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==Portal Kombat==
The "Portal Kombat" Influence Operation ...
Yannick De SmetYannick De Smet
Yannick De Smet
Regional Director @ G4S | Expert, Law, Security
Veröffentlicht: 22. Apr. 2024
In an era where digital landscapes serve not only as platforms for information dissemination but also as battlegrounds for influence operations, understanding the mechanisms behind orchestrated propaganda networks is paramount. The recent investigation by VIGINUM into the "Portal Kombat" network unveils a complex tapestry of digital manipulation targeting Western countries with pro-Russian narratives, which merits a closer examination.
The Architecture of Influence: anatomy of the Portal Kombat network
The "Portal Kombat" network, as revealed by VIGINUM's extensive research, is a sophisticated ensemble of 193 digital "information portals." These websites initially reported local news from Russian and Ukrainian localities but pivoted to disseminating pro-Russian content following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This shift underscores a strategic recalibration to influence public opinion in Western nations supporting Ukraine.
Key to the operation of these portals is their reliance on content massively relayed from three primary sources:
Social media accounts of Russian or pro-Russian actors,
Russian news agencies,
Official websites of local institutions or actors.
These platforms do not generate original content but rather echo pro-Russian propaganda, aiming to skew perceptions of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict and disparage Ukrainian leadership while glorifying Russia's military actions.
The machinery behind the curtain: TigerWeb's central role
Central to the functionality of the Portal Kombat network is TigerWeb, a web development company based in Crimea. Founded in 2015 by Yevgeny Shevchenko, TigerWeb has been instrumental in both the development and management of these sites. The findings suggest that while TigerWeb publicly offers various digital services, it covertly supports the creation and maintenance of the Portal Kombat network, serving as a digital arsenal for Russian influence operations.
Dissecting the "digital weaponry": techniques and tactics
The network's effectiveness is amplified by sophisticated digital strategies including:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The sites are optimized to rank high in search engine results for specific queries, increasing their visibility and potential influence.
Automated content distribution: Leveraging automation tools, the network ensures a constant flow of content across its platforms, maximizing reach and engagement.
Targeted content delivery: By carefully selecting sources and tailoring content based on locality, the network ensures that its propaganda resonates with specific audiences, thereby enhancing its impact.
Beyond borders: the global impact
The international dimension of the Portal Kombat network is particularly concerning. By targeting countries like France, Germany, and the United States, the network seeks to polarize public opinion and sow discord among nations united in their support for Ukraine. This strategy not only undermines international solidarity but also threatens the democratic foundations of targeted societies by fueling division and mistrust.
Conclusion: A call to action for digital vigilance
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The revelations about the Portal Kombat network serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing digital war for influence. As digital landscapes continue to evolve, the need for vigilance and resilience against such covert operations becomes increasingly crucial. Governments, technology companies, and individuals must collaborate to expose and counter these digital threats, ensuring a well-informed public and safeguarding the integrity of our digital commons.
By understanding the mechanisms of such influence operations and the entities behind them, we can better prepare ourselves to defend against the insidious effects of digital propaganda. The battle for truth is not just fought in the physical realm but also in the vast and interconnected digital world that shapes our perceptions and decisions.
(c) Yannick De Smet. This newsletter was drafted using ai.
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