
26 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  16:26, 20. Mai 2012
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:  
Maret ist auch von behaupteten besonderen Eigenschaften so genannter [[Biophoton]]en überzeugt, denen er die Eigenschaft der Kohärenz zuweist. So schreibt er: ''..The body communicates at the cellular level through coherent light called biophotons. ''<ref>http://www.visionarylead.org/vl/karl_maret.htm</ref>
Maret ist auch von behaupteten besonderen Eigenschaften so genannter [[Biophoton]]en überzeugt, denen er die Eigenschaft der Kohärenz zuweist. So schreibt er: ''..The body communicates at the cellular level through coherent light called biophotons. ''<ref>http://www.visionarylead.org/vl/karl_maret.htm</ref>
Des weiteren glaubt Maret an eine Nutzung der so genannten [[Raumenergie]] und Energieerzeugung aus [[Kalte Fusion|kalter Fusion]]. In diesem Zusammenhang nennt er [[Randell Mills]] und die Sonolumineszenz. Weitere Überzeugungen beziehen sich auch auf eine mögliche [[Antigravitation]], die für zukünftige Transportzwecke geeignet sei, die Psychomarkt-Masche der Indigo-Kinder (Some signs that this is developing can already be seen in the demonstrated abilities of some unusual children that have been given names such as Indigo, Dolphin, or Crystal children.  These children are demonstrating advanced mental and emotional capabilities that will become commonplace within all of humanity.), und eine mögliche Kommunikation mit bereits Verstorbenen. Hierbei beruft er sich auf die Hypothese einer möglichen [[Transkommunikation]]: ''..By 2012, human consciousness research will also be expanded to include scientific investigations into the instrumental transcommunication process with deceased persons.  Foundational work by many investigators on several continents, using computers, tape players, video recorders and radios, has already led to the recording of voices and images from known persons who have passed over. These developments will lead to greater acceptance of the laws of reincarnation that are already part of many world religions.  These principles are also not new in the West, for it is a historical fact that the concept of reincarnation existed within Christianity until its condemnation at the Fifth Ecumenical Council held in Constantinople in 553 AD.  The recognition that human beings reincarnate repeatedly will powerfully impact humanity’s modes of behavior and lead to greater awareness of the impact that our thoughts, emotions and deeds have on our future lives.''
Des weiteren glaubt Maret an eine Nutzung der so genannten [[Raumenergie]] und Energieerzeugung aus [[Kalte Fusion|kalter Fusion]]. In diesem Zusammenhang nennt er [[Randell Mills]] und die Sonolumineszenz. Weitere Überzeugungen beziehen sich auch auf eine mögliche [[Antigravitation]], die für zukünftige Transportzwecke geeignet sei, die Psychomarkt-Masche der Indigo-Kinder (Some signs that this is developing can already be seen in the demonstrated abilities of some unusual children that have been given names such as Indigo, Dolphin, or Crystal children.  These children are demonstrating advanced mental and emotional capabilities that will become commonplace within all of humanity.), und eine mögliche Kommunikation mit bereits Verstorbenen. Hierbei beruft er sich auf die Hypothese einer möglichen [[Transkommunikation]] und die [[Reinkarnation]]: ''..By 2012, human consciousness research will also be expanded to include scientific investigations into the instrumental transcommunication process with deceased persons.  Foundational work by many investigators on several continents, using computers, tape players, video recorders and radios, has already led to the recording of voices and images from known persons who have passed over. These developments will lead to greater acceptance of the laws of reincarnation that are already part of many world religions.  These principles are also not new in the West, for it is a historical fact that the concept of reincarnation existed within Christianity until its condemnation at the Fifth Ecumenical Council held in Constantinople in 553 AD.  The recognition that human beings reincarnate repeatedly will powerfully impact humanity’s modes of behavior and lead to greater awareness of the impact that our thoughts, emotions and deeds have on our future lives.''
