
542 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  14:42, 24. Feb. 2010
Zeile 6: Zeile 6:  
*''The less food you have in the body, the more air is circulated through the body, which replaces the food. Which means a Breatharian, instead of taking in 110 lbs. of air a day, is probably taking in 1,000 lbs. a day. Now in that 1,000 lbs. of air is a percentage of pollutants. So you see that for a Breatharian the air is so deadly that we have to take something not to increase energy but to decrease the sensitivity to the air. We take food as you would take a drug or a medicine — to reduce the sensitivity.''  
*''The less food you have in the body, the more air is circulated through the body, which replaces the food. Which means a Breatharian, instead of taking in 110 lbs. of air a day, is probably taking in 1,000 lbs. a day. Now in that 1,000 lbs. of air is a percentage of pollutants. So you see that for a Breatharian the air is so deadly that we have to take something not to increase energy but to decrease the sensitivity to the air. We take food as you would take a drug or a medicine — to reduce the sensitivity.''  
*Antwort auf die Frage wann er zuletzt gegessen habe: ''Wiley: 2 hours ago.  Bruno: What kind of food did you eat?  Wiley: A Double Quarter Pounder with cheese and a Diet Coke from McDonald's. Some people would call this junk food.    Bruno: Why did you eat it?    Wiley: It is the perfect food that has the necessary poisons and pollutants to harmonized my blood stream with the frequencies of a poisonous and polluted environment''<ref>http://www.ntskeptics.org/2002/2002december/december2002.htm</ref>
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