza is a region north of Milan). The law suits were also known as "Petroldragon affair", since Rossi's company was named "Petroldragon". Italian Wikipedia has an article about the affair: [ Petroldragon]. Rossi was convicted because he did not dispose of large amounts(58,000&nbsp;tons) of toxic wastes in accordance with regulations, and for trafficking waste materials. According to an article in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" for April 6, 1995 Rossi and a Michele Pizzato were arrested twice.<ref>FASANO GIUSI, "Corriere della Sera" vom 6. April 1995:<br><br>
The "Rossi Energy Amplifier" is not the first invention made by Andrea Rossi. During the 1970ies and 1980ies, he tried to produce hydrocarbons from waste to no avail. This resulted in several law suits and criminal cases with prison sentences against the "Sheik of Brianza" (''Sceicco della Brianza'', sheik because he claimed to produce oil from industrial waste. Brianza is a region north of Milan). The law suits were also known as "Petroldragon affair", since Rossi's company was named "Petroldragon". Italian Wikipedia has an article about the affair: [ Petroldragon]. Rossi was convicted because he did not dispose of large amounts(58,000&nbsp;tons) of toxic wastes in accordance with regulations, and for trafficking waste materials. According to an article in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" for April 6, 1995 Rossi and a Michele Pizzato were arrested twice.<ref>FASANO GIUSI, "Corriere della Sera" vom 6. April 1995:<br><br>
Manette bis per Andrea Rossi<br>La Procura di Ariano Irpino accusa l’ inventore del ” refluo petrolio ” di riciclaggio di denaro sporco. Ricercato il corriere della banda che avrebbe trasferito con furgoni blindati oltre 2&nbsp;tonnellate d’ oro<br>
Manette bis per Andrea Rossi<br>La Procura di Ariano Irpino accusa l’ inventore del ” refluo petrolio ” di riciclaggio di denaro sporco. Ricercato il corriere della banda che avrebbe trasferito con furgoni blindati oltre 2&nbsp;tonnellate d’ oro<br>
MONZA. Se finora ha creduto di essere nei guai si e’ sbagliato. Andrea Rossi, inventore del chiacchierato procedimento per trasformare in petrolio la spazzatura e i rifiuti industriali, e’ molto piu’ che in semplici guai. Di tutte le “tegole” che gli sono piovute addosso finora, la piu’ pesante e’ arrivata ieri dalla Procura di Ariano Irpino, in provincia di Avellino. Il giudice delle indagini preliminari Vincenzo Caputo ha emesso, su richiesta del sostituto Rosario Baglioni, un’ ordinanza di custodia cautelare contro di lui per associazione a delinquere finalizzata al riciclaggio di capitali di illecita provenienza e alla frode fiscale. La presunta organizzazione a delinquere sarebbe formata, oltre che dall’ ideatore del “refluo petrolio” e da una persona per ora irreperibile, anche da Michele Pizzato, italiano con residenza in Svizzera, uomo di fiducia di Andrea Rossi e, negli ultimi tempi, suo compagno di “sventura”. Una sventura cominciata un paio di settimane fa con le conclusioni di una inchiesta condotta dal sostituto procuratore monzese Salvatore Bellomo. Alla fine delle sue indagini, il pm monzese aveva chiesto e ottenuto l’ arresto sia di Rossi che di Pizzato per associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla falsa fatturazione e alla frode fiscale. L’ accusa riguardava la documentazione fittizia che i due avrebbero compilato per attestare la compravendita e l’ esportazione di decine di chili d’ oro, merce di cui Rossi si occupa da quasi due anni come titolare dell’ oreficeria “St. Andre’ ” di Milano (societa’ che lavora l’ oro a Luogosano, in provincia di Avellino). I due erano percio’ finiti in carcere, sperando che il castello di accuse crollasse dopo gli interrogatori. Errore. Perche’ i fatti contestati dal pm monzese hanno trovato conferma nell’ inchiesta del collega di Ariano Irpino, che da oltre un anno stava seguendo praticamente lo stesso filone d’ indagine e che adesso, nelle sue ipotesi d’ accusa, si spinge fino all’ associazione finalizzata al riciclaggio di denaro sporco. In un comunicato stampa diffuso ieri dal comando di gruppo della Guardia di Finanza di Avellino si parla in dettaglio della nuova ordinanza di custodia notificata in carcere a Rossi e Pizzato. Risulterebbe, com’ era gia’ noto dall’ inchiesta monzese, che 46&nbsp;miliardi di lingotti d’ oro (ben 2.323 chili) avrebbero passato il confine italiano solo sulla carta e, inoltre, che l’ associazione a cui farebbe capo Rossi avrebbe evaso tributi per 120&nbsp;miliardi con false esportazioni di congegni ad alta tecnologia. Il terzo uomo ricercato e’ il trasportatore dei lingotti, un personaggio abituato a muoversi su furgoni blindati. Sul trasferimento di fondi verso paradisi fiscali come il Liechtenstein, i finanzieri sostengono che “l’ articolazione dell’ organizzazione” era tale da far intuire che l’ obiettivo fosse anche anche il riciclaggio di denaro sporco.<br>
MONZA. Se finora ha creduto di essere nei guai si e’ sbagliato. Andrea Rossi, inventore del chiacchierato procedimento per trasformare in petrolio la spazzatura e i rifiuti industriali, e’ molto piu’ che in semplici guai. Di tutte le “tegole” che gli sono piovute addosso finora, la piu’ pesante e’ arrivata ieri dalla Procura di Ariano Irpino, in provincia di Avellino. Il giudice delle indagini preliminari Vincenzo Caputo ha emesso, su richiesta del sostituto Rosario Baglioni, un’ ordinanza di custodia cautelare contro di lui per associazione a delinquere finalizzata al riciclaggio di capitali di illecita provenienza e alla frode fiscale. La presunta organizzazione a delinquere sarebbe formata, oltre che dall’ ideatore del “refluo petrolio” e da una persona per ora irreperibile, anche da Michele Pizzato, italiano con residenza in Svizzera, uomo di fiducia di Andrea Rossi e, negli ultimi tempi, suo compagno di “sventura”. Una sventura cominciata un paio di settimane fa con le conclusioni di una inchiesta condotta dal sostituto procuratore monzese Salvatore Bellomo. Alla fine delle sue indagini, il pm monzese aveva chiesto e ottenuto l’ arresto sia di Rossi che di Pizzato per associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla falsa fatturazione e alla frode fiscale. L’ accusa riguardava la documentazione fittizia che i due avrebbero compilato per attestare la compravendita e l’ esportazione di decine di chili d’ oro, merce di cui Rossi si occupa da quasi due anni come titolare dell’ oreficeria “St. Andre’ ” di Milano (societa’ che lavora l’ oro a Luogosano, in provincia di Avellino). I due erano percio’ finiti in carcere, sperando che il castello di accuse crollasse dopo gli interrogatori. Errore. Perche’ i fatti contestati dal pm monzese hanno trovato conferma nell’ inchiesta del collega di Ariano Irpino, che da oltre un anno stava seguendo praticamente lo stesso filone d’ indagine e che adesso, nelle sue ipotesi d’ accusa, si spinge fino all’ associazione finalizzata al riciclaggio di denaro sporco. In un comunicato stampa diffuso ieri dal comando di gruppo della Guardia di Finanza di Avellino si parla in dettaglio della nuova ordinanza di custodia notificata in carcere a Rossi e Pizzato. Risulterebbe, com’ era gia’ noto dall’ inchiesta monzese, che 46&nbsp;miliardi di lingotti d’ oro (ben 2.323 chili) avrebbero passato il confine italiano solo sulla carta e, inoltre, che l’ associazione a cui farebbe capo Rossi avrebbe evaso tributi per 120&nbsp;miliardi con false esportazioni di congegni ad alta tecnologia. Il terzo uomo ricercato e’ il trasportatore dei lingotti, un personaggio abituato a muoversi su furgoni blindati. Sul trasferimento di fondi verso paradisi fiscali come il Liechtenstein, i finanzieri sostengono che “l’ articolazione dell’ organizzazione” era tale da far intuire che l’ obiettivo fosse anche anche il riciclaggio di denaro sporco.<br>
E da Milano nuova incriminazione. Smaltimento clandestino di veleni<br>
E da Milano nuova incriminazione. Smaltimento clandestino di veleni<br>
MILANO. Petrolio dai rifiuti tossici? Macche’ , le 58&nbsp;mila tonnellate di liquami industriali accumulate dalla Petrol Dragon nelle cisterne dell’ ex raffineria Omar di Lacchiarella erano e restano un cocktail di veleni assolutamente non riciclabile. Andrea Rossi, rappresentante legale dell’ azienda, e il liquidatore Alessandro Reale sono stati incriminati dalla Procura circondariale di Milano per stoccaggio e smaltimento abusivo di rifiuti tossico nocivi. La Regione ha gia’ deciso di costituirsi parte civile, anche per ottenere i 50 60&nbsp;miliardi necessari alla bonifica. L’ inchiesta era stata avviata il 14&nbsp;dicembre ‘ 93 dopo il sequestro, da parte del Corpo forestale dello Stato, di un’ autocisterna proveniente dal deposito Petrol Dragon di Piossasco (Torino), sorpresa a scaricare nei serbatoi di Lacchiarella 10&nbsp;tonnellate di liquami con altissime percentuali di Pcb (policlorobifenile), una sostanza tossica e sospetta cancerogena.<br>Fasano Giusi</ref> As a member of a "gang" and "criminal organisation" he is said to have smuggled two tons of gold in a money laundering operation.
MILANO. Petrolio dai rifiuti tossici? Macche’ , le 58&nbsp;mila tonnellate di liquami industriali accumulate dalla Petrol Dragon nelle cisterne dell’ ex raffineria Omar di Lacchiarella erano e restano un cocktail di veleni assolutamente non riciclabile. Andrea Rossi, rappresentante legale dell’ azienda, e il liquidatore Alessandro Reale sono stati incriminati dalla Procura circondariale di Milano per stoccaggio e smaltimento abusivo di rifiuti tossico nocivi. La Regione ha gia’ deciso di costituirsi parte civile, anche per ottenere i 50 60&nbsp;miliardi necessari alla bonifica. L’ inchiesta era stata avviata il 14&nbsp;dicembre ‘ 93 dopo il sequestro, da parte del Corpo forestale dello Stato, di un’ autocisterna proveniente dal deposito Petrol Dragon di Piossasco (Torino), sorpresa a scaricare nei serbatoi di Lacchiarella 10&nbsp;tonnellate di liquami con altissime percentuali di Pcb (policlorobifenile), una sostanza tossica e sospetta cancerogena.<br>Fasano Giusi. []</ref> As a member of a "gang" and "criminal organisation" he is said to have smuggled two tons of gold in a money laundering operation. Newspaper articles from that time (in Italian): <ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
Rossi, however, perceived this as a repression of his allegedly ecological conversion technology. He migrated to USA after a series of criminal proceedings. Currently, investments (EON&nbsp;Srl) are operated by his wife Maddalena Pascucci.
Rossi, however, perceived this as a repression of his allegedly ecological conversion technology. He migrated to USA after a series of criminal proceedings. Currently, investments (EON&nbsp;Srl) are operated by his wife Maddalena Pascucci.
In his curriculum vitae presenting his occupational history on his website<ref></ref> (see picture on the right dated March 4, 2011), Rossi specifies he graduated in philosophy at the University of Milan. He claims as a second "Laurea" title (common term for a final degree at an Italian University with an obligatory doctorate) in "Ingegneria Chimica" (chemical engineering) at a Californian "Kensington University Inc.". This company was officially registered in Hawaii, but operated from Glendale in California<ref>Kensington University, 520&nbsp;E Broadway Suite&nbsp;400, Glendale, CA&nbsp;91205 </ref> and was a wellknown [[diploma mill]] until it was shut down on court orders.<ref>Artikel aus der "LA-Times": ''Kensington University Faces Closure Hearing''. April 23, 1996 | JOHN CHANDLER, TIMES STAFF WRITER.<br>Kensington University has no classrooms, laboratories or dorms. Its students don't play football, join fraternities or linger dreamily on a quadrangle. In fact, the entire campus is housed in a small Glendale office building. Recruiting from across the nation, the school runs a program in which students studying entirely at home can earn anything from a bachelor's degree to a doctorate--all without ever attending a single class or even meeting their instructors face to face.</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. IThe company was sentenced to restitute all former customers (see picture to the left). The company had been reported to the law by a consumer protection organisation.<ref></ref>
In March 2011 Andrea Rossi was confronted by a journalist with accusations of holding an engineering title from a diploma mill. Rossi replied that the title was a ''honorary title'' which was given to him for an earlier patent regarding bio fuel. He claims that he doesn't know anything about the company "Kensington University Inc.". He also said that he has a regular title ''Dottore Magistrale in Filosofia'' of Università degli Studi di Milano from 10. Dezember 1975<ref>Contribution of user Matslewan on March 23, 2011 in English Wikipedia: ''As a journalist I have interviewed Rossi and he says that the title from Kensington University is an honorary title he gained because of an earlier patent regarding bio fuel. He claims he knows no more about this university.''</ref>
In his blog "journal of nuclear physics" catholic Rossi questions the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin as explanation for the origin of mankind and attempted to portrait the nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific Ocean in the 60s of the last century as a plausible cause for the quakes in Japan:
:''I can’t read the mind of God. But I have a doubt, about what happened in Japan: are we sure that all the atomic bombs explosions tested in the Pacific Ocean did not change the configuration of the bottom of the sea in that area? I read that few inches of displacement of the bottom sea has caused that disaster…''<ref></ref><br><br>
==EON&nbsp;Srl and Leonardo Corporation==
==EON&nbsp;Srl and Leonardo Corporation==
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* (no content as of May 11, 2011)  
* (no content as of May 11, 2011)  
*[ Peter Ekström: ''Kall Fusion på italienska'' (Avdelningen för Kärnfysik, Lunds universitet. 12.4.2011, Swedish/English)]
*[ Peter Ekström: ''Kall Fusion på italienska'' (Avdelningen för Kärnfysik, Lunds universitet. 12.4.2011, Swedish/English)]
*[ Kjell Aleklett "Rossi energy catalyst – a big hoax or new physics?" * (schwedisch)
*[ Kjell Aleklett "Rossi energy catalyst – a big hoax or new physics?" (English)]
* (Swedish)
*[ Angelo Saso: La magia del signor Rossi, Rainews24 3.5.2011]
*[ Angelo Saso: La magia del signor Rossi, Rainews24 05/03/2011]
*[ Article in Swedish wikipedia on Andrea Rossi]


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