
3 Bytes entfernt ,  22:10, 25. Jul. 2014
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Frass wird häufig von Homöopathen zitiert, wenn die Frage nach über Placeboeffekte hinausgehende Wirkungen der Homöopathie positiv beantwortet werden soll.
Frass wird häufig von Homöopathen zitiert, wenn die Frage nach über Placeboeffekte hinausgehende Wirkungen der Homöopathie positiv beantwortet werden soll.
Frass hat eine Studie bei Patienten durchgeführt, die im Koma waren. Auf diese Weise sollten Suggestiveffekte angeblich keine Rolle gespielt haben. Er behauptet in der Studie, dass ein homöopathisches Mittel (Kaliumdichromat C30, [[DHU]]) Absonderungen aus der Luftröhre "signifikant verringert" habe.<ref>Frass M, Dielacher C, Linkesch M, Endler C, Muchitsch I, Schuster E, Kaye A. Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients. Chest. 2005; 127:936-41 [http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/127/3/936.full Volltext]</ref> Die Arbeit geriet in die Kritik, da im Titel der Arbeit (''Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients'') von Kaliumchromat als Wirkstoff die Rede ist (ohne dabei zu erwähnen dass es sich um eine Anwendung der Homöopathie handelte), dieser jedoch auf Grund der extremen Verdünnung (C30, dreissigste Centesimal-Potenzierung) nicht über die bereits im Lösungsmittel hinausgehende Konzentration hinaus eingesetzt wurde.<ref>Letter to the editor. (Chest). <br>Treating Critically Ill Patients With Sugar Pills<br>David Colquhoun, FRS, University College of London, London,UK<br>To the Editor:<br>It surprises me that CHEST would publish an article (March 2005)1 on the effect of a therapeutic agent when in fact the patients received none of the agent mentioned in the title of the article. It is not mentioned in the title, but reading the article reveals that the “potassium dichromate” was a homeopathic C30 dilution. That is a dilution by a factor of 1060, and for those of us who believe in the Avogadro number, that means there would be one molecule in a sphere with a diameter of approximately 1.46 × 1011 m. That is close to the distance from the earth to the sun. To describe this as “diluted and well shaken,” as the authors do, is the understatement of the century. The fact of the matter is that the medicine contained no medicine.
Frass hat eine Studie bei Patienten durchgeführt, die im Koma waren. Auf diese Weise sollten Suggestiveffekte angeblich keine Rolle gespielt haben. Er behauptet in der Studie, dass ein homöopathisches Mittel (Kaliumdichromat C30, [[DHU]]) Absonderungen aus der Luftröhre "signifikant verringert" habe.<ref>Frass M, Dielacher C, Linkesch M, Endler C, Muchitsch I, Schuster E, Kaye A. Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients. Chest. 2005; 127:936-41 [http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/127/3/936.full Volltext]</ref> Die Arbeit geriet in die Kritik, da im Titel der Arbeit (''Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients'') von Kaliumchromat als Wirkstoff die Rede ist (ohne dabei zu erwähnen dass es sich um eine Anwendung der Homöopathie handelte), dieser jedoch auf Grund der extremen Verdünnung (C30, dreissigste Centesimal-Potenzierung) nicht über die bereits im Lösungsmittel vorhandene Konzentration hinaus eingesetzt wurde.<ref>Letter to the editor. (Chest). <br>Treating Critically Ill Patients With Sugar Pills<br>David Colquhoun, FRS, University College of London, London,UK<br>To the Editor:<br>It surprises me that CHEST would publish an article (March 2005)1 on the effect of a therapeutic agent when in fact the patients received none of the agent mentioned in the title of the article. It is not mentioned in the title, but reading the article reveals that the “potassium dichromate” was a homeopathic C30 dilution. That is a dilution by a factor of 1060, and for those of us who believe in the Avogadro number, that means there would be one molecule in a sphere with a diameter of approximately 1.46 × 1011 m. That is close to the distance from the earth to the sun. To describe this as “diluted and well shaken,” as the authors do, is the understatement of the century. The fact of the matter is that the medicine contained no medicine.
The authors will doubtless claim some magic effect of shaking that causes the water to remember for years that it once had some dichromate in it. The memory of water has been studied quite a lot. The estimate of the duration of this memory has been revised2 downwards from a few picoseconds to approximately 50 femtoseconds (50 × 10-15 s). That is not a very good shelf life.
The authors will doubtless claim some magic effect of shaking that causes the water to remember for years that it once had some dichromate in it. The memory of water has been studied quite a lot. The estimate of the duration of this memory has been revised2 downwards from a few picoseconds to approximately 50 femtoseconds (50 × 10-15 s). That is not a very good shelf life.
