| *PULC - Progressive Universal Life Church aus Sacramento (Kalifornien). Direktor der Organisation soll ein Pastor Jack J. Stahl sein.<ref>progressive universal life church, 9175 Kiefer Blvd. Suite 139, Sacramento CA 95826, USA. Domain Name: PULC.COM</ref> Die PULC bietet den Pastor gegen eine so genannte Spende von 19,50 US Dollar sowie ministerial packages an: Platinum Partner Ministerial Package, Gold Partner Ministerial Package, Silver Partner Ministerial Package, Bronze Partner Ministerial Package. Angeboten werden diverse scheinkirchliche Ehrentitel wie Ph.D in Religion, Doctor of Biblical Studies, Doctor of Metaphysics, Doctor of Spiritual Holistic Health, Ph.D in Theology, Ph.D in Counseling, Counseling/Healing Practitioner's Guide, Doctor of Divinity, Sainthood Certificate, Ministerial Certificate, Ordination, Ministerial Wallet License. Ferner werden auch Anleitungen zur Trauung von Paaren und ''Psychic Science Courses'' angeboten: Certified Psychic, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Clairvoyant, Certified Tarot Advisor, Certified Dream Analyst, Certified Astrologer, Certified Graphologist, Certified Numerologist oder Certified Palmist. Zitat aus der Werbung: ''"Order a money saving package today and start your very own Ministry! Why not also order for a friend or loved one? This is the perfect Spiritual Gift that keeps on giving! Amen! Beloved Saint, I am proud to present our newest & GREATEST Ministerial Package! It is the Platinum Partner Package... NOW 70% off!... Thank You very much for your love & support of this God Anointed Ministry. With your help we are taking God's Healing and Abundant Life Message around the World! Amen & Amen!"'' | | *PULC - Progressive Universal Life Church aus Sacramento (Kalifornien). Direktor der Organisation soll ein Pastor Jack J. Stahl sein.<ref>progressive universal life church, 9175 Kiefer Blvd. Suite 139, Sacramento CA 95826, USA. Domain Name: PULC.COM</ref> Die PULC bietet den Pastor gegen eine so genannte Spende von 19,50 US Dollar sowie ministerial packages an: Platinum Partner Ministerial Package, Gold Partner Ministerial Package, Silver Partner Ministerial Package, Bronze Partner Ministerial Package. Angeboten werden diverse scheinkirchliche Ehrentitel wie Ph.D in Religion, Doctor of Biblical Studies, Doctor of Metaphysics, Doctor of Spiritual Holistic Health, Ph.D in Theology, Ph.D in Counseling, Counseling/Healing Practitioner's Guide, Doctor of Divinity, Sainthood Certificate, Ministerial Certificate, Ordination, Ministerial Wallet License. Ferner werden auch Anleitungen zur Trauung von Paaren und ''Psychic Science Courses'' angeboten: Certified Psychic, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Clairvoyant, Certified Tarot Advisor, Certified Dream Analyst, Certified Astrologer, Certified Graphologist, Certified Numerologist oder Certified Palmist. Zitat aus der Werbung: ''"Order a money saving package today and start your very own Ministry! Why not also order for a friend or loved one? This is the perfect Spiritual Gift that keeps on giving! Amen! Beloved Saint, I am proud to present our newest & GREATEST Ministerial Package! It is the Platinum Partner Package... NOW 70% off!... Thank You very much for your love & support of this God Anointed Ministry. With your help we are taking God's Healing and Abundant Life Message around the World! Amen & Amen!"'' |