Diskussion:Ignat Ignatov

Version vom 23. November 2011, 17:44 Uhr von Dominik (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „==Veröffentlichungen== *Ignatov, I., Antonov, A., Galabova, T., Medical biophysics – biophysical fields of man, Gea Libris, Sofia (1998). *Ignatov., I., Antono…“)
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  • Ignatov, I., Antonov, A., Galabova, T., Medical biophysics – biophysical fields of man, Gea Libris, Sofia (1998).
  • Ignatov., I., Antonov, A., Galabova, T., Stoyanov, S., Self-organization and “Informationability” of Water, Their Importance for the Possible Processes of Structuring of the Living Matter, Seminar “Man and Nature”, (SRCMB), Sofia, Teteven (2001).
  • Ignatov, I., Energy Biomedicine, Origin of Living Matter, “Informationability of water, Bioresonance, Biophysical Fields, Gea-Libris, Sofia, (2005).
  • Ignatov, I., Energy Biomedicine, Origin of Living Matter, “Informationability of water, Bioresonance, Biophysical Fields, Gea-Libris, ENIOM, Sofia, Moscow (2006).
  • Ignatov, I., Energy Biomedicine, Origin of Living Matter, “Informationability of water, Bioresonance, Biophysical Fields, Institute for Creative Healing, Munich (2007).
  • Ignatov, I., Informationability of water, Resonance and Bioresonance Interaction in Homeopathic Solutions, Federal Center, Moscow (2007).
  • Ignatov, I., Marinov, M., Color Kirlian Spectral Analysis. Color Observation with Visual Analyzer, EUROMEDICA, Hanover, (2008).
  • Ignatov, I., Which water is optimal for the origin (generation) of life? EUROMEDICA, Hanover, (2010).

Ignatov, I, Mosin, O. V., Origin of life, http://www.o8ode.ru/article/learn/life/, (2010).

  • Ignatov, I., Entropy and time in living organisms, ARCHIVEUROMEDICA, Hanover, (2011).
  • Ignatov, I., Entropy and time in living organisms, EUROMEDICA, Hanover, (2011).
  • Ignatov, I. , Tsvetkova, V., Water for the origin of life and informationaability of water, Kirlian (electric images) of different types of water, EUROMEDICA, Hanover, (2011)
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