Zeile 16:
Zeile 16:
Betrug schliesst Shah beim Jain-Fasting Experiment mit HRM einfach aus: ''..There is no reason to be sceptic; one may personally come and himself or herself check & scrutinize; as we doctors have done all these months & fellow men have been staying with him all throughout. Several visitors also see him throughout the day and night. No body ever had encountered even a doubtful situation. All of them have been satisfied with the genuinity. Even he was kept in a nursing home for more than a month for a critical checking as well as medical tests. He has been isolated from his relatives who are staying at Calicut . He is kept in a two room flat, which is totally devoid of any kind of food..''
Betrug schliesst Shah beim Jain-Fasting Experiment mit HRM einfach aus: ''..There is no reason to be sceptic; one may personally come and himself or herself check & scrutinize; as we doctors have done all these months & fellow men have been staying with him all throughout. Several visitors also see him throughout the day and night. No body ever had encountered even a doubtful situation. All of them have been satisfied with the genuinity. Even he was kept in a nursing home for more than a month for a critical checking as well as medical tests. He has been isolated from his relatives who are staying at Calicut . He is kept in a two room flat, which is totally devoid of any kind of food..''
Hira Ratan Manek, der sich regelmäßig in den USA aufhält um dort Vorträge über seine vermeintliche Fähigkeiten zu halten, wurde jahrelang von verschiedenen Personen nachgesagt heimlich zu essen. Im Juli 2005 gelang es einem Filmteam ihn bei einem Besuch eines indischen Restaurants in den USA zu filmen.<ref>http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=3077.70;wap2</ref>
Im April des Jahres 2010 begann, ebenfalls unter Mitarbeit von Shah an der "Sterling-Klinik" in Ahmedabad eine zweite Untersuchung von [[Prahlad Jani]].<ref>http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,691857,00.html</ref><ref>http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gU62zCysZvnUYh1_NgNtAkeiVRIw</ref>
Im April des Jahres 2010 begann, ebenfalls unter Mitarbeit von Shah an der "Sterling-Klinik" in Ahmedabad eine zweite Untersuchung von [[Prahlad Jani]].<ref>http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,691857,00.html</ref><ref>http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gU62zCysZvnUYh1_NgNtAkeiVRIw</ref>