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{{IN USE}}
'''CellSonic''' (auch VIPP - ''very intense pressure pulses'') ist ein experimentelles Ultraschall - Stosswellen Verfahren des britischen Erfinders und Medizinlaien Andrew Hague. Die verschiedenen Geräte der Cellsonic wurden ab 1987 entwickelt. Sie sollen bei Krebserkrankungen, in der Orthopädie, Urologie (insbesondere bei Nierensteinen) und in der Chirurgie einsetzbar sein. Der Erfinder Hague bewirbt seine CellSonic Anwendungen insbesondere bei Krebserkrankungen:
'''CellSonic''' (auch VIPP - ''very intense pressure pulses'') ist ein experimentelles Ultraschall - Stosswellen Verfahren des britischen Erfinders und Medizinlaien Andrew Hague. Die verschiedenen Geräte der Cellsonic wurden ab 1987 entwickelt. Sie sollen bei Krebserkrankungen, in der Orthopädie, Urologie (insbesondere bei Nierensteinen) und in der Chirurgie einsetzbar sein. Der Erfinder Hague bewirbt seine CellSonic Anwendungen insbesondere bei Krebserkrankungen:
:''..We had a report from a European university that cancer cells were hit with the pressure pulses of the CellSonic type and the replication of mutant cells stopped immediately. There was also a hypothesis from China that pressure kills cancer cells. The authors did not know how to apply the pressure internally, so they were only theorising, but I knew because the pressure exerted by CellSonic is the same as that used in lithotripsy to fracture kidney stones..''<ref>https://www.actascientific.com/ASCB/pdf/ASCB-03-0080.pdf</ref>
:''..We had a report from a European university that cancer cells were hit with the pressure pulses of the CellSonic type and the replication of mutant cells stopped immediately. There was also a hypothesis from China that pressure kills cancer cells. The authors did not know how to apply the pressure internally, so they were only theorising, but I knew because the pressure exerted by CellSonic is the same as that used in lithotripsy to fracture kidney stones..''<ref>https://www.actascientific.com/ASCB/pdf/ASCB-03-0080.pdf</ref>