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Anbieter von fragwürdigen Angeboten zur Autismusbehandlung ist auch die [[Scientology]]organisation. MMS-Erfinder Jim Humble war viele Jahre Scientologe.
Anbieter von fragwürdigen Angeboten zur Autismusbehandlung ist auch die [[Scientology]]organisation. MMS-Erfinder Jim Humble war viele Jahre Scientologe.
Glaubt man Erfinder Jim Humble, so sei sein Wundermittel MMS auch zur Brustvergrößerung bei Frauen geeignet. Ausdrücklich forderte er die Leser in Kapitel 23 seines Buchs ''"The MMS Adventures of a Grade School Teacher in Mexico"'' auf, einer Anekdote eines MMS-Anwenders zu glauben. Demnach habe sich bei einem in der Pubertät befindlichen Mädchen erst nach Anwendung MMS eine weibliche Brust entwickelt. Humble schreibt:
Glaubt man Erfinder Jim Humble, so sei sein Wundermittel MMS auch zur Brustvergrößerung bei Frauen geeignet. Ausdrücklich forderte er die Leser in Kapitel 23 seines Buchs ''"The MMS Adventures of a Grade School Teacher in Mexico"'' auf, einer Anekdote eines MMS-Anwenders zu glauben. Demnach habe sich bei einem in der Pubertät befindlichen Mädchen erst nach Anwendung MMS eine weibliche Brust entwickelt. Humble schreibt:
:''"You may have wondered just what might really be done with the MMS, really! Well, read this:"<br>The next day I called to find out how they were doing. (After taking MMS) They pointed out that the daughter, Patty Souaza, had not had her period for six months, plus she had not yet developed breasts. She had a large chest, but no breasts had shown. Yet, that morning breasts about the size of a small lime had begun to develop. At that time I suggested the daughter take another dose on Thursday which was 4 days later. When I called on Thursday she mentioned that her large chest had formed into full size breasts and she now had her period for the first time in six months."''
:''"You may have wondered just what might really be done with the MMS, really! Well, read this:"<br>The next day I called to find out how they were doing. (After taking MMS) They pointed out that the daughter, Patty Souaza, had not had her period for six months, plus she had not yet developed breasts. She had a large chest, but no breasts had shown. Yet, that morning breasts about the size of a small lime had begun to develop. At that time I suggested the daughter take another dose on Thursday which was 4 days later. When I called on Thursday she mentioned that her large chest had formed into full size breasts and she now had her period for the first time in six months."''