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| *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9805EFDE1F39E433A2575AC2A9649D94699ED7CF 29.12.1998 "TOPICS OF THE TIMES" Eine Art Jahresrückblick - "...the first of them ist Mr. Teslas idea or theory - it is as yet little more - that electricity can be transmitted for long distances and without wires through the upper strata of the air. Conservative scientists would propably not deny the possibility of doing this, but their admissions regarding it are not yet very emphatic." | | *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9805EFDE1F39E433A2575AC2A9649D94699ED7CF 29.12.1998 "TOPICS OF THE TIMES" Eine Art Jahresrückblick - "...the first of them ist Mr. Teslas idea or theory - it is as yet little more - that electricity can be transmitted for long distances and without wires through the upper strata of the air. Conservative scientists would propably not deny the possibility of doing this, but their admissions regarding it are not yet very emphatic." |
| *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9501E6DE1130E132A25754C0A96E9C946097D6CF 7. August 1901 - Eine Notiz über den geplanten Bau des Wardenclyffe Turms und Labors und des dafür geschlossenen Vertrags. "which will be the principal station of his system of wireless telegraphy" Veranschlagte Kosten: 150.000$ "An electrical plant of 850 horse power will be located in the main building" Zum Laboratorium: "where he will conduct his electrical experiments. The proposed plant at Wardenclyffe will be the first of a number that he electrician proposes to establish in this an other countries." | | *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9501E6DE1130E132A25754C0A96E9C946097D6CF 7. August 1901 - Eine Notiz über den geplanten Bau des Wardenclyffe Turms und Labors und des dafür geschlossenen Vertrags. "which will be the principal station of his system of wireless telegraphy" Veranschlagte Kosten: 150.000$ "An electrical plant of 850 horse power will be located in the main building" Zum Laboratorium: "where he will conduct his electrical experiments. The proposed plant at Wardenclyffe will be the first of a number that he electrician proposes to establish in this an other countries." |
− | *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9A0DE7DA1E3BE631A25754C2A9659C946597D6CF 27.3.1904 "CLOUDBORN ELECTRIC WAVELETS TO ENCIRCLE THE GLOBE; This is Nicola Tesla's Latest Dream, and the Long Island Hamlet of Wardenclyffe Marvels Thereat" Ein ausführlicher Artikel mit Bild und genauer Beschreibung über Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla soll angekündigt haben, "he will transmit from th tower an electric wave of a total maximum activity of ten million horse power. This, he sais, will be possible with a plant of but 160 Horse power, by the use of a magnifying transmitter of his own invention an certain artifices which he promises to make known in due course." | + | *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9A0DE7DA1E3BE631A25754C2A9659C946597D6CF 27.3.1904 "CLOUDBORN ELECTRIC WAVELETS TO ENCIRCLE THE GLOBE; This is Nicola Tesla's Latest Dream, and the Long Island Hamlet of Wardenclyffe Marvels Thereat" Ein ausführlicher Artikel mit Bild und genauer Beschreibung über Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla soll angekündigt haben, "he will transmit from the tower an electric wave of a total maximum activity of ten million horse power. This, he sais, will be possible with a plant of but 160 Horse power, by the use of a magnifying transmitter of his own invention an certain artifices which he promises to make known in due course." |
| *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C05E6DA1439E733A25753C2A9659C946697D6CF 20. März 1907 "TESLA'S WIRELESS TORPEDO.; Inventor Says He Did Show That It Worked Perfectly." Hier schreibt Tesla in einem Leserbrief als Reaktion auf einen Artikel, dass er gut funktionierende ferngesteuerte Torpedos entwickelt und vor Zeugen vorgeführt habe. | | *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C05E6DA1439E733A25753C2A9659C946697D6CF 20. März 1907 "TESLA'S WIRELESS TORPEDO.; Inventor Says He Did Show That It Worked Perfectly." Hier schreibt Tesla in einem Leserbrief als Reaktion auf einen Artikel, dass er gut funktionierende ferngesteuerte Torpedos entwickelt und vor Zeugen vorgeführt habe. |
| *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C0CE6D9133EE033A25750C2A9609C946697D6CF 23. Juni 1907 "CAN BRIDGE THE GAP TO MARS; Nikola Tesla on His Wireless System for the Transmission of Energy." "You have called me an "inventor of some useful pieces of electrical apparatus." It is not quite up to my aspirations, but I must resign myself to my prosaic fate. I cannot deny that you are right." Noch ein Leserbrief in dem er sich - offenbar zu Recht - beschwert, dass die Times seine Erfindungen nicht gebührend anerkennt und darauf hinweist, dass er es schwerer hatte als viele andere bekannte Erfinder seiner Zeit, weil er nicht wie sie einfach nur bereits vorhandenes weiter ausbauen konnte, sondern auch die Grundlagenforschung selbst betreiben musste. | | *http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C0CE6D9133EE033A25750C2A9609C946697D6CF 23. Juni 1907 "CAN BRIDGE THE GAP TO MARS; Nikola Tesla on His Wireless System for the Transmission of Energy." "You have called me an "inventor of some useful pieces of electrical apparatus." It is not quite up to my aspirations, but I must resign myself to my prosaic fate. I cannot deny that you are right." Noch ein Leserbrief in dem er sich - offenbar zu Recht - beschwert, dass die Times seine Erfindungen nicht gebührend anerkennt und darauf hinweist, dass er es schwerer hatte als viele andere bekannte Erfinder seiner Zeit, weil er nicht wie sie einfach nur bereits vorhandenes weiter ausbauen konnte, sondern auch die Grundlagenforschung selbst betreiben musste. |