In radebrecherischem Englisch (Zitat: '' The documents on I become you in the original by Post Office send.'' oder '' chair and urine are examined'' wobei er "chair" mit "stools" verwechselt) wollte Podey ein "remote healing" von angeblich "unheilbaren" Krankheiten wie "incurable shed lichen", "incurable cramp veins" und "incurable thrombose" innerhalb eines Jahres zu 80% "heilen". Dazu bräuchte er nur die jeweiligen Passfotos der "unheilbar" Erkrankten. (Zitat: '' Or it they make one year for photos before treatment, and photo after the treatment. Then you can the pictures compare and state that for example the Kranpfadern is reduced by 80%. These photos are scientifically recognized, because still nobody healed these diseases.'') | In radebrecherischem Englisch (Zitat: '' The documents on I become you in the original by Post Office send.'' oder '' chair and urine are examined'' wobei er "chair" mit "stools" verwechselt) wollte Podey ein "remote healing" von angeblich "unheilbaren" Krankheiten wie "incurable shed lichen", "incurable cramp veins" und "incurable thrombose" innerhalb eines Jahres zu 80% "heilen". Dazu bräuchte er nur die jeweiligen Passfotos der "unheilbar" Erkrankten. (Zitat: '' Or it they make one year for photos before treatment, and photo after the treatment. Then you can the pictures compare and state that for example the Kranpfadern is reduced by 80%. These photos are scientifically recognized, because still nobody healed these diseases.'') |