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Associate professor and practicing psychologist Denis Novikovappreciated the techniques that Vladimir Georgievich uses in his speeches, calling them "elementary coding" and mental manipulation. Novikov believes that the professor's lectures are designed not so much for patients with alcoholism, but for their relatives. Close patients find in his speeches an outlet to their own feelings and aggression, accumulated during a life with a drunkard.
Associate professor and practicing psychologist Denis Novikovappreciated the techniques that Vladimir Georgievich uses in his speeches, calling them "elementary coding" and mental manipulation. Novikov believes that the professor's lectures are designed not so much for patients with alcoholism, but for their relatives. Close patients find in his speeches an outlet to their own feelings and aggression, accumulated during a life with a drunkard.
Zhdanov: restoration of vision. Technique for the restoration of the view of Professor Zhdanov
Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is known asa propagandist of a sober lifestyle and a teacher of a non-medical method of getting rid of bad habits. To the latter, in addition to drinking alcohol and smoking, Vladimir Georgievich also lists the habit of wearing glasses. According to Professor Zhdanov, the restoration of vision with myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, strabismus, the initial stages of glaucoma and clouding of the lens depends solely on our desire to work on the problem Theory: Helmholtz and Bates
To restore visual impairment was made possible by the American ophthalmologist William G. Bates.
waiting for the restoration of vision
It was he who first drew attention to medicalthe public on the discrepancy between practical facts and the official theory of view by Helmholtz, developed his own methodology and received the first positive results after conducting classes with his patients, and then with the children in schools.
Bates anomaly refraction with the tension or weakening of six muscles of the eyeball, and not with the lens and ciliary muscle.
It is Bates's theory that applies in his studiesZhdanov. Vladimir Georgievich experienced the restoration of his sight on his own experience, when he came to the courses of Igor Nikolaevich Afonin in Cherepovets. By and by I. N. Afonin and V. Travinka released the book "How beautiful this world is, look" about the method of Shichko-Bates.
Complementing this technique, V.G.Zhdanov today spread it around the world, conducting lectures and classes and connecting to this case numerous associates and teachers. Vladimir Georgievich constantly emphasizes that his technique is not medical, but pedagogical. The purpose of the classes is to teach people the right habits of vision and exercises aimed at restoring it.
Why official medicine does not practice the Bates method
According to Professor Zhdanov, in his lectures,the restoration of vision is unprofitable for modern medicine. Corporate revenues from the sale of eyeglasses, contact lenses, care products, eye surgery associated with refractive visual impairment and the like are about $ 50 billion. The second reason is the inertness of Russian medicine. The main works of W. Bates published in 1912-1921, and in medical schools the Helmholtz theory is still considered to be the only true one, and on its basis the future ophthalmologists are trained.
Professor Zhdanov recovery of vision
And the last reason why the methodrestoration of vision Shichko-Bates is not known to wide circles and has not entered firmly into the practice of treating eye diseases - ordinary laziness. To get a positive result, you need to practice daily and develop a habit of healthy eyesight.
On the method of Shichko
Gennady Andreevich Shichko lived in Leningrad anddeveloped his own method of psychoanalysis even in those times when the word itself was considered abusive. As a result, the method of harmonic disalcoholism appeared. Shichko began to conduct classes, helping people get rid of alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction. Around this outstanding person formed a kind of club, called the "Optimalist". In our time the movement has become widespread. Three golden commandments GA Shichko became the motto of the club. They read:
Many psychological methods from the method of Shichko apply in his classes VG Zhdanov. The restoration of vision becomes a side effect of changing attitudes toward oneself and the world around us.
What is dangerous is poor eyesight and what damage glasses do
In the series of lectures "Recovery of vision according to Zhdanov's method" it is noted that poor eyesight is dangerous for health for the following reasons.
With myopia, the eye has an elongated shape.The retina is in a strained position, and the greater the degree of myopia, the greater the probability of detachment of the retina under physical exertion. For this reason, children with myopia are not taken to sports sections, and women with visual acuity-7 can not be born naturally.
With poor vision, the muscles of the eyeball are tenseand worse supplied with blood. Violated blood circulation of all structures of the eye, hence the occurrence of many diseases, primarily glaucoma and cataracts.
Glasses are harmful to any eye.
The eyeball when wearing glasses is almost motionless, because to see the object the person turns his head. Muscles weaken with all the ensuing consequences.
waiting for a lecture on restoring vision
Irregularities in the refraction of the eye are unstable, especially inchildren. They change during the day, from fatigue, psychological mood, an object that a person looks at and so on. Putting on the glasses, we deprive the eye of the opportunity to return to the optimal state. As a result, visual impairment is progressing and the patient needs lenses with large dioptres.
Exercises for the eyes
According to Professor Zhdanov, the restorationvision is possible at any age. As an example, Academician F. G. Uglova, who in three weeks got rid of farsightedness after 50 years of wearing glasses. Restoring the eyesight by Zhdanov's method is not only a complex of exercises, but also daily care for the eyes, even after recovery.
Eye hygiene in Zhdanov
Care for healthy eyes is reduced to three rules.
Tired - rest! If the eyes are tired, interrupt and perform palmings for 5 minutes.
Every day, three times a day before meals, perform gymnastics for the eye muscles.
Never wear glasses or lenses. Glasses are shackles for the eyes. Use sunglasses only in extreme cases. Remember that light is food for the visual apparatus.
To improve vision
According to Zhdanov, the restoration of vision is based on two methods: relaxation and strengthening of the eye muscles. Also, there are exercises that allow the eye to "get full" with light.
Palming. Literally it is possible to translate from English, as "оладонивание". Close your eyes with your hands so that your eyelids can move freely under them. The palms themselves are crossed in the region of the fingers and form an inverted "V". Do palmings at the beginning and end of each session, as well as the fatigue of the eyes. Time is unlimited, but the longer, the better. Minimum of 5 minutes.
restoration of vision by the method of Zhdanov
Gymnastics for the eyes.8-10 times move your eyes in the directions: up-down, right-left, draw a square, eight and a circle in both directions. After gymnastics, blink easily, relieving tension.
Turns. Performed at the window or with a candle.Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Look in front of you as if into the distance. Make turns to the right and to the left, smoothly, slightly tearing off the heel from the floor. Note that a candle or a window swims past you. Eyes relaxed, look straight ahead. Do 30-50 times.
Exercise with a candle:turns only the head or the whole body, as described above. As Zhdanov notes, lectures on the restoration of vision demonstrate an improvement in visual acuity in the dark after exercises with a candle.
Solarization: treatment by the sun.Stand in the sun (you can not do an exercise at noon when the sun is too bright), close your eyes and turn around 20-30 times. Then close one eye with a palm, the other open and look down. So perform 20-30 turns, then change eyes, then open both eyes. The last turns are carried out, looking straight ahead, the face is exposed to the sun. At the same time quickly blink, one eye is closed with a palm. As the eyes get used to the sun, they are carried out with both eyes. There should be no discomfort, at first it is better to perform exercises at dawn or at sunset. In the absence of the sun, solarization of the eyes can be performed on a candle or a lamp.
method of restoring zhdanov
Recollection as a help to the eyesight: during the palming, revive some pleasant memory. A representation of black color, for example, black velvet, is also useful.
Central fixation.The normal eye sees clearly only the point in the center of the field of vision. An unhealthy eye tries to see the whole field equally clearly, hence tension arises. To relax your eyes, perform an exercise to realize the central fixation. Work with the test table. First fix the view on the wall, then withdraw, relax with a blink. Again, fix the view, already on the table, then remove again. Follow the fix on the line, then on the word, then on a separate letter, then on any part of that letter. Each time they try to notice that the point of fixation of the view is visible better than the area around it.
According to Vladimir Zhdanov, the restorationview can be speeded up using "pirate" glasses. Take the usual glasses, remove the glasses and build a protective "screen" in one eye. In such glasses you can, for example, watch TV, for 10-15 minutes with each eye.
vladimir zhdanov recovery of vision
General recovery
The method of restoring Zhdanov's vision implies a general improvement of the body. In his lectures Vladimir Georgievich draws attention to the following aspects.
Getting rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction.
Purification of the body by complete starvation, observance of Orthodox fasts (according to the method of Porfiry Ivanov).
Finding peace of mind. Particular attention is paid to the seven deadly sins and the upbringing of virtues opposite to them.
If you wear glasses, the technique of recoveryZhdanov's view will help to get rid of them forever. If you are not experiencing eye problems, the simple exercises outlined in the first lecture will allow you to enjoy this state of affairs until old age.

