− | : Das ist belegt durch einen Artikel der New York Times, Ausgabe vom nächsten Tag: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C05EFDC103AE533A25757C1A9659C94649ED7CF 14.3.1895 "MR. TESLA'S GREAT LOSS; All of the Electrician's Valuable Instruments Burned. WORK OF HALF A LIFETIME GONE Firemen Unable to Save His Laboratory in South Fifth Avenue -- He Loses $50,000; Gillis & Geoghegan $80,000." " I am in too much grief to talk. What can I say? The work of half my lifetime, very nearly; all my mechanical instruments and scientific apparatus, that it has taken years to perfect, swept away in a fire that lasted only an hour or two. How can I estimate the loss in mere dollars and cents? Everything is gone. I must begin over again." Ganz zum Schluss wird auch angemerkt, dass er nicht versichert war: "He told a fireman that he had no insurance, an that, so far as he knew, the money loss would probably represent $50,000. The loss to the building itself is etimated at $25,000, and the loss to Gillis & Geoghegan [eine andere Firma, die auch in dem Gebäude arbeitete: "manufactureres of steamfitters' supplies, occupied the lower floors of the building in which Mr. Tesla had his laboratory"] ist estimated at $80,000. This is covered by insurance." | + | : Das ist belegt durch einen Artikel der New York Times, Ausgabe vom nächsten Tag: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C05EFDC103AE533A25757C1A9659C94649ED7CF 14.3.1895 "MR. TESLA'S GREAT LOSS; All of the Electrician's Valuable Instruments Burned. WORK OF HALF A LIFETIME GONE Firemen Unable to Save His Laboratory in South Fifth Avenue -- He Loses $50,000; Gillis & Geoghegan $80,000." " I am in too much grief to talk. What can I say? The work of half my lifetime, very nearly; all my mechanical instruments and scientific apparatus, that it has taken years to perfect, swept away in a fire that lasted only an hour or two. How can I estimate the loss in mere dollars and cents? Everything is gone. I must begin over again." Ganz zum Schluss wird auch angemerkt, dass er nicht versichert war: "He told a fireman that he had no insurance, and that, so far as he knew, the money loss would probably represent $50,000. The loss to the building itself is etimated at $25,000, and the loss to Gillis & Geoghegan [eine andere Firma, die auch in dem Gebäude arbeitete: "manufactureres of steamfitters' supplies, occupied the lower floors of the building in which Mr. Tesla had his laboratory"] ist estimated at $80,000. This is covered by insurance." |