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9,058 bytes added ,  13:48, 21 May 2011
Created page with 'Mike Adams|thumb '''Mike Adams''' is an US-Amerikanican Internetshop owner and author from Tucson, Arizona. He founded several companies and publishing h…'
[[image:Mike_Adams.jpg|Mike Adams|thumb]]
'''Mike Adams''' is an US-Amerikanican Internetshop owner and author from Tucson, Arizona. He founded several companies and publishing houses with affiliated websites in USA, where he takes position about various health related topics from an amateur and [[Pseudomedicine|pseudomedical]] point of view and advertises several products and therapies from [[Alternative medicine]].

Adams runs the Sites "Natural News", a "The Consumer [[Wellness]] Center", "Better Life Goods", and a publisher "Truth Publishing" to spread his views. Adams is owner of the company "Arial Software LLC", which sells a Software from Adams called "Email Marketing Director", which can be used as a"Mass Personalized Email Marketing Software" for the mass distribution of spam e-mails .

Adams is a flat opponent of modern medicine and opposes any medication and doctor visits. He is a raw food proponent and committed [[Anti-vaccinationist]] and calls himself ''the Health Ranger'' or ''holistic nutritionist''. He opposes food which contains sugar, was cooked or made to last, „red“ meat, sweeteners, [[glutamate]], homogenized milk, bread and "white" flour, washing powder of some brands, deodorants and shampoos as well as fluoride toothpaste. In his opinion, [[Scientology]] is treated unfair.<ref>[ Crazed Swordsman Attacks Scientology Guard Who Fires Back in Self Defense], Mike Adams, Natural News November 24, 2011, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref><ref>[ Baseless Accusations against John Travolta Demonstrate Cruelty, Intolerance of Pill Pushers and Religion Bashers], Mike Adams, Natural News January 5, 2011, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref> [[Cold Fusion]] and so called [[Free Energy|free energy]] ideas and devices like e.g. the [[Focardi-Rossi Energy-Catalyzer]] are presented on hs website in an uncritical way.<ref>[ E-Cat Cold fusion device independently validated producing 800% more energy than input], Neev M. Arnell, Natural News May 19, 2011, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref><ref>[ Free Energy Technology Could Destroy the Natural World (But It Doesn't Have To)], Mike Adams, Natural News April 24,2011, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref>

Adams has uttered several absurd [[Conspiracy Theory|conspiracy theories]] on health topics without giving any evidence. He claims that the "pharmaceutical industry" has created HIV vaccines with the sole purpose to create as many "HIV positive people" as possible to which one could sell anti-retroviral drugs at a huge profit. Screening with mammography would also create cancer, which would have to be expensively treated and bring again profit. He refers to chemotherapy as quackery.<ref>[ The Quackery of Chemotherapy, Gunpoint Medicine and the Disturbing Fate of 13-Year-Old Daniel Hauser], Mike Adams, Natural News May 20, 2009, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref>

Adams advertises products like [[Himalayasalt]], [[Maca]], some Chinese herbs, minerals, protein shakes and [[spirulina]]-products.

His views are propagated in Germany by the [[Kopp Verlag]].

==Short Biography==
[[image:ArialSoftware.jpg|Arial Software LLC in Cody, Wyoming|thumb]]
About Adams biography almost nothing is known. In his own biography<ref>[ The Health Ranger is born], Biography of Mike Adams on Natural News, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref> only some vague details are given. He claims to have been a software executive. At the age of 30, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, a disease brought on by poor diet and severe lack of exercise, and claims to have healed himself with a diet and without medical help. A diet is part of a normal therapy of scientific medicine for that type of disease and type 2 diabetes can be brought under control.<br>

==Disinformation about Vaccines==
Adams claims in his articles that vaccination is not only the cause for asthma, allergies and autism, he also claims that there are no "legitimate" studies about vaccination. In essence the usual disinformation of [[vaccine denialism]] are expatiated.<ref>[ Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccines],Mike Adams, Natural News September 2, 2010, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref><ref>[ Sherri Tenpenny warns parents about safety of vaccines in Natural News interview], Mike Adams, Natural News February 3, 2011, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref>

Baseless claims about [[Andrew Wakefield]] and his innocence as well as allegedly "new evidence" is being spread.<ref>[ Mike Adams zu Andrew Wakefield]</ref><ref>[ Documents emerge proving Dr Andrew Wakefield innocent; BMJ and Brian Deer caught misrepresenting the facts], Mike Adams, NaturalNews January 26, 2011, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref> These allegedly "new" evidence was submitted in the trial of Wakefield years ago and is neither new nor a proof for Wakefields innocence.<ref>[ Wakefield's Warriors], Skeptic's Dictionary about the "new evidence" for Wakefields innocence], retrieved 2011-05-21</ref>

==Disinformation about HIV Infection and HIV-Tests==
The medical amateur Adams published a misinforming treatise on his site about about HIV (which was reprinted in Germany by the publisher [[Koop Verlag]]). He claims erroneously in it that: ''HIV vaccines cause 50 percent false positive rate in HIV tests'' and that todays HIV tests only test for antibodies for HIV.<ref>[ HIV vaccines cause 50 percent false positive rate in HIV tests], Mike Adams, Natural News 20. Juli 2010, retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref> That's plain wrong: PCR-tests detect parts of the HI-virus and ELISA-screening tests of the 4th&nbsp;generation (since about 1999) detect the p24-Antigen of HIV1 directly. Adams Aussage claim just applies to ELISA-screening tests till 3rd&nbsp;generation, and to Western-Blot-control test.

Adams claims furthermore that: ''In some circumstances, up to 50 percent of HIV positive are false, causing havoc with the lives of those patients who are falsely accused of being " HIV positive.''. Adams refers in this case to a group of persons who were vaccinated against HIV for research purposes and formed antibodies subsequently. Adams drew wrong conclusions, that HIV-test are losing credibility.
But Adams is silent on the fact, that there exists no approved HIV vaccine and certainly no widespread vaccination campaigns. The claims of Adams are therefore completely irrelevant for the general population.

A HIV Infection cannot be detected with an ELISA screening test only, even if the test statement is quite reliable. It is a screening test designed to detect potentially infected persons. The sensitivity of the ELISA test is given with 99,9%. This means that from 1.000&nbsp;HIV positive test persons 999&nbsp;are correctly identified and one is diagnosed with a false-negative result. The specificity is 99,8%. This means, that from 1.000&nbsp;not HIV positive test persons 998 receive a correct negative result and just&nbsp;2 a false-positive result. A positive result in this test is never communicated to the tested person before a second, more expensive and extensive Western Blot control test confirmed the result. This control test has a specificity of about 99,9996%.<ref>Kleinman et al: False-Positive HIV-1 Test Results in a Low-Risk Screening Setting of Voluntary Blood Donation. JAMA. 280, Nr. 12, 1998, S. 1080-1085. PMID 9757856</ref>

The pseudo documentation [[House of Numbers]] is also uncritically spread <ref>[ Mike Adams shows House of Numbers at the publisher Kopp Verlag], retrieved 2011-05-21.</ref> and on various pages the "Mythos AIDS" is doubted.<ref>[ The AIDS myth exposed: Why experts are challenging conventional AIDS mythology], Mike Adams, Natural News October 29, 2011</ref>

Articles of the British racist [[David Icke]], which deny the connection between Aids and HIV are reprinted on NaturalNews. Icke is known for his conspiracy theory, which states that "reptiloid shapechangers rule the earth".


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