Diskussion:Holger Thorsten Schubart: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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==Kommentar der Autoren dieses Artikels==
==Kommentar der Autoren dieses Artikels==
Das primäre Ziel von Psiram ist es, Verbraucher bzw. leichtgläubige Menschen vor Schaden zu bewahren, indem wir über fragwürdige Produkte und Dienstleistungen aufklären. Hauptaugenmerk sind dabei die jeweiligen Produkte und Versprechungen, nicht die dahinter stehenden Personen. Da die Produkte und Dienstleistungen aber meist von Personen angeboten und vertreten werden, ist es meist unabdinglich, auch hierüber zu informieren.
Holger Schubart verspricht ein pseudowissenschaftliches Produkt, eine unmögliche Erfindung aus dem Bereich der Freien Energie, wie wir es hier auf Psiram zuhauf beschreiben. Der einzige Sinn solcher Erfindungen ist es sehr oft, Investoren mit versprochenen gigantischen Gewinnen - sollte die Technologie auf den Markt kommen - zu ködern. Daher ist das versprochene Produkt der Neutrino Inc./GmbH und dessen Vermarktung als höchst fragwürdig anzusehen.
Nur deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, auch Herrn Schubarts kriminelle Vergangenheit offenzulegen. Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf Rehabilitierung. Dazu gehört aber auch Reue und der Versuch der Wiedergutmachung. Die Menschen, die durch seine früheren Aktivitäten geschädigt worden sind, leiden darunter z.T. bis heute.
Herr Schubart hat sich hingegen entschieden, seine früheren Aktivitäten wieder aufzunehmen und bedient sich dabei auch der damaligen Kontakte. Es ist nicht erkennbar, dass er sich von seinem früheren Leben verabschiedet hat. Im Gegenteil: er versucht erneut in großem Maßstab sein damaliges "Geschäftsmodell" wieder zu etablieren bzw. hat dies bereits getan.
Wir fühlen uns daher verpflichtet, potentiellen Opfern bestmögliche Informationen zu seiner Person und zu seinem Firmengeflecht bereitzustellen. Dies muss - darin stimmen wir trotz aller Bedenken zu seinem Recht auf Rehabilitation überein - auch seine Vergangenheit beinhalten.
== Patent ==
CA2283528A1, kanadisches Patent 1999 / 2001 "Direct uses of neutrino energy" (aufgegeben), Erfinder: Robert W. Beckwith
:''A layered device uses electric currents or grating surfaces to create differential neutrino forces on diamagnetic materials transmitted to electrostrictive (piezoelectric) material so as to generate output power or mechanical force. A superconducting conductor using carbon isotope C14 is described.''
This inventer, Robert W. Beckwith, knows of no existing devices for use of neutrino energy. Furthermore this inventer knows of no prior art technology for realizing the proposed neutrino to photon light converter matrix.
Robert W. Beckwith is also a co-author of a book, Hypotheses, ISBN#0-9657178-0-2.
Advanced theories contained in this book have been extended hereinbelow as pertinent to the present invention.
In Draft #3 of this book, submitted for copyright on November 2, 1996, I (Robert W. Beckwith) anticipated that an isotope of carbon, C14, in crystalline diamond form, would be a superconductor over a wide temperature range. After reading in an issue of Scientific American magazine of the strength of C14 diamond being 10,000 times stronger than ordinary carbon isotope C12 diamonds, I anticipated that the close packing of atoms in C14 diamonds would squeeze electrons to the surface forming a superconducting cloud of electrons above the surface. Recent theoretical studies of Dr. Ruggero Santilli bear this out although Dr.
Santilli had not extended his theories to the case of C14 diamonds until I questioned him. He concurred that his theories indicate that with the very close atomic spacing valence electron pairs of electrons combine into a particle with a charge of -2 and which tunnel out of the C14 atoms forming the conducting surface cloud that I anticipated.
Dr. Ruggero Santilli's supporting paper "THEORETICAL PREDICTION AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THE NEW CHEMICAL SPECIES OF MAGNECULES" is available from: Institute for Basic Research, P. O. Box 1577, Palm Harbor, FL 34682.
An article by Simon Singh entitled "THE PROOF IS IN THE NEUTRINO" appeared in The New York Times for Tuesday, June 16, 1998. This article, in italics, follows:
The Proof Is in the Neutrino By Simon Singh This month, a team of Physicists working deep inside a Japanese mine shaft announced that the neutrino, perhaps the most mysterious particle in the universe, does indeed have mass. Although fellow experimenters applauded the discovery and the press reported it enthusiastically, the most joyous response came from the theoretical physicists who devote much of their lives to conjuring up explanations of the universe and then must wait for experimenters to prove them true.
The neutrino, one of the building blocks of the universe, is the mos t ghos tl y of parti c1 es, inasmuch as i t has evaded almos t all me thods of detection. Its story began in 1930 when experimenters studying the particles from the decay of radioactive materials were confounded by their flight path. The detected particles did not fly off in random, but were skewed in a certain direction.
To make sense of this and also to retain some sense of harmony and balance, theorists hypothesized that an undetected particle, the so-called neutrino must be flying off in the opposite direction. It took another 20 years before experimenters were able to prove that the neutrino really did exist and was not just a theoretical convenience.
More recen t1 y some theori s is began to bel i eve tha t the neu trino has a minute mass, and over the last decade experimenters have been trying to prove or disprove their hypothesis. However, they can measure a particle only when i t interacts wi th their detector, and neutrinos are notoriously reluctant to react with anything.
Unlike a photon of light, which will readily interact with the retina and be absorbed by a sprinkling of flimsy cells, a neutrino can pass through six trillion miles of lead without leaving any tract of its passage. It took one of the subtlest measurements in history, made by one of the most sensitive of detectors, to confirm that the neutrino does indeed have mass.
This breakthrough illustrates that the progress of science is a continual to and from between theorists and experimenters.
While theorists sit with pencil and paper scribbling models of the universe, it is up to the exp erimenters in the laboratoryto finda way of testing these theories. Occasionally, the experimenters lead the way, generating results that force the theorists revise their models or to concoct new ones. This was the case in the 1950's when physicists discovered new particles (the so-called particle zoo) whose presence had not been predicted by any existing theory.
Such a "paradigm shift" can have a traumatic impact on older theorists, who are left behind while a new generation picks up the pieces. A particularly striking example of this occurred in the early 1900'x, when the quantum revolution upended physics, displacing an entire generation.
In recent years, theorists have been in the vanguard, postulating the Standard Model, which has been very successful at explaining experimental results. Since.then, theorists have been developing new theories, some of them refinements of the Standard Model, others more radical.
The trouble is, i t has been difficul t to verify these new theories, because their predicted repercussions could not be tested by any known technology. So, while experimentists tried to invent better detectors, the theorists were pushing farther ahead, adding more hypotheses to theories that had yet to be proved. This created a house of cards, a beautifully constructed architecture of theories that rested on purely speculative foundations.
The only way to shore up these theories, or demolish them, was by way of truth. Sir Arthur Eddington, a formidable experimenter in the early 20th century, called experimentation °an incorruptible watch-dog.
Max Plank, one of the founders of quantum theory, said, ~~An experiment is a question which science passes to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature's answer.° The challenge is in constructing the right experiment. And the scientists in Japan succeed in doing this.
Thanks to them, the hypothesis that the neutrino has a mass is now a demonstrable fact. This knowledge affects theories about the engine that powers the sun. It also may explain why astronomers see only a fraction of all the material that they expect to find in the universe--will it expand forever or eventually collapse in on itself? All of this depends on the mass of the neutrino.
Theorists suspected the neutrino has a mass. Experimenters looked, and they found it. For most theorists this is a joyous occasion. But there are others whose theories have relied on a neutrino devoid of mass. For them this month's announcement destroys their hypothesis. It will mean erasing what is on the blackboard and starting all over again.
The following article, in italics, was taken, on 10/7/96, from website http://snodaq.phy.queensu.ca/sno/sno.html, of a leading neutrino laboratory, as explained in the article:
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a 1000 tonne heavy water Cherenkov detector under construction in INCO's CreiQhton mine near Sudbury, Ontario. Located 6800 feet below ground, SNO is designed to detect neutrinos produced by fusion reactions in the sun. SNO will provide revolutionary insight into the properties of neutrinos, as well as yielding constraints on reaction mechanisms in the sun. The SNO
detector uses 1000 tonnes of heavy water, on loan from the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), contained in a 12m diameter acrylic vessel.
Neutrinos react with the heavy water (D20) to produce flashes of light called Cherenkov radiation. This light is then detected with a geodesic array of 10,000 photomultiplier tubes surrounding the heavy water vessel. The detector is immersed in light (normal) water within a 30m barrel-shaped cavity excavated from Norite rock. Location in the deepest part of the mine provides an overburden of rock to shield from cosmic rays. The detector laboratory is immensely clean to reduce background radiation signals which would otherwise hide the very weak signal from neutrinos.
Neutrinos are tiny, possibly massless, neutral elementary particles which interact with matter via the weak nuclear force. The weakness of the weak force gives neutrinos the property that matter is almost transparent to them. The sun, and all other stars, produce neutrinos ' copiously due to the nuclear decay processes within the core.
Since they rarely interact, these neutrinos pass through Sun and the Earth the (and you) unhindered. Other sources of neutrinos include exploding stars (supernova), relic neutrinos (from the birth of the universe) and nuclear power plants (in fact most of the fuel's energy is taken away by neutrinos). For example, the sun produces over two hundred trillion trillion trillion neutrinos every second, and a supernova blast can unleash 1000 times more neutrinos than our sun will produce in its 10-billion year lifetime. Billions of neutrinos stream through your body every second, yet only one or two of the higher energy neutrinos will scatter from you in your lifetime.
A further article is obtained from a University of California at Berkeley website http://amanda.berkeley.edu/. This describes a massive neutrino telescope constructed at the south pole briefly described in the following excerpt taken from the site as of July 26, 1997:
Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array AMANDA is a detector being constructed at the South Pole, whose purpose is to observe high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources.
An accompanying diagram shows 60 meter diameter holes melted in the ice at the precise North Pole to depths of 1950 meters . An array of these holes each having several hundred photomultiplier tube Cherenkov light detectors for detecting the passage upward of neutrinos that have gone through the Earth from the north.
i An article, dated February 1999, from Photonics Spectra magazine describes a neutrino telescope being placed on the ocean floor, off the coast of France, 2.35 km below the surface. These telescopes have 350-m-long strings of photomultiplier tubes as neutrino detectors. There will eventually be an array of eight such strings of detectors.
Known as the Antares project, scientists from France, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK are involved. Francois Montanet, a physicist at France's Center for Particle Physics has been, involved in the project since it began. The article concludes with a summary:
Neutrinos provide an extremely long-range glimpse into the universe. Because of their high energy, these particles are also messengers of little understood events and objects.
The foregoing articles give some understanding of the intense effort going on worldwide to study neutrinos.
Use of fiberglass, being a mixture of glass fibers in a plastic binder, is well known. C12 carbon fibers are used for the improvement in strength obtained over glass fibers in applications such as automobile bodies. When carbon fibers are greatly extended in length they will be called filaments hereinunder.
A force model of the universe is used having far force lines pulling atoms together and near force lines preventing atoms from destructively combining. Recent experiments have detected a net neutrino force taken by the experimenters as evidence that neutrinos have mass. Believing that neutrinos have force but not mass, the experimental force is maximized as a basis for this invention. A first form of the invention produces direct current electrical output. In a second form a matrix of miniaturized devices of the first form are used to light dots on a visual output screen thereby producing neutrino to photon light converters for use in neutrino light viewing glasses and in neutrino cameras. Superconductors are a fundamental component of this invention and the use of C14 superconductors is projected to the carrying of electric power currents on and in transmission and distribution lines, generators, transformers and motors.
This invention extends present theories, including well known principles of electrical engineering, to engineering designs of devices using neutrinos as sources of power.
Engineers use six orthogonal dimensions in their daily work with macro sized systems. These consist of three dimensions of space, one of time, one of electric fields and one of magnetic fields. Herein these are labeled x, y, z, T, E and B respectively. It is held herein that there is no lower limit in size for the use of this six dimensional model and related advanced theorems.
I, Robert W. Beckwith, hypothesize the existence of two fields of non-polarized force lines emanating from the nucleus of all atoms in the universe. I call one the "near" force lines and the other the "far"
force lines. The near lines from one atom repels the near lines from another atom with a magnitude that falls off to values below the far force lines somewhere in the immediate region outside an atom. The far lines act to pull atoms together with forces that diminish with distances apart. The net effect is to pull atoms of the universe together to a global boundary surrounding atoms within which the near forces exceed the far forces. A vital effect of the near force lines is to prevent atoms from destructively combining. A secondary effect, explained in more detail hereinunder, is to impart information on neutrinos as they bounce around within atomic structures thereby picking up information as to where the neutrinos have been.
Neutrinos are capable, with a very low probability, to penetrate the shielding boundary and destroy the atom. This capability is described in detail hereinunder.
I hypothesize a force model with the near and far forces explaining effects which are observed and used by engineers and others working in the macro world. These hypothesized near and far forces are not to be confused with the nuclear forces used to explain the binding of neutrons and protons to form the nucleus of various atoms. Physicists use a set of dimensions as required by their mathematical model of the nuclear forces. The relation of these "inner" dimensions of physics and the six "outer" dimensions of engineering are not known, at least to this inventer.
I use the far forces to form a force model of the universe applicable from objects on Earth upward throughout the entire universe.
Our six dimensioned universe is filled with a media consisting of far i force lines linking all atoms in the universe. The characteristic of the far force is that it links from one atom to another as some function of distance regardless of the distance between all pairs of atoms in the universe (perhaps limiting the expansion of the universe). Since each atom has an infinite integer-number of such force lines we must think in terms of far force line density, perhaps a redefinition of aether (ether) .
Our bodies are therefore pulled downward by all of the atoms of the Earth giving an effect which we call gravity. Moreover our bodies want to go in straight lines as defined by the force lines. When we go around corners in our automobile we experience sideways forces we call inertia. I propose herein that gravity.and inertia are but behavioral characteristics of the far force field and do not otherwise exist.
The near force causes visible light (photons) to be reflected from atoms with photon frequency selectivity thereby giving reflected light its color. Likewise I believe that neutrinos are selectively reflected according to their frequency giving color to neutrino light, as detectable in certain experiments.
These near and far forces appear to operate in the E and B
dimensions as first demonstrated by experiments at Nottingham University in the UK and confirmed at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory operated by Florida State University at Gainsville Florida. In these experiments, strong magnetic fields were used to levitate items regardless of their composition (both experiments included a live frog) .
It appears that levitation occurred when the applied magnetic force field strength exceeded the far force field strength (called gravity) extending from atoms of the items to atoms of the Earth.
I have trained myself to see in neutrino light. After an hour with my eyes totally dark adapted in a light free room and unable to see any visible light whatsoever. I believe that I can, with intense mental concentration, see in neutrino light. I know of no other wave form with the penetrating capability which I observe. I can see, for example, reflected sparkles from a crystal of metallic bismuth in or out of boxes, giving support to the use of bismuth in this invention as described in more detail hereinunder. I can also see colors of the bismuth, reflected neutrino light off of flat stones and other evidence of the behavior of neutrino light. I believe that while most neutrinos flow between atoms due to the great distances between atoms as compared to their global diameter, a fraction bounce around off of the atoms giving the observed effects. Of course, with the immense energy of the neutrino field, the few that bounce off still represent considerable energy.
This observed behavior of neutrino light in relation to bismuth has been utilized by this inventer in developing the inventive devices hereinbelow. In support of the validity of this ability I have demonstrated that, within the darkened room, I can distinguish between three identical boxes, carefully packed for equal weights. One box contains a bismuth crystal, one an identical weight of stone and the third with an identical weight of iron.
Engineers know that B fields produce forces that cause rotors of motors to turn. E fields also produce forces that attract conductors carrying opposite electrical charges and oppose conductors carrying like charges. Radiated waves, consisting of combinations of the two field types, must then carry a force vector along with them driving the waves along force lines at the speed of light.
Photons are easy for us to observe as to their frequency; ie.
color. It is considerably more difficult to observe and measure individual photons. So it is with radio waves with individual "wavelets" difficult, but not impossible to produce.
I believe that electromagnetic energy from 60 Hz to photons and neutrinos follow force lines which vibrate in spiral fashion in the E/B
fields at the frequency of the waves so as to guide them in the direction of the force lines.
Fig. 1 shows a wave representation of a neutrino. Vector Fd is the neutrino force F multiplied by distance 'd' (along the dotted path line but not otherwise shown) in space giving the direction of travel of a single neutrino packet. Actually Fd does not exist at the center but force F moves around a cylinder of radius Fq by the action of the vector combination of rotating quadrature force vector Fq and the central non-rotating vector Fd. Vector Fq is driven by components of neutrino energy stored on the E/B plane.
Force F rotates at approximately 1023 cycles per second as estimated hereinunder. Force F starts at point 1, where the energy exists as a negative voltage on the -E axis of an E/B plane. A quarter cycle later, force F is at point 2, and the energy exists as a positive current on the +B axis of the E/B plane. A second quarter cycle later, force F is at point 3, and the energy exists as a positive voltage on the +E axis of the E/B plane. A third quarter cycle later, the force F is at point 4, and the energy exists as a negative current on the -B axis of the E/B
plane. A fourth quarter cycle later, force F is back at point 1 of Fig.
1, however, the force F has moved one full neutrino space cycle along the central direction Fd and also one full neutrino period along the time axis. Let us assume that the diameter of the cylinder is equal to the space cycle dimension of a neutrino.
Note that Fig. 1 is an isometric drawing of rotation, in three dimensional space, of force F rotating about a cylinder, this being the best one can do on a two dimensional piece of paper. The movement of the neutrino packet in space and time is essentially impossible to depict graphically. Note, however, that neutrinos move along space/time planes as do we as we walk around our home, drive a car or ride on an airplane. Principles of engineering must merge with and agree with principles of physics.
If a neutrino could be viewed as it comes directly towards you, the force would be seen moving in a circle. Conceptually, if one were small enough and stood in the path of the neutrino, one would be struck by force F from some point on the circle of the force rotation. The experience would be as if hit by a particle equal in diameter to the diameter of the neutrino force circle. The neutrino can, therefore, be said to have a physical size equal to the force diameter. I do not i believe however, as others believe, that the neutrino has a dual existence, sometimes a wave, sometimes a mass, but I believe that neutrinos always are a wave packet as described herein.
A Theorem: An atom has an infinite integer-number of far force lines emanating from protons and neutrons within the nucleus. Some lines link with other atoms forming molecules. Some lines extend across the universe to other atoms, thereby holding the universe together.
A Theorem: Aa atom has a very large number of near force lines extending in nearly every direction. Each is surrounded by a tube of strong force lines. To reach a near force line of an atom, a neutrino must travel along a far force line that has linked with a near force line within such a tube. In the rare event that this occurs the atom is annihilated with an immease burst of energy.
Normally a neutriao is repelled into a redirected path past the atom being phase modulated by the near force lines as it passes. At the same time the neutrino gives a tiny nudge to the atom contributing to the random atomic movemeat known as 'Brownian'.
A Theorem: Neutrinos have apparent dimensions in space equal to the diameter of their rotation of force field. They have effective mass and a centrifugal force equal to the rotating force creating the force circle at the frequency of the wave packet. Should one be able to stop a neutrino, however the energy and mass would be precisely zero since the neutrino would then no longer exist.
As is well known by radio engineers, the term FM is poorly used to describe the well known FM radio band transmissions. Actually phase ._. CA 02283528 1999-09-24 modulation (PM) of a fixed carrier frequency is used which produces an equivalent frequency modulation (FM) with the ratio of FM to PM being proportional to the modulating frequency. I believe that neutrinos are technically equivalent to FM broadcast signals except that neutrinos come in discontinuous wave packets.
A Theorem: As a neutrino passes atoms, existiag individually, as a part of a molecule in a gas, or as a part of a very complex molecule such as DNA molecules, they pick up information as to patterns of atoms. This is accomplished as a phase modulation, PM, of the time rate of rotation of force F about its circle as shown in Fig. 1.
A Theorem: The information bandwidth of neutrino light is many many times that of photon light or of the radio frequency spectrum.
A Theorem: The aeutrino is 0.32 x 10'14 meters in diameter aad has a frequency of 9.4 x l0aa Hz.
Referring to the article from The New York Times for Tuesday, June 16, 1998 given above under Background of the Invention, t h i s inventer believes that many neutrinos follow strong force lines leading to any atom in the universe, imparting their force of motion on the atom and otherwise bouncing away without stopping. The atom moves randomly in response to these hits in what is well known as Brownian motion. In the experiment described in the New York Times article I believe that a very slight beaming of neutrinos was created by the experiment . The result was a very slight bias in the Brownian motion in the direction of measurement interpreted by the experimenters as evidence of mass of the neutrino. I believe that, as with gravity, mass exists only as a behavioral attribute of the force field. To that extent, therefore, neutrinos do have the characteristic of what is generally called mass.
This invention involves an expansion of the Japanese experiment described by the New York Times article referenced above into a useful device for converting neutrino energy into electric power.
QUESTION: Nhat is the density at the surface of the Earth from solar neutrinos?
The number of neutrinos from the Sun is 200 x 1036/sec. (See the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory information given above.) The Sun is 1.5 x 1011 meters from the Earth.
The area of a sphere at Earth distance from the Sun is:
4~ x (1.5 x 1011)2 = 2.8 x 1023 square meters.
Thus the number of neutrinos coming to a square meter of surface on Earth from the Sun is:
NE = (200 x 1036) / (2 . 8 x 1023) - 7.14 x 1014 per second.
QUESTION: But that is the diameter of a neutrino?
Note that the 'sweet spot' for neutrinos to bag an atom is diminishingly small as compared to the bullet! It is the size of the bullet that counts. The small number of neutrino hits tells us we have a very small bullet indeed!
There must be a physical size of the sweet spot, however, otherwise a neutrino would never find it. Let us assume that neutrinos can annihilate the smallest stable atom, namely hydrogen. Let us further assume that the hydrogen nucleus, consisting of a single proton, emits all of the near and far force lines for that atom. Other elements have larger nuclei, therefore emitting more far force lines. More far force lines have greater pull by the Earth therefore more apparent mass.
The size of the hydrogen nucleus is then the size of the sweet spot into which a neutrino must fit to bag the atom.
In a table of neutron scattering data on page 11-148 of the 78th 1997-1998 edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (hereinafter referred to as the "CRC reference") the thermal cross section of a neutron in a hydrogen atom is given as 0.332 barns. On the previous page of the CRC reference the barn is defined as 10'24 cm2. It is assumed that this value of cross section is true for a proton (consisting of a neutron carrying a positive charge). The cross section of the hydrogen nucleus is therefore equal to 0.332 * 10-28 m2.
It is further assumed that a neutrino is capable of annihilating an atom of hydrogen if it hits the sweet spot. It is reasonable therefore to say that the dimension of the tube of strong force lines within which sits a weak force line is equal to the diameter of a proton. A neutrino must have this same dimension therefore, as an upper limit of size, to fit into the tube upon rare occasion and blow up the hydrogen atom. The neutrino would then fit into the tubes of neutrons and protons within other elements which all have nuclei larger than hydrogen.
The diameter Dn of a neutrino is then:
Dn = (0.332/~r' * 10-2a m2)~.
"_, CA 02283528 1999-09-24 Dn = 0.32 x 10-14 meters.
Let us assume that a neutrino wavelength in time is equal to one neutrino diameter.
The neutrino frequency Fn is then the speed of light divided by the wavelength:
Fn = 3 x l0a/ (0.32 x 10-14) - 9.4 x 1022 The neutrino energy at any point on Earth is believed to be many times the visible and infra red energy from the Sun and there are many other sources such as the nuclear reactions within Earth itself. It is quite apparent that sufficient energy is available to power devices using means as described hereinbelow.
One concept used in this invention is to make improvements on the pressures detected from neutrinos in experiments related hereinabove.
These experiments can be interpreted as an indication that neutrinos have mass, at least so long as they are in motion. Herein this pressure is directed to an electrostrictive body in such a way as to produce a direct current (DC) voltage and a direct output current.
The electrostrictive phenomenon is defined herein as the production of voltages as a result of elastic deformations of a material. In Fig.
2 forces from neutrinos create fixed deformations of a body 3 of electrostrictive material. This deformation causes a DC voltage across said body 3 which then drives direct current at that voltage to flow from devices containing said bodies with suitable layers of material i CA 02283528 1999-09-24 _ attached to said bodies 3.
Fig. 2 shows devices consisting of conductors 2 forming first layers carrying oscillating currents for deflecting neutrinos to one side and the other for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, electrostrictive bodies 3 forming second layers, conductors 4 forming third layers, magnetostrictive material 5 having flat outer surfaces forming fourth layers for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices, and resonating capacitors 1 connected to opposite ends of said conductors 2 forming first layers and generating said oscillating currents whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing voltages between said first layers and said third layers.
Barium titanate is the preferred material for said body 3 and crystalline bismuth is the preferred diamagnetic material.
Output contacts 6 are connected to center points on conductor 2 and output contacts 7 are connected to conductor 4.
Capacitors 1 are connected by tapered conductors 13 and 14 between opposite ends of said conductor 2 causing resonant oscillating currents to flow between said capacitors 1 and the inductance of said first conducting layers 2 so as to deflect a portion of neutrinos flowing through said first conducting layers 2 resulting in continuing differential neutrino forces on said body 3. If this force is not put to use in creating motion said devices must be restrained from movement or used in pairs with forces opposed.
Fig. 4a is a top view of the device depicted in Fig. 2 to show conductors 13 and 14 tapering to produce lowest inductance to meet capacitor 1. Fig. 4b is an end view of the device depicted in Fig. 2 to show the positions of capacitor 1, conductors 13 and 14, body 3 with sides 10 and 11, diamagnetic layer 5 formed on conducting surface 4 and having an outer surface 16, conducting layers 2 and 4 and terminal leads 7 and 16.
Fig. 3 shows a device having a microwave cavity 9 with, upper surfaces 8 and lower surfaces 11. The interior 17 shows the cavity in conventional form to best illustrate the cavity. .In a preferred form a layered structure is used with surfaces 8 and il forming layers one and three respectfully. The cavity interior 17 consists of thin second layer of dielectric material having low losses at the cavity resonant frequency. The interior of the cavity is lined with superconducting C14 producing a nearly lossless cavity having high instability and therefore high propensity to oscillate at the cavity resonant frequency. Layer three is formed on surface 2 of electrostrictive body 3 with barium titanate the preferred electrostrictive material. Body 3 then becomes layer 4. A conducting layer 5 is formed on the surface 4 of body 3.
Diamagnetic material 5 is formed on conducting layer 5 becoming layer 6 with crystalline bismuth being the preferred material. Surface 16 of layer 6 is flat for receiving maximum force from neutrinos striking surface 16. Said unstable cavity 9 oscillates at said cavity resonant frequency causing large oscillating currents to flow in said superconducting C14. Said oscillating currents create force lines first to one side and then the other deflecting some neutrinos around said body 3 first in one direction and then the other and resulting in a net reduction in neutrino force striking surface 2 of said body 3. The resulting differential in neutrino force deform said body 3 creating voltages between surfaces 2 and 4. Polarities of these voltages depends on the orientation of said body 3 with output contacts 6 to center points of third layers labeled positive and output contacts 7 to fifth layers labeled negative in the example shown by Fig. 3. Said oscillations create an oscillations on forces on said body 3 to be superimposed on the net voltage produced by said body 3. By the electrostrictive characteristics of body 3 said oscillations are reinforced and maintained.
I, Robert W. Beckwith, believe that C14, when formed in a crystalline layer, naturally produces unusually close spacing of the C14 atoms. This close spacing is a result of valence electrons of C14 naturally combining into pairs termed isoelectroniums by Dr. Ruggero Santilli in his reference paper listed hereinabove. Dense materials created by such electron combination are called "magnecules" by Dr.
Santilli who states that the existence of magnecules is a "mere consequence" of the forming of isoelectroniums. He further states that isoelectroniums will tunnel out of their related atoms and form surfaces of electron pairs; ie. a surface of isoelectroniums.
I further believe that the sideways flow of electron pairs in oscillatory circuits, as for example shown in Figs. 2 and 3, will form force lines capable of deflecting some neutrinos approaching said body i CA 02283528 1999-09-24 _ 3 from directions into surface 11. These deflections will cause some neutrinos to flow past body 3 first to one side and then to the other side as said resonant circuits of Figs. 2 and 3 oscillate thereby creating a net differential in neutrino forces on body 3.
Figs. 2 and 3 illustrates devices for producing DC outputs into loads of a wide range of varying resistance. These devices have a very low source impedance.
By the personal experiences related hereinabove I am certain that neutrinos reflect from crystalline bismuth undoubtedly imparting force to the material as they do. The thickness of parts of said devices are small as compared to the surface of said device and as a result depleted numbers of neutrinos striking the upper surface of material will be less than the number striking the lower surface and a net upward force results.
Fig. 5 illustrates an alternative construction of a device for extracting electrical energy or useable force from neutrinos. Body 3 with conducting surfaces 2 and 4, diamagnetic layer 5 with flat outer surface 16 and output terminals 6 and 7 serve the same purpose as in the devices depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. The resonant circuit formed by capacitor 1 of Fig. 2 and the cavity 9 of Fig. 3 are replaced by diamagnetic layer 18 having a grating surface as shown in Fig. 5. This diamagnetic layer is preferably crystalline bismuth as is body 5. The grating reflects some neutrinos to one side or the other reducing the total neutrino force striking the grating to less than the opposing force striking relatively flat surface 16 thereby creating a net force upward as well as electrical output power from terminals 6 and 7, if desired.
Body, 3 and conducting surfaces 2 and 4 may also be omitted from devices constructed according to Fig. 5 in which case no electrical output is obtained and an uncontrollable force is obtained. In this embodiment of the invention the force may be controlled by combining two such force only devices at controllable angles with the resultant force acting at the magnitude and direction as the vector addition of the two device forces.
Fig. 6a illustrates an end view of conducto>_'s 30 of continuous filaments 31 of superconducting C14 encased in a plastic binder 32 for carrying electric power currents. Fig. 6b illustrates a side view of the conductor of Fig. 6a having a metallic connecter 33 terminating one end of superconducting filaments 31. The far end of said conductor is at some distance to the right similarly terminated for the carrying of electric current.
I believe that C14 is very strong with tensile strengths in the order of hundreds of pounds per filament. I also believe that it is quite brittle and will break if bent sharply. Such breakage is avoided by use the suitable plastic binder 32.
Uses of such conductors are for essentially lossless conduction of electric power along transmission and distribution lines. Similar conductors may also be used internal to electric power generators, electric power transformers and for electric motors. A general 'rule of thumb' for generators, transformers and motors is "to have copper loss equal to iron loss". Use of C14 superconductors may therefore cut losses by as much as one half in the generation, transformation, delivery and use of electric power.
Fig. 7 illustrates converters for converting neutrino light into visible light. Matrices of miniaturized versions of the devices of Figs. 3 on first panels create one dot 26 each on second liquid crystal panels 23 which are visible in incident light. Selectively second panels 23 are backlighted producing dot matrix displays visible in the dark.
Knowing that neutrinos reflect from atomic and molecular structures as do photons of visible light, the matrix of Fig. 7 picks up the detailed pattern of neutrino light thereby forming pictures on the visual screen 23 of Fig. 5. In other words, the device of Fig. 7 provides the ability of seeing in neutrino light.
Fig. 7 a) illustrates an edge view of a converter panel with miniaturized devices 22 mounted on the top of conducting plane 21 and connected to negative outputs of devices 22. Liquid crystal panel 23 receives positive outputs 25 from individual devices 22 causing dots 26 to be illuminated in proportion to the magnitudes of devices 22 output currents. Note that these outputs, in turn, are dependent on the neutrino forces on each particular dot. Backlighting material 24 is sandwiched between conducting layer 21 and display screen 23 and is illuminated by an external source. Selectively screen 23 is lighted using power from a larger device 22 (not shown) dedicated for that purpose.
i Fig. 7 b) shows a plan view of a converter panel with dots 26 illustrating the possible large extent of the screen depending on the resolution desired and the degree of miniaturization of devices 22 achieved.
It should be noted that devices having microwave cavities as shown in Fig. 3 have the advantage over devices as shown in Fig. 2 of containing said oscillations. In devices according to Fig. 2 radiation of these oscillations increases losses and may cause interference with other equipment. It should be noted that the electrostrictive bodies used hereinabove may be mounted so as to reverse the polarities used for explanation and that this inventions includes selection of either reversal of positive and negative potentials.
Products based on this invention could make humanity independent of electric power systems with immense improvement in the environment.
The ability to see underground and through solid objects with greater detail than present technology will be most valuable indeed.
Easy visualization of land mines regardless of materials used may be of great value.
Detailed underground exploration for valuable material.
Possible uses of force as levitation, propulsion or both.
Reduction of losses in the production, delivery and use of electric power through the use of superconducting C14 diamond filament conductors.
Claims (33)
1. Devices for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos comprising in combination:
a) conductors forming first layers carrying oscillating currents for deflecting neutrinos to one side and the other for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, b) electrostrictive bodies forming second layers, c) conductors forming third layers, d) magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces forming fourth layers for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices, and e) resonating capacitors connected to opposite ends of said conductors forming first layers and generating said oscillating currents whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing direct current voltages between said first layers and said third layers.
2. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising in combination:
a) output contacts connected to center points of conductors forming said first layers, and b) output contacts connected to conductors forming said third layers whereby electric power is produced in loads connected between said contacts.
3. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies.
4. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material.
5. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material for said first layers.
6. Devices as in Claim 2 further comprising in combination:
a) means for controlling electrical loads on said devices, b) means for measuring forces produced by said devices, and c) means for using said measurements of force to control said electrical loads whereby forces are controlled.
7. Devices for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos comprising in combination:
a) microwave cavities with upper and lower inner surfaces forming first and third layers carrying oscillating currents for deflecting neutrinos to one side and the other for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, b) dielectric material forming second layers and separating said upper and lower inner surfaces of said microwave cavities, c) electrostrictive bodies forming fourth layers, d) conductors forming fifth layers, and e) magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces forming sixth layers for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing voltages between said third layers and said fifth layers.
8. Devices as in Claim 7 further comprising in combination:
a) output contacts connected to center points of said third layers, and b) output contacts connected to conductors forming said fifth layers whereby electric power is produced in loads connected between said contacts.
9. Devices as in Claim 7 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies.
10. Devices as in Claim 7 further comprising crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material.
11. Devices as in Claim 7 using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material to form inner surfaces of said cavities.
12. Devices as in Claim 2 further comprising in combination:
a) means for controlling electrical loads on said devices, b) means for measuring forces produced by said devices, and c) means for using said measurements of force to control said electrical loads whereby the forces are controlled.
13. Devices for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos comprising in combination:
a) first layer of crystalline bismuth with outer grating surface for reflecting neutrinos to one side and the other minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, b) conductors forming second layers, c) electrostrictive bodies forming third layers, d) conductors forming fourth layers, and e) fifth layers of crystalline bismuth with flat outer surfaces for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing voltages between said second layers and said fourth layers.
14. Devices as in Claim 13 further comprising in combination:
a) output contacts connected to center points of conductors forming said first layers, and b) output contacts connected to conductors forming said third layers whereby electric power is produced in loads connected between said contacts.
15. Devices as in Claim 13 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies.
16. Devices as in Claim 13 using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material to form said second layer.
17. A method for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos the method consisting of the steps of:
a) assembling layers consisting of first conductors, electrostrictive bodies, second conductors and magnetostrictive materials.
b) creating oscillatory circuits whereby capacitor means resonate with said first conductors for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, c) using magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices, and d) extracting electron flow by connecting loads between said conductors.
18. A method as in Claim 17 further consisting of using barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies.
19. A method as in Claim 17 further consisting of using crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material.
20. A method as in Claim 17 further consisting of using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal surfaces for said first conductor.
21. A method for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos consisting of the steps of:
a) assembling layers consisting of microwave cavities, electrostrictive bodies, second conductors and magnetostrictive materials, and b) extracting electron flow by connecting loads between said microwave cavities and said second conductors.
22. A method as in Claim 21 further consisting of using barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies.
23. A method as in Claim 21 further consisting of using crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material.
24. A method as in Claim 21 further consisting of using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal layers for inner surfaces of said cavity.
25. A method of receiving net forces directly from neutrinos the method consisting of the steps of:
a) assembling two layers each consisting of crystalline bismuth, b) treating outer surfaces of first layers of crystalline bismuth so as to deflect some neutrinos to the side for minimizing forces from neutrinos from a first direction, b) using second layers of crystalline bismuth having flat outer surfaces for receiving maximum forces from neutrinos in a second direction whereby differentials in forces are created.
26. A method as in Claim 25 further consisting of combining multiple receivers of forces at variable angles thereby obtaining variable net forces from said combinations.
27. A method as in Claim 25 further consisting of the steps of:
a) adding layers of electrostrictive material between said layers of bismuth, b) adding conducting layers on surfaces of said electrostrictive material, and c) extracting electrical energy by connecting loads between said conducting layers.
28. A method of replacing conventional metallic conductors with superconducting conductors for carrying currents in the production, delivery and use of electric power consisting of the steps of:
a) producing continuous superconducting carbon 14 diamond filaments, b) encasing multiple paralleled filaments in plastic binders, and c) terminating said filaments as required for replacing conventional metallic conductors whereby losses of electric power are greatly reduced.
29. Converters for seeing in neutrino light comprising in combination:
a) matrices of neutrino responsive devices formed on first panels, b) second panels of liquid crystal displays, c) said devices each having microwave cavities with upper and lower inner surfaces forming first and third layers d) said devices each having dielectric material forming second layers and separating said upper and lower inner surfaces of said microwave cavities, e) said devices each having electrostrictive bodies forming fourth layers, f) said devices each having conductors forming fifth layers, g) said devices each having magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces forming sixth layers, h) common connections between center points of said third layers of said devices and common connection of said liquid crystal displays, i) power output connections from said fifth layers of each of said devices to said liquid crystal displays forming visible spots on said display proportional to relative strengths of neutrino forces on said devices whereby patterns of neutrino forces become visible.
30. Converters as in Claim 29 further comprising in combination:
a) backlighting for said liquid crystal displays, and b) dedicated neutrino power converters furnishing power for said backlighting wherein said converters are useable in the dark.
31. Devices as in Claim 29 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies.
32. Devices as in Claim 29 further comprising crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material.
33. Devices as in Claim 29 using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material to form inner surfaces of said cavities.

Aktuelle Version vom 15. Februar 2023, 00:24 Uhr

Kommentar der Autoren dieses Artikels

Das primäre Ziel von Psiram ist es, Verbraucher bzw. leichtgläubige Menschen vor Schaden zu bewahren, indem wir über fragwürdige Produkte und Dienstleistungen aufklären. Hauptaugenmerk sind dabei die jeweiligen Produkte und Versprechungen, nicht die dahinter stehenden Personen. Da die Produkte und Dienstleistungen aber meist von Personen angeboten und vertreten werden, ist es meist unabdinglich, auch hierüber zu informieren.

Holger Schubart verspricht ein pseudowissenschaftliches Produkt, eine unmögliche Erfindung aus dem Bereich der Freien Energie, wie wir es hier auf Psiram zuhauf beschreiben. Der einzige Sinn solcher Erfindungen ist es sehr oft, Investoren mit versprochenen gigantischen Gewinnen - sollte die Technologie auf den Markt kommen - zu ködern. Daher ist das versprochene Produkt der Neutrino Inc./GmbH und dessen Vermarktung als höchst fragwürdig anzusehen.

Nur deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, auch Herrn Schubarts kriminelle Vergangenheit offenzulegen. Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf Rehabilitierung. Dazu gehört aber auch Reue und der Versuch der Wiedergutmachung. Die Menschen, die durch seine früheren Aktivitäten geschädigt worden sind, leiden darunter z.T. bis heute.

Herr Schubart hat sich hingegen entschieden, seine früheren Aktivitäten wieder aufzunehmen und bedient sich dabei auch der damaligen Kontakte. Es ist nicht erkennbar, dass er sich von seinem früheren Leben verabschiedet hat. Im Gegenteil: er versucht erneut in großem Maßstab sein damaliges "Geschäftsmodell" wieder zu etablieren bzw. hat dies bereits getan.

Wir fühlen uns daher verpflichtet, potentiellen Opfern bestmögliche Informationen zu seiner Person und zu seinem Firmengeflecht bereitzustellen. Dies muss - darin stimmen wir trotz aller Bedenken zu seinem Recht auf Rehabilitation überein - auch seine Vergangenheit beinhalten.


CA2283528A1, kanadisches Patent 1999 / 2001 "Direct uses of neutrino energy" (aufgegeben), Erfinder: Robert W. Beckwith

A layered device uses electric currents or grating surfaces to create differential neutrino forces on diamagnetic materials transmitted to electrostrictive (piezoelectric) material so as to generate output power or mechanical force. A superconducting conductor using carbon isotope C14 is described.

This inventer, Robert W. Beckwith, knows of no existing devices for use of neutrino energy. Furthermore this inventer knows of no prior art technology for realizing the proposed neutrino to photon light converter matrix.

Robert W. Beckwith is also a co-author of a book, Hypotheses, ISBN#0-9657178-0-2.

Advanced theories contained in this book have been extended hereinbelow as pertinent to the present invention. In Draft #3 of this book, submitted for copyright on November 2, 1996, I (Robert W. Beckwith) anticipated that an isotope of carbon, C14, in crystalline diamond form, would be a superconductor over a wide temperature range. After reading in an issue of Scientific American magazine of the strength of C14 diamond being 10,000 times stronger than ordinary carbon isotope C12 diamonds, I anticipated that the close packing of atoms in C14 diamonds would squeeze electrons to the surface forming a superconducting cloud of electrons above the surface. Recent theoretical studies of Dr. Ruggero Santilli bear this out although Dr. Santilli had not extended his theories to the case of C14 diamonds until I questioned him. He concurred that his theories indicate that with the very close atomic spacing valence electron pairs of electrons combine into a particle with a charge of -2 and which tunnel out of the C14 atoms forming the conducting surface cloud that I anticipated.

Dr. Ruggero Santilli's supporting paper "THEORETICAL PREDICTION AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THE NEW CHEMICAL SPECIES OF MAGNECULES" is available from: Institute for Basic Research, P. O. Box 1577, Palm Harbor, FL 34682.

An article by Simon Singh entitled "THE PROOF IS IN THE NEUTRINO" appeared in The New York Times for Tuesday, June 16, 1998. This article, in italics, follows: The Proof Is in the Neutrino By Simon Singh This month, a team of Physicists working deep inside a Japanese mine shaft announced that the neutrino, perhaps the most mysterious particle in the universe, does indeed have mass. Although fellow experimenters applauded the discovery and the press reported it enthusiastically, the most joyous response came from the theoretical physicists who devote much of their lives to conjuring up explanations of the universe and then must wait for experimenters to prove them true. The neutrino, one of the building blocks of the universe, is the mos t ghos tl y of parti c1 es, inasmuch as i t has evaded almos t all me thods of detection. Its story began in 1930 when experimenters studying the particles from the decay of radioactive materials were confounded by their flight path. The detected particles did not fly off in random, but were skewed in a certain direction. To make sense of this and also to retain some sense of harmony and balance, theorists hypothesized that an undetected particle, the so-called neutrino must be flying off in the opposite direction. It took another 20 years before experimenters were able to prove that the neutrino really did exist and was not just a theoretical convenience. More recen t1 y some theori s is began to bel i eve tha t the neu trino has a minute mass, and over the last decade experimenters have been trying to prove or disprove their hypothesis. However, they can measure a particle only when i t interacts wi th their detector, and neutrinos are notoriously reluctant to react with anything. Unlike a photon of light, which will readily interact with the retina and be absorbed by a sprinkling of flimsy cells, a neutrino can pass through six trillion miles of lead without leaving any tract of its passage. It took one of the subtlest measurements in history, made by one of the most sensitive of detectors, to confirm that the neutrino does indeed have mass. This breakthrough illustrates that the progress of science is a continual to and from between theorists and experimenters. While theorists sit with pencil and paper scribbling models of the universe, it is up to the exp erimenters in the laboratoryto finda way of testing these theories. Occasionally, the experimenters lead the way, generating results that force the theorists revise their models or to concoct new ones. This was the case in the 1950's when physicists discovered new particles (the so-called particle zoo) whose presence had not been predicted by any existing theory. Such a "paradigm shift" can have a traumatic impact on older theorists, who are left behind while a new generation picks up the pieces. A particularly striking example of this occurred in the early 1900'x, when the quantum revolution upended physics, displacing an entire generation. In recent years, theorists have been in the vanguard, postulating the Standard Model, which has been very successful at explaining experimental results. Since.then, theorists have been developing new theories, some of them refinements of the Standard Model, others more radical. The trouble is, i t has been difficul t to verify these new theories, because their predicted repercussions could not be tested by any known technology. So, while experimentists tried to invent better detectors, the theorists were pushing farther ahead, adding more hypotheses to theories that had yet to be proved. This created a house of cards, a beautifully constructed architecture of theories that rested on purely speculative foundations. The only way to shore up these theories, or demolish them, was by way of truth. Sir Arthur Eddington, a formidable experimenter in the early 20th century, called experimentation °an incorruptible watch-dog. Max Plank, one of the founders of quantum theory, said, ~~An experiment is a question which science passes to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature's answer.° The challenge is in constructing the right experiment. And the scientists in Japan succeed in doing this. Thanks to them, the hypothesis that the neutrino has a mass is now a demonstrable fact. This knowledge affects theories about the engine that powers the sun. It also may explain why astronomers see only a fraction of all the material that they expect to find in the universe--will it expand forever or eventually collapse in on itself? All of this depends on the mass of the neutrino. Theorists suspected the neutrino has a mass. Experimenters looked, and they found it. For most theorists this is a joyous occasion. But there are others whose theories have relied on a neutrino devoid of mass. For them this month's announcement destroys their hypothesis. It will mean erasing what is on the blackboard and starting all over again. The following article, in italics, was taken, on 10/7/96, from website http://snodaq.phy.queensu.ca/sno/sno.html, of a leading neutrino laboratory, as explained in the article:

THE SUDBURY NEUTRINO OBSERVATORY The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a 1000 tonne heavy water Cherenkov detector under construction in INCO's CreiQhton mine near Sudbury, Ontario. Located 6800 feet below ground, SNO is designed to detect neutrinos produced by fusion reactions in the sun. SNO will provide revolutionary insight into the properties of neutrinos, as well as yielding constraints on reaction mechanisms in the sun. The SNO detector uses 1000 tonnes of heavy water, on loan from the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), contained in a 12m diameter acrylic vessel. Neutrinos react with the heavy water (D20) to produce flashes of light called Cherenkov radiation. This light is then detected with a geodesic array of 10,000 photomultiplier tubes surrounding the heavy water vessel. The detector is immersed in light (normal) water within a 30m barrel-shaped cavity excavated from Norite rock. Location in the deepest part of the mine provides an overburden of rock to shield from cosmic rays. The detector laboratory is immensely clean to reduce background radiation signals which would otherwise hide the very weak signal from neutrinos. Neutrinos are tiny, possibly massless, neutral elementary particles which interact with matter via the weak nuclear force. The weakness of the weak force gives neutrinos the property that matter is almost transparent to them. The sun, and all other stars, produce neutrinos ' copiously due to the nuclear decay processes within the core. Since they rarely interact, these neutrinos pass through Sun and the Earth the (and you) unhindered. Other sources of neutrinos include exploding stars (supernova), relic neutrinos (from the birth of the universe) and nuclear power plants (in fact most of the fuel's energy is taken away by neutrinos). For example, the sun produces over two hundred trillion trillion trillion neutrinos every second, and a supernova blast can unleash 1000 times more neutrinos than our sun will produce in its 10-billion year lifetime. Billions of neutrinos stream through your body every second, yet only one or two of the higher energy neutrinos will scatter from you in your lifetime. A further article is obtained from a University of California at Berkeley website http://amanda.berkeley.edu/. This describes a massive neutrino telescope constructed at the south pole briefly described in the following excerpt taken from the site as of July 26, 1997:

AMANDA Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array AMANDA is a detector being constructed at the South Pole, whose purpose is to observe high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources. An accompanying diagram shows 60 meter diameter holes melted in the ice at the precise North Pole to depths of 1950 meters . An array of these holes each having several hundred photomultiplier tube Cherenkov light detectors for detecting the passage upward of neutrinos that have gone through the Earth from the north. i An article, dated February 1999, from Photonics Spectra magazine describes a neutrino telescope being placed on the ocean floor, off the coast of France, 2.35 km below the surface. These telescopes have 350-m-long strings of photomultiplier tubes as neutrino detectors. There will eventually be an array of eight such strings of detectors. Known as the Antares project, scientists from France, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK are involved. Francois Montanet, a physicist at France's Center for Particle Physics has been, involved in the project since it began. The article concludes with a summary: Neutrinos provide an extremely long-range glimpse into the universe. Because of their high energy, these particles are also messengers of little understood events and objects. The foregoing articles give some understanding of the intense effort going on worldwide to study neutrinos. Use of fiberglass, being a mixture of glass fibers in a plastic binder, is well known. C12 carbon fibers are used for the improvement in strength obtained over glass fibers in applications such as automobile bodies. When carbon fibers are greatly extended in length they will be called filaments hereinunder.

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A force model of the universe is used having far force lines pulling atoms together and near force lines preventing atoms from destructively combining. Recent experiments have detected a net neutrino force taken by the experimenters as evidence that neutrinos have mass. Believing that neutrinos have force but not mass, the experimental force is maximized as a basis for this invention. A first form of the invention produces direct current electrical output. In a second form a matrix of miniaturized devices of the first form are used to light dots on a visual output screen thereby producing neutrino to photon light converters for use in neutrino light viewing glasses and in neutrino cameras. Superconductors are a fundamental component of this invention and the use of C14 superconductors is projected to the carrying of electric power currents on and in transmission and distribution lines, generators, transformers and motors.

A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF NEUTRINOS This invention extends present theories, including well known principles of electrical engineering, to engineering designs of devices using neutrinos as sources of power. Engineers use six orthogonal dimensions in their daily work with macro sized systems. These consist of three dimensions of space, one of time, one of electric fields and one of magnetic fields. Herein these are labeled x, y, z, T, E and B respectively. It is held herein that there is no lower limit in size for the use of this six dimensional model and related advanced theorems. I, Robert W. Beckwith, hypothesize the existence of two fields of non-polarized force lines emanating from the nucleus of all atoms in the universe. I call one the "near" force lines and the other the "far" force lines. The near lines from one atom repels the near lines from another atom with a magnitude that falls off to values below the far force lines somewhere in the immediate region outside an atom. The far lines act to pull atoms together with forces that diminish with distances apart. The net effect is to pull atoms of the universe together to a global boundary surrounding atoms within which the near forces exceed the far forces. A vital effect of the near force lines is to prevent atoms from destructively combining. A secondary effect, explained in more detail hereinunder, is to impart information on neutrinos as they bounce around within atomic structures thereby picking up information as to where the neutrinos have been. Neutrinos are capable, with a very low probability, to penetrate the shielding boundary and destroy the atom. This capability is described in detail hereinunder. I hypothesize a force model with the near and far forces explaining effects which are observed and used by engineers and others working in the macro world. These hypothesized near and far forces are not to be confused with the nuclear forces used to explain the binding of neutrons and protons to form the nucleus of various atoms. Physicists use a set of dimensions as required by their mathematical model of the nuclear forces. The relation of these "inner" dimensions of physics and the six "outer" dimensions of engineering are not known, at least to this inventer. I use the far forces to form a force model of the universe applicable from objects on Earth upward throughout the entire universe. Our six dimensioned universe is filled with a media consisting of far i force lines linking all atoms in the universe. The characteristic of the far force is that it links from one atom to another as some function of distance regardless of the distance between all pairs of atoms in the universe (perhaps limiting the expansion of the universe). Since each atom has an infinite integer-number of such force lines we must think in terms of far force line density, perhaps a redefinition of aether (ether) . Our bodies are therefore pulled downward by all of the atoms of the Earth giving an effect which we call gravity. Moreover our bodies want to go in straight lines as defined by the force lines. When we go around corners in our automobile we experience sideways forces we call inertia. I propose herein that gravity.and inertia are but behavioral characteristics of the far force field and do not otherwise exist. The near force causes visible light (photons) to be reflected from atoms with photon frequency selectivity thereby giving reflected light its color. Likewise I believe that neutrinos are selectively reflected according to their frequency giving color to neutrino light, as detectable in certain experiments. These near and far forces appear to operate in the E and B dimensions as first demonstrated by experiments at Nottingham University in the UK and confirmed at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory operated by Florida State University at Gainsville Florida. In these experiments, strong magnetic fields were used to levitate items regardless of their composition (both experiments included a live frog) . It appears that levitation occurred when the applied magnetic force field strength exceeded the far force field strength (called gravity) extending from atoms of the items to atoms of the Earth. I have trained myself to see in neutrino light. After an hour with my eyes totally dark adapted in a light free room and unable to see any visible light whatsoever. I believe that I can, with intense mental concentration, see in neutrino light. I know of no other wave form with the penetrating capability which I observe. I can see, for example, reflected sparkles from a crystal of metallic bismuth in or out of boxes, giving support to the use of bismuth in this invention as described in more detail hereinunder. I can also see colors of the bismuth, reflected neutrino light off of flat stones and other evidence of the behavior of neutrino light. I believe that while most neutrinos flow between atoms due to the great distances between atoms as compared to their global diameter, a fraction bounce around off of the atoms giving the observed effects. Of course, with the immense energy of the neutrino field, the few that bounce off still represent considerable energy. This observed behavior of neutrino light in relation to bismuth has been utilized by this inventer in developing the inventive devices hereinbelow. In support of the validity of this ability I have demonstrated that, within the darkened room, I can distinguish between three identical boxes, carefully packed for equal weights. One box contains a bismuth crystal, one an identical weight of stone and the third with an identical weight of iron.

Engineers know that B fields produce forces that cause rotors of motors to turn. E fields also produce forces that attract conductors carrying opposite electrical charges and oppose conductors carrying like charges. Radiated waves, consisting of combinations of the two field types, must then carry a force vector along with them driving the waves along force lines at the speed of light. Photons are easy for us to observe as to their frequency; ie. color. It is considerably more difficult to observe and measure individual photons. So it is with radio waves with individual "wavelets" difficult, but not impossible to produce. I believe that electromagnetic energy from 60 Hz to photons and neutrinos follow force lines which vibrate in spiral fashion in the E/B fields at the frequency of the waves so as to guide them in the direction of the force lines. Fig. 1 shows a wave representation of a neutrino. Vector Fd is the neutrino force F multiplied by distance 'd' (along the dotted path line but not otherwise shown) in space giving the direction of travel of a single neutrino packet. Actually Fd does not exist at the center but force F moves around a cylinder of radius Fq by the action of the vector combination of rotating quadrature force vector Fq and the central non-rotating vector Fd. Vector Fq is driven by components of neutrino energy stored on the E/B plane. Force F rotates at approximately 1023 cycles per second as estimated hereinunder. Force F starts at point 1, where the energy exists as a negative voltage on the -E axis of an E/B plane. A quarter cycle later, force F is at point 2, and the energy exists as a positive current on the +B axis of the E/B plane. A second quarter cycle later, force F is at point 3, and the energy exists as a positive voltage on the +E axis of the E/B plane. A third quarter cycle later, the force F is at point 4, and the energy exists as a negative current on the -B axis of the E/B plane. A fourth quarter cycle later, force F is back at point 1 of Fig. 1, however, the force F has moved one full neutrino space cycle along the central direction Fd and also one full neutrino period along the time axis. Let us assume that the diameter of the cylinder is equal to the space cycle dimension of a neutrino. Note that Fig. 1 is an isometric drawing of rotation, in three dimensional space, of force F rotating about a cylinder, this being the best one can do on a two dimensional piece of paper. The movement of the neutrino packet in space and time is essentially impossible to depict graphically. Note, however, that neutrinos move along space/time planes as do we as we walk around our home, drive a car or ride on an airplane. Principles of engineering must merge with and agree with principles of physics. If a neutrino could be viewed as it comes directly towards you, the force would be seen moving in a circle. Conceptually, if one were small enough and stood in the path of the neutrino, one would be struck by force F from some point on the circle of the force rotation. The experience would be as if hit by a particle equal in diameter to the diameter of the neutrino force circle. The neutrino can, therefore, be said to have a physical size equal to the force diameter. I do not i believe however, as others believe, that the neutrino has a dual existence, sometimes a wave, sometimes a mass, but I believe that neutrinos always are a wave packet as described herein. A Theorem: An atom has an infinite integer-number of far force lines emanating from protons and neutrons within the nucleus. Some lines link with other atoms forming molecules. Some lines extend across the universe to other atoms, thereby holding the universe together. A Theorem: Aa atom has a very large number of near force lines extending in nearly every direction. Each is surrounded by a tube of strong force lines. To reach a near force line of an atom, a neutrino must travel along a far force line that has linked with a near force line within such a tube. In the rare event that this occurs the atom is annihilated with an immease burst of energy. Normally a neutriao is repelled into a redirected path past the atom being phase modulated by the near force lines as it passes. At the same time the neutrino gives a tiny nudge to the atom contributing to the random atomic movemeat known as 'Brownian'. A Theorem: Neutrinos have apparent dimensions in space equal to the diameter of their rotation of force field. They have effective mass and a centrifugal force equal to the rotating force creating the force circle at the frequency of the wave packet. Should one be able to stop a neutrino, however the energy and mass would be precisely zero since the neutrino would then no longer exist. As is well known by radio engineers, the term FM is poorly used to describe the well known FM radio band transmissions. Actually phase ._. CA 02283528 1999-09-24 modulation (PM) of a fixed carrier frequency is used which produces an equivalent frequency modulation (FM) with the ratio of FM to PM being proportional to the modulating frequency. I believe that neutrinos are technically equivalent to FM broadcast signals except that neutrinos come in discontinuous wave packets. A Theorem: As a neutrino passes atoms, existiag individually, as a part of a molecule in a gas, or as a part of a very complex molecule such as DNA molecules, they pick up information as to patterns of atoms. This is accomplished as a phase modulation, PM, of the time rate of rotation of force F about its circle as shown in Fig. 1. A Theorem: The information bandwidth of neutrino light is many many times that of photon light or of the radio frequency spectrum. A Theorem: The aeutrino is 0.32 x 10'14 meters in diameter aad has a frequency of 9.4 x l0aa Hz. Referring to the article from The New York Times for Tuesday, June 16, 1998 given above under Background of the Invention, t h i s inventer believes that many neutrinos follow strong force lines leading to any atom in the universe, imparting their force of motion on the atom and otherwise bouncing away without stopping. The atom moves randomly in response to these hits in what is well known as Brownian motion. In the experiment described in the New York Times article I believe that a very slight beaming of neutrinos was created by the experiment . The result was a very slight bias in the Brownian motion in the direction of measurement interpreted by the experimenters as evidence of mass of the neutrino. I believe that, as with gravity, mass exists only as a behavioral attribute of the force field. To that extent, therefore, neutrinos do have the characteristic of what is generally called mass. This invention involves an expansion of the Japanese experiment described by the New York Times article referenced above into a useful device for converting neutrino energy into electric power. DERIVATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING NEUTRINOS QUESTION: Nhat is the density at the surface of the Earth from solar neutrinos? The number of neutrinos from the Sun is 200 x 1036/sec. (See the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory information given above.) The Sun is 1.5 x 1011 meters from the Earth. The area of a sphere at Earth distance from the Sun is: 4~ x (1.5 x 1011)2 = 2.8 x 1023 square meters. Thus the number of neutrinos coming to a square meter of surface on Earth from the Sun is: NE = (200 x 1036) / (2 . 8 x 1023) - 7.14 x 1014 per second. QUESTION: But that is the diameter of a neutrino? Note that the 'sweet spot' for neutrinos to bag an atom is diminishingly small as compared to the bullet! It is the size of the bullet that counts. The small number of neutrino hits tells us we have a very small bullet indeed! There must be a physical size of the sweet spot, however, otherwise a neutrino would never find it. Let us assume that neutrinos can annihilate the smallest stable atom, namely hydrogen. Let us further assume that the hydrogen nucleus, consisting of a single proton, emits all of the near and far force lines for that atom. Other elements have larger nuclei, therefore emitting more far force lines. More far force lines have greater pull by the Earth therefore more apparent mass. The size of the hydrogen nucleus is then the size of the sweet spot into which a neutrino must fit to bag the atom. In a table of neutron scattering data on page 11-148 of the 78th 1997-1998 edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (hereinafter referred to as the "CRC reference") the thermal cross section of a neutron in a hydrogen atom is given as 0.332 barns. On the previous page of the CRC reference the barn is defined as 10'24 cm2. It is assumed that this value of cross section is true for a proton (consisting of a neutron carrying a positive charge). The cross section of the hydrogen nucleus is therefore equal to 0.332 * 10-28 m2. It is further assumed that a neutrino is capable of annihilating an atom of hydrogen if it hits the sweet spot. It is reasonable therefore to say that the dimension of the tube of strong force lines within which sits a weak force line is equal to the diameter of a proton. A neutrino must have this same dimension therefore, as an upper limit of size, to fit into the tube upon rare occasion and blow up the hydrogen atom. The neutrino would then fit into the tubes of neutrons and protons within other elements which all have nuclei larger than hydrogen. The diameter Dn of a neutrino is then: Dn = (0.332/~r' * 10-2a m2)~.

"_, CA 02283528 1999-09-24 Dn = 0.32 x 10-14 meters. Let us assume that a neutrino wavelength in time is equal to one neutrino diameter. The neutrino frequency Fn is then the speed of light divided by the wavelength: Fn = 3 x l0a/ (0.32 x 10-14) - 9.4 x 1022 The neutrino energy at any point on Earth is believed to be many times the visible and infra red energy from the Sun and there are many other sources such as the nuclear reactions within Earth itself. It is quite apparent that sufficient energy is available to power devices using means as described hereinbelow. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT One concept used in this invention is to make improvements on the pressures detected from neutrinos in experiments related hereinabove. These experiments can be interpreted as an indication that neutrinos have mass, at least so long as they are in motion. Herein this pressure is directed to an electrostrictive body in such a way as to produce a direct current (DC) voltage and a direct output current. The electrostrictive phenomenon is defined herein as the production of voltages as a result of elastic deformations of a material. In Fig. 2 forces from neutrinos create fixed deformations of a body 3 of electrostrictive material. This deformation causes a DC voltage across said body 3 which then drives direct current at that voltage to flow from devices containing said bodies with suitable layers of material i CA 02283528 1999-09-24 _ attached to said bodies 3. Fig. 2 shows devices consisting of conductors 2 forming first layers carrying oscillating currents for deflecting neutrinos to one side and the other for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, electrostrictive bodies 3 forming second layers, conductors 4 forming third layers, magnetostrictive material 5 having flat outer surfaces forming fourth layers for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices, and resonating capacitors 1 connected to opposite ends of said conductors 2 forming first layers and generating said oscillating currents whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing voltages between said first layers and said third layers. Barium titanate is the preferred material for said body 3 and crystalline bismuth is the preferred diamagnetic material. Output contacts 6 are connected to center points on conductor 2 and output contacts 7 are connected to conductor 4. Capacitors 1 are connected by tapered conductors 13 and 14 between opposite ends of said conductor 2 causing resonant oscillating currents to flow between said capacitors 1 and the inductance of said first conducting layers 2 so as to deflect a portion of neutrinos flowing through said first conducting layers 2 resulting in continuing differential neutrino forces on said body 3. If this force is not put to use in creating motion said devices must be restrained from movement or used in pairs with forces opposed.

Fig. 4a is a top view of the device depicted in Fig. 2 to show conductors 13 and 14 tapering to produce lowest inductance to meet capacitor 1. Fig. 4b is an end view of the device depicted in Fig. 2 to show the positions of capacitor 1, conductors 13 and 14, body 3 with sides 10 and 11, diamagnetic layer 5 formed on conducting surface 4 and having an outer surface 16, conducting layers 2 and 4 and terminal leads 7 and 16. Fig. 3 shows a device having a microwave cavity 9 with, upper surfaces 8 and lower surfaces 11. The interior 17 shows the cavity in conventional form to best illustrate the cavity. .In a preferred form a layered structure is used with surfaces 8 and il forming layers one and three respectfully. The cavity interior 17 consists of thin second layer of dielectric material having low losses at the cavity resonant frequency. The interior of the cavity is lined with superconducting C14 producing a nearly lossless cavity having high instability and therefore high propensity to oscillate at the cavity resonant frequency. Layer three is formed on surface 2 of electrostrictive body 3 with barium titanate the preferred electrostrictive material. Body 3 then becomes layer 4. A conducting layer 5 is formed on the surface 4 of body 3. Diamagnetic material 5 is formed on conducting layer 5 becoming layer 6 with crystalline bismuth being the preferred material. Surface 16 of layer 6 is flat for receiving maximum force from neutrinos striking surface 16. Said unstable cavity 9 oscillates at said cavity resonant frequency causing large oscillating currents to flow in said superconducting C14. Said oscillating currents create force lines first to one side and then the other deflecting some neutrinos around said body 3 first in one direction and then the other and resulting in a net reduction in neutrino force striking surface 2 of said body 3. The resulting differential in neutrino force deform said body 3 creating voltages between surfaces 2 and 4. Polarities of these voltages depends on the orientation of said body 3 with output contacts 6 to center points of third layers labeled positive and output contacts 7 to fifth layers labeled negative in the example shown by Fig. 3. Said oscillations create an oscillations on forces on said body 3 to be superimposed on the net voltage produced by said body 3. By the electrostrictive characteristics of body 3 said oscillations are reinforced and maintained. I, Robert W. Beckwith, believe that C14, when formed in a crystalline layer, naturally produces unusually close spacing of the C14 atoms. This close spacing is a result of valence electrons of C14 naturally combining into pairs termed isoelectroniums by Dr. Ruggero Santilli in his reference paper listed hereinabove. Dense materials created by such electron combination are called "magnecules" by Dr. Santilli who states that the existence of magnecules is a "mere consequence" of the forming of isoelectroniums. He further states that isoelectroniums will tunnel out of their related atoms and form surfaces of electron pairs; ie. a surface of isoelectroniums. I further believe that the sideways flow of electron pairs in oscillatory circuits, as for example shown in Figs. 2 and 3, will form force lines capable of deflecting some neutrinos approaching said body i CA 02283528 1999-09-24 _ 3 from directions into surface 11. These deflections will cause some neutrinos to flow past body 3 first to one side and then to the other side as said resonant circuits of Figs. 2 and 3 oscillate thereby creating a net differential in neutrino forces on body 3. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrates devices for producing DC outputs into loads of a wide range of varying resistance. These devices have a very low source impedance. By the personal experiences related hereinabove I am certain that neutrinos reflect from crystalline bismuth undoubtedly imparting force to the material as they do. The thickness of parts of said devices are small as compared to the surface of said device and as a result depleted numbers of neutrinos striking the upper surface of material will be less than the number striking the lower surface and a net upward force results. Fig. 5 illustrates an alternative construction of a device for extracting electrical energy or useable force from neutrinos. Body 3 with conducting surfaces 2 and 4, diamagnetic layer 5 with flat outer surface 16 and output terminals 6 and 7 serve the same purpose as in the devices depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. The resonant circuit formed by capacitor 1 of Fig. 2 and the cavity 9 of Fig. 3 are replaced by diamagnetic layer 18 having a grating surface as shown in Fig. 5. This diamagnetic layer is preferably crystalline bismuth as is body 5. The grating reflects some neutrinos to one side or the other reducing the total neutrino force striking the grating to less than the opposing force striking relatively flat surface 16 thereby creating a net force upward as well as electrical output power from terminals 6 and 7, if desired. Body, 3 and conducting surfaces 2 and 4 may also be omitted from devices constructed according to Fig. 5 in which case no electrical output is obtained and an uncontrollable force is obtained. In this embodiment of the invention the force may be controlled by combining two such force only devices at controllable angles with the resultant force acting at the magnitude and direction as the vector addition of the two device forces. Fig. 6a illustrates an end view of conducto>_'s 30 of continuous filaments 31 of superconducting C14 encased in a plastic binder 32 for carrying electric power currents. Fig. 6b illustrates a side view of the conductor of Fig. 6a having a metallic connecter 33 terminating one end of superconducting filaments 31. The far end of said conductor is at some distance to the right similarly terminated for the carrying of electric current. I believe that C14 is very strong with tensile strengths in the order of hundreds of pounds per filament. I also believe that it is quite brittle and will break if bent sharply. Such breakage is avoided by use the suitable plastic binder 32. Uses of such conductors are for essentially lossless conduction of electric power along transmission and distribution lines. Similar conductors may also be used internal to electric power generators, electric power transformers and for electric motors. A general 'rule of thumb' for generators, transformers and motors is "to have copper loss equal to iron loss". Use of C14 superconductors may therefore cut losses by as much as one half in the generation, transformation, delivery and use of electric power. Fig. 7 illustrates converters for converting neutrino light into visible light. Matrices of miniaturized versions of the devices of Figs. 3 on first panels create one dot 26 each on second liquid crystal panels 23 which are visible in incident light. Selectively second panels 23 are backlighted producing dot matrix displays visible in the dark. Knowing that neutrinos reflect from atomic and molecular structures as do photons of visible light, the matrix of Fig. 7 picks up the detailed pattern of neutrino light thereby forming pictures on the visual screen 23 of Fig. 5. In other words, the device of Fig. 7 provides the ability of seeing in neutrino light. Fig. 7 a) illustrates an edge view of a converter panel with miniaturized devices 22 mounted on the top of conducting plane 21 and connected to negative outputs of devices 22. Liquid crystal panel 23 receives positive outputs 25 from individual devices 22 causing dots 26 to be illuminated in proportion to the magnitudes of devices 22 output currents. Note that these outputs, in turn, are dependent on the neutrino forces on each particular dot. Backlighting material 24 is sandwiched between conducting layer 21 and display screen 23 and is illuminated by an external source. Selectively screen 23 is lighted using power from a larger device 22 (not shown) dedicated for that purpose.

i Fig. 7 b) shows a plan view of a converter panel with dots 26 illustrating the possible large extent of the screen depending on the resolution desired and the degree of miniaturization of devices 22 achieved. It should be noted that devices having microwave cavities as shown in Fig. 3 have the advantage over devices as shown in Fig. 2 of containing said oscillations. In devices according to Fig. 2 radiation of these oscillations increases losses and may cause interference with other equipment. It should be noted that the electrostrictive bodies used hereinabove may be mounted so as to reverse the polarities used for explanation and that this inventions includes selection of either reversal of positive and negative potentials.

ADVANTAGES OF THIS INVENTION Products based on this invention could make humanity independent of electric power systems with immense improvement in the environment. The ability to see underground and through solid objects with greater detail than present technology will be most valuable indeed. Easy visualization of land mines regardless of materials used may be of great value. Detailed underground exploration for valuable material. Possible uses of force as levitation, propulsion or both. Reduction of losses in the production, delivery and use of electric power through the use of superconducting C14 diamond filament conductors. Claims (33)

1. Devices for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos comprising in combination: a) conductors forming first layers carrying oscillating currents for deflecting neutrinos to one side and the other for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, b) electrostrictive bodies forming second layers, c) conductors forming third layers, d) magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces forming fourth layers for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices, and e) resonating capacitors connected to opposite ends of said conductors forming first layers and generating said oscillating currents whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing direct current voltages between said first layers and said third layers. 2. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising in combination: a) output contacts connected to center points of conductors forming said first layers, and b) output contacts connected to conductors forming said third layers whereby electric power is produced in loads connected between said contacts. 3. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies. 4. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material. 5. Devices as in Claim 1 further comprising superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material for said first layers. 6. Devices as in Claim 2 further comprising in combination: a) means for controlling electrical loads on said devices, b) means for measuring forces produced by said devices, and c) means for using said measurements of force to control said electrical loads whereby forces are controlled. 7. Devices for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos comprising in combination: a) microwave cavities with upper and lower inner surfaces forming first and third layers carrying oscillating currents for deflecting neutrinos to one side and the other for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, b) dielectric material forming second layers and separating said upper and lower inner surfaces of said microwave cavities, c) electrostrictive bodies forming fourth layers, d) conductors forming fifth layers, and e) magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces forming sixth layers for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing voltages between said third layers and said fifth layers. 8. Devices as in Claim 7 further comprising in combination: a) output contacts connected to center points of said third layers, and b) output contacts connected to conductors forming said fifth layers whereby electric power is produced in loads connected between said contacts. 9. Devices as in Claim 7 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies. 10. Devices as in Claim 7 further comprising crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material. 11. Devices as in Claim 7 using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material to form inner surfaces of said cavities. 12. Devices as in Claim 2 further comprising in combination: a) means for controlling electrical loads on said devices, b) means for measuring forces produced by said devices, and c) means for using said measurements of force to control said electrical loads whereby the forces are controlled. 13. Devices for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos comprising in combination: a) first layer of crystalline bismuth with outer grating surface for reflecting neutrinos to one side and the other minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, b) conductors forming second layers, c) electrostrictive bodies forming third layers, d) conductors forming fourth layers, and e) fifth layers of crystalline bismuth with flat outer surfaces for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices whereby differential forces from neutrinos approaching said devices from opposing directions deform said electrostrictive bodies producing voltages between said second layers and said fourth layers. 14. Devices as in Claim 13 further comprising in combination: a) output contacts connected to center points of conductors forming said first layers, and b) output contacts connected to conductors forming said third layers whereby electric power is produced in loads connected between said contacts. 15. Devices as in Claim 13 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies. 16. Devices as in Claim 13 using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material to form said second layer. 17. A method for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos the method consisting of the steps of: a) assembling layers consisting of first conductors, electrostrictive bodies, second conductors and magnetostrictive materials.

b) creating oscillatory circuits whereby capacitor means resonate with said first conductors for minimizing forces of neutrinos striking first surfaces of said devices, c) using magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces for maximizing forces from neutrinos striking second surfaces of said devices, and d) extracting electron flow by connecting loads between said conductors. 18. A method as in Claim 17 further consisting of using barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies. 19. A method as in Claim 17 further consisting of using crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material. 20. A method as in Claim 17 further consisting of using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal surfaces for said first conductor. 21. A method for obtaining electric power and force from neutrinos consisting of the steps of: a) assembling layers consisting of microwave cavities, electrostrictive bodies, second conductors and magnetostrictive materials, and b) extracting electron flow by connecting loads between said microwave cavities and said second conductors. 22. A method as in Claim 21 further consisting of using barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies. 23. A method as in Claim 21 further consisting of using crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material. 24. A method as in Claim 21 further consisting of using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal layers for inner surfaces of said cavity. 25. A method of receiving net forces directly from neutrinos the method consisting of the steps of: a) assembling two layers each consisting of crystalline bismuth, b) treating outer surfaces of first layers of crystalline bismuth so as to deflect some neutrinos to the side for minimizing forces from neutrinos from a first direction, b) using second layers of crystalline bismuth having flat outer surfaces for receiving maximum forces from neutrinos in a second direction whereby differentials in forces are created. 26. A method as in Claim 25 further consisting of combining multiple receivers of forces at variable angles thereby obtaining variable net forces from said combinations. 27. A method as in Claim 25 further consisting of the steps of: a) adding layers of electrostrictive material between said layers of bismuth, b) adding conducting layers on surfaces of said electrostrictive material, and c) extracting electrical energy by connecting loads between said conducting layers. 28. A method of replacing conventional metallic conductors with superconducting conductors for carrying currents in the production, delivery and use of electric power consisting of the steps of: a) producing continuous superconducting carbon 14 diamond filaments, b) encasing multiple paralleled filaments in plastic binders, and c) terminating said filaments as required for replacing conventional metallic conductors whereby losses of electric power are greatly reduced. 29. Converters for seeing in neutrino light comprising in combination: a) matrices of neutrino responsive devices formed on first panels, b) second panels of liquid crystal displays, c) said devices each having microwave cavities with upper and lower inner surfaces forming first and third layers d) said devices each having dielectric material forming second layers and separating said upper and lower inner surfaces of said microwave cavities, e) said devices each having electrostrictive bodies forming fourth layers, f) said devices each having conductors forming fifth layers, g) said devices each having magnetostrictive material having flat outer surfaces forming sixth layers, h) common connections between center points of said third layers of said devices and common connection of said liquid crystal displays, i) power output connections from said fifth layers of each of said devices to said liquid crystal displays forming visible spots on said display proportional to relative strengths of neutrino forces on said devices whereby patterns of neutrino forces become visible. 30. Converters as in Claim 29 further comprising in combination: a) backlighting for said liquid crystal displays, and b) dedicated neutrino power converters furnishing power for said backlighting wherein said converters are useable in the dark. 31. Devices as in Claim 29 further comprising barium titanate as said electrostrictive bodies. 32. Devices as in Claim 29 further comprising crystalline bismuth as said magnetostrictive material. 33. Devices as in Claim 29 using superconducting carbon 14 diamond crystal material to form inner surfaces of said cavities.

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