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Q: Isn't Psiram run by a pediatrician from Frankfurt?<br>
Q: Isn't Psiram run by a pediatrician from Frankfurt?<br>
A: Nope. He wrote in our forum for some time, and we blogged him on his 60th birthday. he wrote neither in the wiki nor in the blog. He got suspected because one of us left an IP pointing to Frankfurt. There are 664.000 people in Frankfurt. For this vague clue he got massivly stalked on the phone and on the internet. We know why we are anonymous...
A: Nope. He wrote in our forum for some time, and we blogged him on his 60th birthday. He wrote neither in the wiki nor in the blog. He got suspected because one of us left an IP pointing to Frankfurt. There are 664.000 people in Frankfurt. For this vague clue he got massivly stalked on the phone and on the internet. We know why we are anonymous...
Q: Why do you slander innocent people?<br>
Q: Why do you slander innocent people?<br>
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A: Nope. Psiram costs 150 € per month. 30 € we earn by ads, the rest is paid by our members. Oh, ande the CIA, the NSA and B'nai B'rith dont sponsor us, either.
A: Nope. Psiram costs 150 € per month. 30 € we earn by ads, the rest is paid by our members. Oh, ande the CIA, the NSA and B'nai B'rith dont sponsor us, either.
F: Warum imitiert ihr Wikipedia?<br>
F: Why do you imitate Wikipedia?<br>
A: Wir verwenden eine Wiki-Software namens Mediawiki. Diese steht frei zur Verfügung und wird von vielen Webprojekten benutzt, unter anderem Wikipedia. Alle diese Webprojekte sehen sich daher ein bisschen ähnlich.
A: Wir use a Wiki-Software called Mediawiki. This is free software and used by many web projects, amongst them Wikipedia. Thats why all these projects look alike.
Wir haben aber ein eigenes Logo, an dem man sofort sehen kann, dass wir ein eigenständiges Projekt sind. Der Hauptunterschied zu Wikipedia ist, dass wir nicht jedem erlauben, bei uns mitzuschreiben. Viele Profis verlieren schnell die Lust auf Wikipedia, weil sie dort manchmal mit wirklichen Dummköpfen diskutieren müssen. Das ist bei uns anders.
We have our own Logo to indicate we are a project on our own. BTW, the main difference to wikipedia is that not everybody is allowed to write at Psiram. Many pros disklike wikipedia for the endless discussion they have there with, umm, less gifted people. This is different here.