Wolfgang Ehrengut ( geb. 1919) ist durch seine Datenerhebungen bekannt, die von Impfgegnerkreisen für ihre Zwecke missbraucht werden.


  • 1982 Kinderlähmung: "In view of the prevalence of paralytic poliomyelitis in tiny babies an early oral polio immunisation in the tropics is highly recommended."
  • 1986 Diphtherie: "In five children neural complications occurred following diphtheria immunization. In two cases, damage was related to the injection (vaccination-induced poliomyelitis), in three cases it could be traced back to a hyperergic reaction to diphtheria toxoid on the cerebral vessels. The latter complication is typical of individuals being immunized against diphtheria. Such complications are extremely rare; by no means can they question the value of active immunization against diphtheria."
  • 1989 Mumps: "Since the introduction of mumps vaccination in the Federal Republic of Germany 34 untoward vaccinal reactions were collected. In 2 cases of aseptic meningitis after mumps immunisation mumps virus was isolated from the CSF. The final investigation showed mumps virus (wild type) in one case; in the other a mumps vaccine-like strain (Jeryl-Lynn) was identified. Both patients recovered completely. These complications do not outweigh the enormous benefits of mumps immunisation."
  • 1996 Kinderlähmung VAPP: "Oral polio vaccine (OPV) was given between 1963 and 1977 only and recommended simultaneously with inactivated vaccines (DT/DPT) between 1980 and 1985. In the first period 10 VAPP cases occurred among 9.96 million estimated vaccinees aged under 2 years. In the second period 6 cases of provocation poliomyelitis (PRP) were found among 2.9 million estimated OPV/DT/DPT vaccinees of the same age group. Statistically the VAPP/PRP frequencies in the two periods studied did not achieve significance."


Publikationsliste: Erfahrungen eines Gutachters über Impfschäden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1955 - 2004 von Wolfgang Ehrengut (Gebundene Ausgabe - Juli 2004)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9447753?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1997 Dec;39(6):658-62 Role of provocation poliomyelitis in vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. Institute of Vaccinology and Virology, Hamburg, Germany. The impact of different vaccine administrations in the Federal Republic of Germany, in relation to vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) was studied. (This only means that on the basis of the temporal relation of vaccination and onset, the vaccine cannot be ruled out as possible cause). Oral polio vaccine (OPV) was given between 1963 and 1977 only and recommended simultaneously with inactivated vaccines (DT/DPT) between 1980 and 1985. In the first period 10 VAPP cases occurred among 9.96 million estimated vaccinees aged under 2 years. In the second period 6 cases of provocation poliomyelitis (PRP) were found among 2.9 million estimated OPV/DT/DPT vaccinees of the same age group. Statistically the VAPP/PRP frequencies in the two periods studied did not achieve significance.

Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1996 Aug;38(4):423.

Relationship of oral polio vaccine administration to Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1991 Aug;33(4):421-7 Bias in evaluating CNS complications following pertussis immunization. Institute of Vaccinology and Virology, Hamburg, Germany. Bias in the evaluation of CNS complications following pertussis immunization are the following: 1) Notifications of postimmunization adverse events, 2) Publications by vaccine producers on the frequency of adverse reactions, 3) Comparison of permanent brain damage after DPT and DT immunization, 4) Pro-immunization, 5) Immunization associated viral encephalitis, 6) Accuracy of statistics, 7) Personal. A review of these points indicates an underestimation of CNS complications after pertussis immunization.

[BCG-induced inflammation during childhood and in pregnancy. Additionally a contribution to BCG-induced necrotising cerebral arteritis] Ehrengut W. Institut für Impfwesen und Virologie, Hamburg. In the third year of life of a girl vaccinated neonatally against tuberculosis an abscess of the associated lymph nodes appeared which contained acid-fast bacilli. After extirpation of the lymph nodes weeks later an intestinal BCG-dissemination was observed which seemed to be cured under a brief tuberculostatic therapy. At the age of 22 years a left sided hemiplegia due to aneurysms and thrombosis of 2 cerebral arteries was seen. At autopsy in the adventitia of the arteria basilaris macrophages were discovered which showed intracellular acid-fast bacilli. A paralysis of the oculomotor nerve appearing later was also caused by this brain lesion. Towards the end of a pregnancy a serious BCG-dissemination in the intestines relapsed. A healthy premature child was born. Massive tuberculostatic therapy was inefficient. The woman died in her 27th year of life. A defective function of the macrophages is suggested for the immunological abnormality.

Central nervous system sequelae of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella and poliomyelitis. Ehrengut W. Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1990 Feb;32(1):8-11. No abstract available.

Mumps vaccine and meningitis. Ehrengut W. Lancet. 1989 Sep 23;2(8665):751. No abstract available. PMID: 2571005 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

[Complications after preventive mumps vaccination in West Germany (including multiple preventive vaccinations)] Ehrengut W, Zastrow K. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1989 Jul;137(7):398-402. German. Ehrengut W, Zastrow K. Institut für Impfwesen und Virologie, Hamburg. Since the introduction of mumps vaccination in the Federal Republic of Germany 34 untoward vaccinal reactions were collected. In 2 cases of aseptic meningitis after mumps immunisation mumps virus was isolated from the CSF. The final investigation showed mumps virus (wild type) in one case; in the other a mumps vaccine-like strain (Jeryl-Lynn) was identified. Both patients recovered completely. These complications do not outweigh the enormous benefits of mumps immunisation.

Infektionen bei Schwangeren und ihren Neugeborenen von Wolfgang Ehrengut (Broschiert - April 1989)

Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1986 Jun 13;111(24):939-42. Links

[Neural complications after diphtheria vaccination and inoculations with diphtheria toxoid-mixed vaccines. Observations on their etiopathogenesis] [Article in German]

Ehrengut W. In five children neural complications occurred following diphtheria immunization. In two cases, damage was related to the injection (vaccination-induced poliomyelitis), in three cases it could be traced back to a hyperergic reaction to diphtheria toxoid on the cerebral vessels. The latter complication is typical of individuals being immunized against diphtheria. Such complications are extremely rare; by no means can they question the value of active immunization against diphtheria.

Central nervous sequelae of vaccinations. Ehrengut W. Lancet. 1986 May 31;1(8492):1275-6. No abstract available.

Central nervous system complications after diphtheria vaccination] Ehrengut W. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1986 May 9;111(19):761. German. No abstract available.

[Sequelae of vaccination following preventive pertussis vaccination in West Germany (1970 to 1978)] Ehrengut W. Offentl Gesundheitswes. 1986 Mar;48(3):123-6. German. No abstract available.

[Adverse effects of pertussis vaccination in West Germany (1970-1978)] Ehrengut W. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1985 Jun 14;110(24):974-5. German. No abstract available.

Are flaviviruses again active in Mali? Ehrengut W, Sarateanu DE. Tropenmed Parasitol. 1984 Sep;35(3):196-8. Using a hemagglutinating yellow fever antigen, a serologic investigation was done on 1237 blood samples collected between 1979 and 1983 in five regions of Mali. The results showed that the percentage of positive reactions (greater than 1:10) was higher in the sera of mothers than in their new borns (24.8 versus 12.4). In young children (6 months to 3 years old) the percentages of positive sera varied between 4.4 and 9.6. The values were much higher for persons between 15 to 70 years (28.3% to 43.7%). The presence of high antibody titers in sera of adults, the occurrence of seroconversion in young children (less than 1:10 to 1:40) are arguments for supposing that yellow fever virus or other flaviviruses were active in Mali in the period of our investigation.

[Preventive diphtheria vaccination of adolescents and adults] Ehrengut W. Offentl Gesundheitswes. 1984 Sep;46(9):473-4. German. No abstract available.

[Vaccinations for travel abroad] Ehrengut W. Med Monatsschr Pharm. 1984 Jun;7(6):166-71. German. No abstract available.

Prevalence of antibodies against respiratory viruses in children of Koulikoro (Mali). Ehrengut W, Sarateanu DE, AgRhaly A, Koumaré B, Simaga SY, Diallo D. Tropenmed Parasitol. 1984 Jun;35(2):119-22. he prevalence of antibodies to viruses associated with respiratory illnesses (influenza, corona, R.S., adeno, parainfluenza Mycoplasma pneumoniae) has been investigated in 119 children under 3 years of age (Koulikoro region Mali) and 50 persons 15-19 years of age (Bamako/Mali). In the surveillance period (March 1982-September 1982) an outbreak of respiratory disease in association with RS virus took place. A rise of CF titer has been found in 90.8% of the children; 59.1% of them presented a fourfold or greater increase of titer. The GMT values rose from 1:7 to 1:48. Concerning influenza viruses a higher incidence of positive reactions has been observed only for H3N2 viruses. A fourfold CF rise of titer has been observed for adenovirus and mycoplasma pneumoniae in 3 cases each, for parainfluenza type I and III in 2 cases each, and for parainfluenza II in 1 case. In persons 15-19 years of age the incidence of positive CF reactions was relatively high (68%-98%), but the GMT values were moderate (1:12-1:25). These data confirm that the frequency of viral respiratory diseases is the same in tropical countries as in countries with a temperate climate.

Pneumococcal vaccine in asplenic children. Ehrengut W. Klin Padiatr. 1984 Jan-Feb;196(1):58-9. No abstract available.

[Serum conversion rate following oral poliomyelitis immunization in Mali, Africa 1982] Ehrengut W, AgRhaly A, Koch I, Koumaré B, Simaga SY, Diallo D. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1984 Jan;132(1):29-31. German. 118 infants under 3 years of age were thrice orally immunised against poliomyelitis at 2 months interval. Before the vaccination 26% were triple negative and 24% triple positive. 44% had neutralising polio antibodies type 1, 53% type 2 and 52% type 3. At the end of the vaccinations 59% of the vaccinees were triple positive and only 3.4% triple negative. 82% had polio antibodies type 1, 85% antibodies type 2 and 76% antibodies type 3. At the start of the trial 54% of the vaccinees excreted enteroviruses. Only in 12% young infants had enterovirus in anal swabs and seroconverted well. In view of the prevalence of paralytic poliomyelitis in tiny babies an early oral polio immunisation in the tropics is highly recommended.

Impffibel von Wolfgang Ehrengut (Gebundene Ausgabe - 1964)

Persistenz des Vakzinevirus in Impfulzera von Wolfgang Ehrengut und W. D. Fehringer (Unbekannter Einband - 1963)

Über vakzinale Effloreszenzen im Bereich von Pockenimpfnarben nach Sabin- und Salk-Impfungen von E. Sommerfeld und Wolfgang Ehrengut (Unbekannter Einband - 1963)